Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1482: People Who Can Really Save The World (Moon Ticket)

(Many thanks to 'Alice, Night Rabbit' for the 1888 reward! And rewards for 'ID Traveler’, 'Fantasy Night by Night’, 'Knife Prep’, 'White Star Sea’, ‘Ghost Fan’, ‘Deng Mao’, ‘Shiziku’, ‘Texas Old Monster’, ‘Mu Yu 28726', ‘Just a Maple Leaf'!

About half an hour later, the Shayyah Palace left the hotel with a sweet winter horse.

As the head of the Tokyo Branch of the Orthodox Codification Commission and the next head of the Shayya family, the future commander-in-chief of the Commission, the Shayya Palace Xin said that, in any event, the entire Japanese spell community would lend its full support to Noah and Alec.

Otherwise, the Codification Commission would really be unable to cope with this catastrophe.

And that's exactly why humans in this world need deities.

For, apart from the God-fearing, there is no existence that can resist the Gods, protect mankind from them, and protect the world.

That's why humans are king of god killers.

Even if it was the King of Demons who could bring great terror, it would be the same.

Noah and Alec, the only two deities alive with their heads in their minds, both express a sense of the situation, but it is no surprise.

After all, the same thing has happened to two people as kings many times.

Anyway, with the full support of all the forces that secretly control the country, that would be of great help to Noah and Alec.

At least, the problem with the venue is solved.

Before planning to visit Noah and Alec, the Shayyah Palace followed Noah's instructions and sent someone to arrange the venue.

By the time the Shayyah Palace had left the hotel with Kampong Dongma, the issue of the venue was already ready.

In this case, Alec left the hotel directly and went to the ready site.

There are only two reasons why a confrontation with a brave man who annihilates the Demon King requires a venue.

One: To prevent the fighting from reaching innocent ordinary people and causing casualties.

Especially this time.

The opponent is a savior who can use a knife that cleaves even stars and sinks an island, punching the sea and the earth with one knife.

If the venue is not prepared, it is only feared that there will be serious casualties.

Two: for Alec.

Unlike the rest of the Gods, Alec is not very good at confrontation.

If Alec is given enough time and conditions to prepare, this Divine Fae will be able to unleash a fighting power that no one can ignore.

In order to deal with Lancelot and the mask god, Alec must be fully prepared.

Otherwise, it would be quite dangerous for even the God-killers, both of them disobeying God.

With this in mind, Noah will be submitting a request to the Codification Commission for the preparation of the site.

Now that the venue is ready, Alec will naturally have to go and get ready.

It is estimated that on this night everyone will be too busy to even sleep.

Not Noah, of course.

What Noah needs to do is done.

Now, Noah's only mission, only one.

That is, wait for dawn to come.

Under these circumstances, near dawn, Erica, Yuri, Liliana and Hui finally returned.

As soon as she walked in, Erica threw a direct line like this.

“Your things, I have given to that brave man. ”

“I suppose so.” Noah replied unexpectedly.

“If that wasn't the case, that guy would be in the city looking for me and Alec, right? ”

“Now the brave swordsman, Lord Lancelot and the masked god of the wind are standing by in the suburban mountains.” Liliana said seriously.

“I suppose they'll wait until dawn before heading to a designated location for a duel? ”

“That would be better.” Noah shrugged her shoulders and looked out the window at the sky that began to glow slightly.

“As long as I can wait till dawn, I'm ready. ”

Erica, Yuri, Liliana and Heiner looked at each other.

I don't know why Noah had to wait till dawn, but at this time, not asking is the most intriguing way to treat her.

Besides, why does Noah have to wait until dawn to act, and more or less can be guessed by a line of teenage girls.

Actually, that's not hard to guess.

John Pluto-Smith, the god of North America, possesses the power known as Super Transformation.

It's the power that can transform people into all kinds of forms and use all kinds of incarnations.

However, for every incarnation used, a corresponding sacrifice is required.

Otherwise, this power cannot be activated.

Moreover, an avatar cannot be used again for seven days after it has been used.

This ability to exercise multiple abilities and incarnations generally has very strict usage times and conditions.

And Noah had defeated Welleslana, the God of Victory, who had ten incarnations and was invincible in his ability to diversify.

So if Noah, like that god in North America, usurped from a god the power to use multiple abilities and incarnations, it's not surprising that this power has strict conditions for use.

Perhaps one of them is an avatar that has to wait until dawn?

That's what a line of girls think.

And this idea, though not entirely true, is implicitly obscured.

Although there is little time and conditions for use of Noyana's Decadent powers, it does need to wait until dawn to use them.

Otherwise, unauthorized use would only have some bad effects on the world.

These things, girls naturally don't know, but they don't ask questions.

Including Erica and Liliana, who have been following Noah for a short time.

Only Yuri, slightly forward, came to Noah and gave Noah the sword sheath he had been holding in his arms with great solemnity.

“This, belongs to the owner. ”

Noah glanced slightly at "Avalon", which was solemnly handed to her by Yuri, not picked up, but looked directly at Yuri.

“You need more protection from this sheath than I do, but take it. ”

“No, Wong.” Wheena shook her head.

“The one who needs to use this incredible sheath is the king, and Heiner and others don't need it anymore. ”

First, Noah was stunned and reacted.

“So you're not coming with us in the First World War of the Last King? ”

“This is a little wrong.” Erica corrected.

“Simply put, we can't go with them. ”

“No?” Noah frowned, turning her eyes to Liliana, full of exploration.

“Now that volcanic areas around the world are beginning to mutate, the temperatures of the oceans and the earth are rising, even temperatures are starting to rise, and soon, I'm afraid, will become a world-class disaster.” Liliana explained.

“According to you, it was the manifestation of" The Last King "that began to elevate the spirituality of fire and wind around the world, so that, in order not to let disaster happen, all the magical societies in Europe convene their members to prepare for a grand ceremony to calm the spirituality of fire and wind. ”

“It is not just Europe, but the Orthodox History Codification Commission is issuing a convening order to bring together witches and magicians from all over Japan to calm the spirits of the earth and the sea.” Yuri said so with a look like a sense of purpose.

“While it is unclear to what extent this will bring the spirituality of fire and wind back, it will at least delay the coming of the end of life. ”

“Is that so?” Noah sighed.

“So you've all been summoned? ”

“It is also something that cannot be done.” Liliana sighed too rarely.

“While, as a knight, it is absolutely inexcusable to allow a monarch to go to battlefield alone, similarly, sitting in front of people's plight is not what a knight should be doing. ”

“Given the issue of time, we are not returning to Italy, but are prepared to hold a ceremony here with the people of the Orthodox Codification Commission.” Erica looked at Noah.

“After all, it is a crisis around the world, and magical societies around the world must work together to calm the turmoil of the earth and the sea. ”

“On the contrary, this is the only thing that Heiner and others can do.” Wyna smiled and said to Noah.

“Only a king can truly save the world. ”

Noah silenced down and smiled.

“Leave it to me! ”

A line of young girls revealed an incredibly beautiful smile that had not disappeared for a long time.