Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1466: Shock of the Goddess of the Trinity (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the 3000 reward of "Fucking Big"! 1000 rewards for 'Book Friend 160331205705740’! And rewards for 'watching you update again silently’, 'White Star Sea’, 'No. 1 Soy Party’, ‘Quasi-Animated Mansion One’, ‘Pointe ’, 'The Apocalypse Spoon’, ‘My Unstoppable’, ‘Daytime Dizziness’, ‘Sad Kerk Cold Wine’, ‘Texas Old Monster’, ‘Pokémon’, ‘wdwrx’!

Like a stormy black wind rising from Athena, as if it were a burning pitch-black flame, it could not help but climb up.

And in that thick darkness, Athena's figure was like a floating feather, suspended, her whole body wrapped in darkness like a burning, climbing pitch-black flame, and the black sickle in her hand was raised high.

Then Athena's voice sounds out of the darkness and passes away.

“Light can indeed drive away the darkness, but darkness can also devour the light, the enemy of the concubine's throne, let the darkness of Athena devour it! ”

In Athena's loud proclamation, the darkness that burns like a pitch-black flame and rises suddenly twists, instantly turning into a pitch-black serpent.

Athena, suspended seven inches above the pitch-black serpent, swung the raised black sickle in the direction of Noah.

As Athena's black sickle chopped off, the pitch-black serpent, made up of thick darkness, lifted up its enormous head and swept its entire upper body in the direction of Noah, like prey.

The Black Snake is quite large.

Though not as big as the dragon once summoned to the media by using the Sun Sovereignty of Serpentine, a single head is as big as a city, but a snake head of a pitch-black serpent is also as big as a building.

As a result, Noah's entire field of view was shielded and her clothes violently shaken by the wind waves as the dark serpent burst out and dived down into the direction of Noah and opened a huge faucet filled with darkness.

That feeling, like a whole dark giant mountain, suddenly fell from the sky and cracked down on Noah so hard that he couldn't help but numb his scalp.

Even Noah felt that way.

So Noah knew very well that Athena was right.

Even though Demon_Slayer has strong restraint over darkness, if the darkness is too intense as a breaking object, it will only be swallowed up in reverse.

If Noah's Demon_Slayer is the true most powerful elf demon costume, then perhaps, with the power of Esther, no darkness can swallow the light of the sword, supported by Noah's infinite divine power.

But now, Esther is still asleep to awaken her true strength.

"Demon_Slayer" in Noah's hand is a replica of "Weapon Refined" magic.

While the performance of weapons imitated by the magic of "weapon refinement" is not weaker than that of the body, there are various remaining limitations.

Like "Boosted_Gear" and "Divine_Dividing", the Red Dragon Emperor can be imitated with the magic of "Weapon Refined", but cannot use "Balance_Breaker".

As a result, their usefulness in combat is reduced considerably, even in many high-ranking battles, under enormous limitations of their ability to launch once in 10 seconds.

The same is true of Demon_Slayer.

Even if it is imitated, its performance will not be weaker than that of Esther before she falls asleep, all that can be imitated is performance, there are no elves in it, and it is empty.

Without the cooperation of the Deed Pokémon, the power of the Pokémon Costume will be reduced by more than half.

In this way, the imitation of Demon_Slayer may not break Athena's full darkness.

Now, Noah looked at the giant black snake's head, whirring and rushing, and her eyes were also overwhelmed by the colour.

So Noah's mind moved and the divine power source, which was filled with the constant source of divine power, shifted and transformed energy again.

This time, however, the energy in the energy source is not completely transformed into one of magic, divine power and divine power, but a tremor, transformed into equal amounts of magic and divine power.

When both energies are used simultaneously, the output of each energy will be reduced by half.

Fortunately, Noah now has dragon solar sovereignty to reinforce its contribution, greatly reducing its contribution to half the disadvantage.

“Buzz ————! ”

The next moment, a huge golden ripple expands from the ground in front of Noah as a shock sounds.

In other words, a shield like the wall of the city rose suddenly from the giant golden ripple and stood in front of Noah, guarding Noah firmly.

And in this huge shield that suddenly appeared like a city wall, the head of the snake that burst into darkness similarly fluctuated with horror, whistling down and falling heavily on that thick shield.

“Boom --! ”

In time, the roar of the heavenly price rang between the vast temples and shook the echo, carrying a substantial impact like an invisible ripple, spreading.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Where the shock waves of terror had passed, the ancient temple ground had been devastated the most, like a broken glass, exploding very simply, and even the raised rubble of rubble had been shocked into powder, appalling.

“Bang --! ”

The shockwave of terror is still spreading, and the pillar that branded the snake-shaped pattern is also under shock, crushing the tortoise.

In this case, a stone column fell, causing the entire temple to collapse and even vibrate.

Now, even the temple's ceiling can no longer hold the prototype, and in the "clicking" sound, the irresistible creates a tortoise.

A piece of crushed rubble fell from the ceiling and the rainy leakage went down.

For a while, the entire temple seemed to be ravaged by an earthquake, shaking and crashing.

It wasn't until this time that the black snake slowly lifted itself out of the thick sand and dust that had sprung like a spring.

In the body of a dark snake, Athena, with a black sickle in her hand, stared closely at the spreading thick sand and dust, and a pair of cold snake eyes flashed slightly.

At some point, Athena's pretty face changed slightly.

In this moment, a dark shadow bursts out of the thick sand and dust that spreads.

The shadow's body is a silver chain with a single body flowing with golden light and different shapes of wedges on the front end.

Such a chain bursts out of the thick sand and dust that spreads, like an arrow off a string, before a giant black snake that lifts its head.

Then, the chain of that strip was a twist, like a skeleton wrapped around the snake body of a giant black serpent, and bound the long serpent body together.

“ ———— ”

The dark giant snake suddenly growled silently and began to struggle desperately, twisting the giant snake's body.

But the chain of that strip was wrapped around the giant snake.

No matter how hard the serpent struggles, it will not be able to make a single crack.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was astonished by the extraordinary power of her eyes to see the nature of the chain wrapped tightly around the dark serpent.

“How could this be...”

However, something that really surprises Athena is still behind us.

A golden ripple of water suddenly flashed forward.

Inside, a knife, sword, gun, trident and all kinds of other weapons seemed to detect the surface of the water and emerged, printed into the curtains of Athena.

Extraordinary wisdom made Athena feel like she had just seen the essence of that weapon in an instant.

So Athena recognized it almost instantly.

At this moment, each of the weapons presented in front of it is a monument of great prestige in all sorts of myths.

No, no, no.

It's more than that.

Among them are even prototypes that serve as prestigious artifacts.

Now, these weapons, they're all aimed at Athena.

In the next second, an item of weaponry was turned into a beam of light in a path, exposing itself to Athena, whose face had changed dramatically.