Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1430: Two Angry Gods (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of Rain Condenser! And rewards for 'Ice Emperor ~ Moon’, 'o0 Tear Wounds 0o', ‘Watchman Khazix’, ‘True ’, 'I Drum’, ‘Yu Library’, 'Pi Ai’, ‘Magic Feitan’, 'Crazy for You [x]’, ‘Dusk Lover’, ‘Abyss § Dragon Emperor’, ‘White Star Sea’!

When the angry voice of Robona sounded all over the sky, the people present performed completely differently.

Lancelot was wearing a helmet and had no idea what kind of expression he was wearing, but his hand slowly relaxed while holding the long gun.

Gnívia's face began to relax as soon as her eyeballs turned.

Only Noah was suddenly caught up in this unexpected trouble, and the fire in her heart came up all of a sudden.

“I haven't talked to you yet, are you going to ruin my good again?! ”

“Billing?” The anger in the eyes also seems more intense.

“I am worthy of the heavens and the earth, I am worthy of my parents, and I have never owed anyone anything, King Noah, you are an insult to me! ”

“I'm too lazy to talk to you here!” Noah's voice couldn't help but rise.

“I can't talk to you right now. Get out of there. You're not the one I'm looking for! ”

When you hear Noah's words, Luo is naturally getting angry.

But Noah understood.

Simply put, Noah is not interested in Lo Chi, but is looking for the shadow of the gods and gods who have been ignored by Lo Chi.

Though Luo Xiao did not put the district god ancestor in his eyes at all, let alone the shadow of Lancelot in his heart, that is why Noah's statement made Luo Xiao more and more angry.

Being perceived by Luo Xiao as the existence of a strong enemy and opponent, rather than ignoring Luo Xiao, all intend to focus more attention on those who are ignored.

How can this keep Luo from getting angry?

I really can't remember how long I haven't been as angry as I am today.

In the case of ordinary people, they would have been slaughtered without saying anything.

But now that he sees Noah as a fierce enemy and opponent, he naturally only wants to overcome Noah in the right challenge.

At the moment, Robert turned his head and cast a cold gaze on Gnívia and Lancelot.

“Are you going to stand in my way? ”

As such a phrase sounded, the breath of the unrivalled King of Warriors instantly locked Gnivia and Lancelot.

In response, Gnnyvia was stiff, while Lancelot was a faint opening.

“O god of the land of China, you have misunderstood that I have absolutely no intention of encroaching upon the idea of a holy duel. ”

“As the uncle said, my lord bishop.” Gnivia reacted as well, smiling a little.

“In the duel between the Bishop and Lord Noah, Gnívia has absolutely no idea of disturbing the good or the bad. ”

“In that case, step back!” Lo said so with an unquestionable tone.

“Now if you step back, I can forgive you your sins and not pursue your gains and losses! ”

Lo, let Gnívia have a good time.

“In that case, Gnivia is here to retire!” Gnivia hastily asked.

“Uncle! ”

“I know what to do.” Lancelot said with regret.

“While it is a pity to miss this confrontation with two God-fearing men like the rest of the world, I am now only a shadow after all, it is my duty to shelter my beloved daughter, so stand down here for a while. ”

After that, Lancelot clamped his white horse's back, causing the white horse to make a long hiss.

“Wanna go?” Noah's eyes flashed.

“How could it be that easy?! ”

By the way, Noah's body was shaped like an arrow off the string, bursting out, rushing in the direction of Lancelot and Gnievia.

This move, however, further angered the already angry Luo.

“King Noah, your opponent is me! ”

As a fairy who had descended from the sky, she stepped on the air, and the feathers on her Han suit floated with the wind, turning her delicate body, inevitably disappearing into place. Once again, she appeared in front of Noah, who had burst into the direction where Lancelot and Gnievia were.

Just as Europe has magic and the Far East has spells such as yin and yang, so does China.

That spell, called surgery, is called magic.

Now, Luo Xiao uses a technique called "shrinking divine power", also known as "divine footprint".

Using this technique, even ordinary people get an incomparable speed.

And as the martial arts crown of China, Luo Xiao used this technique to achieve the effect of instantaneous movement.

As long as Luo Wan is willing, basically, no matter which country, Luo Wan can arrive in an instant with the technique of 'divine footprint'.

Last time in Italy, in the battle with Noah, Luo Hao used this technique.

Nowadays, Luo once again used such a godless technique.

“King Noah! Pick me up! ”

In response to the raging Noah, Luo used the power of "King Kong's Mighty Gods" almost in the first place, with tremendous weirdness, and shot Noah in the face.

With this clap, all the air passing through was crushed to the maximum, creating a very strong sound explosion.

However, in the face of this clap, Noah ignored it completely, as if she intended to use her body directly to block the clap that would open the mountain crack.

Instead, it was a shock, and the force in the hand was forced to converge a few points, slowing down the palm.

Just at this moment, Noah suddenly slipped away, drawing a perfect arc, crossing directly over Loren, and the undiminished blast headed in the direction of Lancelot and Gnievia.

See, Gnivia couldn't help but be shocked.

“Uncle! ”

Suddenly, Lancelot did not have any hesitation in holding the reins in his hand, causing the magnificent white horse to tread heavily in the air, like a loaded bullet, to retreat.

However, Noah's body burst into the direction of Lancelot, suddenly trembling, and the entire velocity surged several degrees, turning into a lightning bolt that plunged straight out.

“Psst! ”

In Noah's hand, a splendid white light appeared, transformed into a silver sword, flashing in space.

Holding a silver sword, Noah embodies electric light, breaks space, and flies to Lancelot's retreat.

Lancelot was shocked, almost a reflexed, anti-scaling gun in his tight hand, flying toward Noah in front of him and stabbing him hard.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked Lancelot all appeared.

“Psst! ”

Along with a golden iron-like banging sound, a sharp, long gun stabbed Noah hard in the heart, stirring up a Mars, like hitting hard steel, without even an inch of skin piercing.

“Swordsmanship! Preliminary - violet! ”

Blinking with bright white light, St. Kenton staggered past a sharp longgun, cutting the air and thrusting into Lancelot's chest.

“Pfft! ”

The silver sword penetrated Lancelot's thick armor, pierced Lancelot's body, penetrated Lancelot's back and took a piece of blood.

“Uncle!” Gnívia was horrified.

However, Lancelot had no leisure time to respond to Gnívia.

Because, as he flew, Noah suddenly let go of his sword-held hand, a spin, a powerful leg whip, and heavily kicked Lancelot.

“Boo-hoo! ”

In the muffled sound, Lancelot, with Gnivia in his arms, was kicked directly by a leg whip and flied out of the back of the horse, rubbing the air, like a broken kite, falling halfway down.

Soon after, Lancelot and Gnivia disappeared between the mountains, not knowing where they had fallen.

The White Horse of the Spirit immediately disappeared as if it were a fading fog.

Noah lowered her head and looked in the direction where Lancelot and Gnivia disappeared. Just as she wanted to dive down, a violent spell shook up in the middle of the sky.

A fierce wind struck, like a storm, in the direction of Noah.

Noah took a deep breath as she lagged.

“Tiger doesn't strike, do you really think I'm a sick cat?! ”

A gorgeous sword sheath appears in Noah's hand when his hand flips.

“Bloom! Ideal place to stay away from the world! Avalon ----! ”

The gorgeous sheath of swords blossomed into a crystalline barrier that covered Noah's entire body.