Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1424: Holding from Heaven, Earth and the Stars (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of 'Fallen 1527', ‘Gentleman's Library’! And rewards for 'fellow bookmate_ARCHER’, 'curator W’, ‘one of the quasi-animate mansions’, ‘unknown ◎ mortal’, 'God on me', ‘Governor 666 of the North', 'Windless Heaven’, ‘golden cask of liquor’, ‘imitation of the sky trident’, ‘white star sea’, ‘take your balls away’!

When Noah first met the Unseen, there was a brief confrontation with the Great Saint of Qi Tian.

At that time, the power of Qi Tian Dasheng, though equally astonishing, was at the highest level even among the gods, and it was not weaker than the man of Suzo, nor weaker than the gods Noah had slain before.

But then Qi Tian Da San, Noah had the confidence to win.

Even without the right to use it.

But this time, until just now, the power exhibited by Qi Tian Dasheng was overwhelming over the state of the unseen, and suddenly rose to a point where even Noah had no confidence to win.

That lift, it's kind of weird.

“I don't think you're the type of person who hides power, and the power you show in the unseen should be your full strength. ”

Noah's gaze fell straight on Qi Tian Da Sheng, who stepped on the cloud, saying so.

“So, I think there must be a reason why your power suddenly becomes so strong. ”

“You're right, that reason is the ancient covenant I mentioned.” Qi Tian Dasheng also stopped hiding and directly solved Noah's doubts.

“It is a covenant that the gods have set up together to fight against the demonic king of the gods, and if the conditions are right, it will enable the gods who fight against the demonic king of the gods to gain strength from heaven and earth and from the stars, and to enhance their strength. ”

“At the end of the day, the so-called gods are everything and everything, so it's not strange to get support from the heavens and the earth and the stars.” Qi Tian Da Holy Mouth said that, but his face showed a proud expression.

“Unfortunately, not all gods have the ability to gain the support of the heavens and the earth and the stars. Only a few 'steels' with considerable authority and bravery have this right. My grandchildren's bravery is well known. Isn't it strange to acquire this power? ”

The covenant that was established together to fight against the Demon King who killed God.

That is why it is called the ancient covenant.

I'd love to.

For the gods, they were slaughtered by the mortals of the people of the district, and usurped in power, as a result of which they could not be forgiven.

It is not surprising to respond to this.

But not all gods have this power, as the Great Saint Qi Tian said.

Otherwise, all the Gods of the Gods would have died in battle.

In addition to this, according to the Qi Tian Da Sheng, the conditions are necessary to obtain this power.

Think back to Noah's last move that was different from this one.

“That condition, is it against the plural gods? ”

“Exactly.” Qi Tian Da Sheng nodded his head.

“As long as I can exercise the ancient covenant against the plural gods, I can draw on the power of the stars in heaven and earth, and now this power has been lent to my brothers and sisters, so that even if my two brothers are only subordinate gods, they can hold back the gods of their homeland. ”

“Next, all I have to do is defeat you and defeat another god killer. This great battle is my grandson's victory!” Qi Tian Da Saint Haha laughed.

“It is not necessary to delay, Goddess Murderer, hurry up and fight my grandson to split the earth, 300 rounds of war! ”

At the moment of the discourse, Qi Tian Dasheng's muscle cloud trembled immediately, and in the voice of "Ying", instantly approached Noah.

As soon as he entered the attack range, Qi Tian Dasheng did not have the golden hoop stick in his hasty wave without any hesitation.

Heavy steel rods, like flexible whips, cast a shadow halfway through the sky, smashing it all over Noah.

Noah reacted in a timely fashion with an incredibly light retreat, and the sword in her hand was like a shield, waving in front of her, protecting Noah's entire body behind her.

“Psst...! ”

Countless bars fell on the sword, stirring a crisp sound, causing a wave of sparks and shocks to oscillate frequently, expanding in all directions.

Each blow made Noah feel a very heavy force coming from the fierce self-holy sword, shocked Noah's sword-held hand numbness, and his body even retreated, constantly crushing the ground, leaving a hole.

Though not authentic, Qi Tian Dasheng's golden hoop stick, revealed with his own power, still weighs 13,500 kg and is very heavy and scary.

Noah couldn't have survived that fierce offense if he hadn't been constantly attacked by such a steel rod with LV.5's ability value and using magic to reinforce his arm.

After all, Noah, despite the Sovereignty of the Leo Sun, possessed the gift of a knife gun, but that is to say, a knife gun, immunized all Leaves weapons from attack.

Qi Tian Da Sheng's golden hoop rod is not a sharp blade weapon, and the blow can be completely turned into damage, affecting Noah.

In the case of Gargi, it is perfectly possible to derive the concept of rebounding all weapons and bouncing the golden hoop off with the sovereignty of the Leo Sun.

However, Noah is not the incarnation of Vishnu, and there is no way to draw the power of the Lion Rohimo with the sovereignty of the Leo Sun, rebounding all weapons, only to eject the sharp edge weapon, to reach the point where the knife gun cannot enter.

So for Noah, Archdeacon's attack was quite tricky indeed.

Fortunately, Noah also has the dragon's strengthening of its solar sovereignty, which can greatly increase the power output.

As a result, Noah extracted a great deal of divine power and instilled it on the holy sword in her hand.

“Buzz ————! ”

The Pokémon costume called Demon_Slayer immediately shines bright white light.

In the glorious white light, Qi Tian Dasheng's body, attacking at the speed of God, stagnated suddenly, retreating from the state of God's speed.

Although it is only a Pokémon costume imitated by the magic of "Weapon Refined", the ability to break the spell of "Demon_Slayer" still exists.

The ability to break the spell triggered by Demon_Slayer has been temporarily broken by the power of both the godless and the disobedient, infused with a great deal of divine power.

Therefore, the divine power of Qi Tian Dasheng was directly destroyed and withdrawn from the state of divine speed.

“Choke ————! ”

At this moment, Noah incarnated the lightning, carrying a holy sword that emitted a glimmer of white light, and burst into the direction of Qi Tian Da Sheng.

Heran is the first type of swordsmanship - "Purple Electricity".

“No!” Qi Tian Da Saint Tong shouted, hurrying over his body.

“Psst! ”

The sword with the sharp wind rubbed the open chest on the side of Qi Tian Da Saint and landed in the open space.

The divine power it carries is like a substantial wind, and it stings like a hot, spicy pain in the chest of a holy heaven.

However, the next moment, Noah's holy sword was once again indoctrinated with a great deal of divine power, giving off a glorious white light.

“Swordsmanship! Type 3 - Moon Dance! ”

The holy sword, which fell in the sky with the breasts of the Great Holy Spirit, was transformed into a moonlight, like a full moon, with a quiet breath, and passed.

It is possible to cut it in half if it falls on the Great Sage of Qi Tian.

Because Qi Tian Da San Na Jingong's power to break the spell with Demon_Slayer is not indestructible.

Together with the "Shadow Moon Dance" through the dragon's Sun Sovereignty, which strengthens the power of a large amount of divine and powerful energy.

So chopped, let Qi Tian Da Sheng's hair rise.

At the first sight of Qi Tian Da Sheng, as if his waist had been broken, he lay on his back and came directly to a bridge of iron slabs.

“Psst! ”

Slashing like a moonlight once again against the breast of the Great Sage of Qi Tian, lying on his back.

“There you are! God-killer! ”

Qi Tian Dasheng drank, his arms vibrated, the heavy steel rod was like a heavy hammer, sweeping Noah's side waist straight.

But before that, Noah jumped to the top of Qi Tian's head.

“Psst! ”

Silver's sword is filled with fierce force, like tearing all the air apart to the fullest, against the heavens beneath.