Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1499: Converting a Spirit into a Sword Elf

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Sondery’, 'Famous Fantasy Circle’, ‘Muyu 28726;' '' (9) ~ Chiruno ~ (9) ’,‘ Unknown ◎ Muyin ’,‘ Crowd Fairy 233 ’,‘ Closed Festival Moon ’,‘ Ghost Song ’,‘ The End of the World Song ’,‘ Ghost Fan ’,‘ Texas Old Monster ’,‘ 1 Turning Years Away ’!

For a moment, Noah even wondered if she was wrong.

But Athena dispelled Noah's suspicions with a slight tone.

“Turn the concubine into that taboo 'steel' so that the man's mission ends with you. ”

“Wait... wait!” Noah stopped screaming, took a deep breath and calmed down her own consternation before asking for a voice.

“You said, turning you into a Savior? ”

“Concubine knows what you're thinking.” Athena's tone hasn't even changed, and it's still as pale as it sounds.

“But you heard right, and the concubine will turn into the 'steel' of salvation to help you defeat the brave. ”

“Even if you say so, I don't get it.” Noah asked directly.

“What the hell is going on? ”

“It's really simple, if you think about it, you'll understand.” Athena did not hang Noah's appetite and answered Noah's question very simply.

“The kamikaze is an integral being with that man, so once he dies, he will become a kamikaze and fall asleep. Then, as long as the kamikaze is destroyed, that man will naturally no longer be able to awaken, sleep completely, return to the myth, and be defeated by you. ”

“Unfortunately, the Knife cannot be destroyed.” Athena said so.

“In that case, instead of destroying the kamikaze, simply solve the man who is the contents of the kamikaze. ”

The knife that integrates with the brave is equivalent to the brave man himself.

After all, the so-called 'steel' god is meant to be the living god of the sword.

This statement explains that the cost should be that the steel-shaped sword possesses the shape of a human being, and it also possesses a soul.

Like the monsters that are mentioned in many television dramas, it makes sense that they're supposed to be animals, plants, even something else, but they're practicing adulthood.

In other words, today's brave men are equivalent to what is commonly called being "hit back".

Though the body becomes a kamikaze and falls asleep, the soul of the brave remains within the kamikaze.

“Concubine is the dark goddess in charge of the underworld. Playing with the soul is also the domain of concubine, so that concubine can abandon the body of the past and merge with you.” Athena explained.

“Now the concubine is equivalent to the state of the only remaining soul. Why not just merge the concubine with the kamikaze and expel the soul of the man who slept in the kamikaze? ”

“Integrate with the kamikaze?” Noah sounded highly skeptical.

“Can you do that? ”

“Naturally, it cannot be done.” Athena said without hesitation.

“The concubine is the goddess of the earth, not the god of the sword. In the final words, even the god of the sword is like the existence of one another. How can you occupy the body of the god of the sword and make yourself" steel "? ”

With such a phrase, Athena suddenly changed her tongue.

“But the concubine reads your life from the depths of your heart, knowing the existence of the 'steel' now in your hands. ”

Noah couldn't help but look down and see Demon_Slayer in her hand.

“The 'steel' in your hand is not a god, but a so-called elf.” Athena's voice sounded slowly in Noah's heart.

“Knowing the existence of such a similarity to" steel ", the concubine thought at the time that, since she could not become the sword god of" steel ", the concubine transformed herself into a sword elf, assimilating herself with the savior's sword, so that the soul of the man could be expelled. ”

“What... what?” Noah was really stunned.

“Are you going to be a Sword Elf? ”

“Nice." Athena said arrogantly.

“The man's maiden was also a goddess of the earth. By death, she became an ancestor, and the concubine only had to do the same thing. ”

Noah's head didn't turn at once.

A sword elf?

Can you do that?

“Are you questioning the wisdom of a concubine?” Athena laughed like she saw through Noah's heart.

“Although the time is a little short, during the sleep, the concubine has created the secret of turning into an elf. With this secret, the concubine can be turned into the so-called elf. By then, as long as the assimilation with the kamikaze succeeds, the concubine will be transformed into a sword elf. The success rate is somewhat guaranteed. ”

Speaking of which, Athena turned her tongue.

“Of course, only in this case, there is no way to assimilate the kamikaze, the connection between the kamikaze and that man must be cut off. Fortunately, you have the sword of the Spirit of Word that can even cut off the character of the kamikaze. With that sword, cutting off the link between the kamikaze and the brave is not a problem. Now, let the concubine pass on the knowledge of that man to you! ”

When the voice drops, a great deal of knowledge flashes in Noah's mind.

In India, there are two famous works called the oldest epics.

One is called Mahogany Bordeaux.

Second, it's called "Romayana."

These two epics are the foundation of Indian culture and have a considerable enlightening effect on many aspects of India's literary and religious development, among others.

Much of India's mythology is linked to the stories documented in "Romayana" and "Mahogany".

For example, the protagonist in "Roman Jenna" - Roman.

In the Ark Court, as the tenth incarnation of Vishnu, one of the three supreme gods of Indian mythology, Gargi had a dispute with Noah.

And the protagonist of Roman Jenna, Roman, is Vishnu's seventh incarnation.

In the story of Roman Jenna, there is a powerful demon called Robona in the world.

Robona leads a race called Rosa.

It is a demon who devours human flesh and is a true demon.

Therefore, Robona, who dominates this demonic race, is also known as the King of Rosa and the King of Demons.

Robona possesses characteristics that are not harmed by demons other than mortals.

Apart from humans, no other race, whether God is the devil, can leave a scar on him.

To annihilate this demon king, the gods of heaven seek the help of Vishnu.

Thus, Vishnu descended into heaven, being an adult, and became the son of the king of the kingdom of Zahro, king of the ten cars, and the prince of the kingdom of Zahro.

This prince is Roman.

However, the life of the prince was rather difficult.

He was subjected to a conspiracy by his half-brothers to usurp power and was deported abroad for more than 14 years.

The only people who accompany this wretched prince to the exotic countryside are the prince's wife, Sido, and his brother, Roshmanna.

Later, the Roman three travelled to the forests occupied by the Rochas, who had committed many evil acts, and fought against the Rochas.

The valiant Roman contiguously repelled many Rothschilds.

Eventually, Robona, the demon king of the Rosa clan, appeared.

Even the gods could not help but covet Roman's wife, so many beautiful colors, and take them away.

In order to save his wife, Romo and his brother Roshmanna embarked on a journey to the city of Robona.

In the process, Roman met a white ape.

The name of the white ape is Hanuman, the son of the Indian mythical god of wind, and the archetype of Qi Tian Da Saint Monkey King in China's famous Journey to the West.

Roman, who met Hanuman the white ape, was assisted by the son of the god of wind, and with the help of his brother, Hanuman the white ape who followed him, eventually annihilated Robona the demon king, took his wife back, and returned to the kingdom of Salo to be king.

In other words, Rome is a hero born to annihilate the Demon King and the King who succeeded in annihilating the Demon King.

That's why he's known as the Last King.

That is why the gods of heaven entrust him with the task of crusading all the demon kings on earth.

That's why the god of wind following his mask would be the god of apes with white body hair capable of manipulating the storm.

So, help this brave man endure all the distortion and fanaticism of being a god of disobedience, known as the subordinate god of his brother, Roshmanna.

That's right.

The brave one who destroys the Demon King, named:


When the name rang from Noah's mouth, the contour of the stone tray connected to the ten patterns spinned, pointing in the direction of the Warrior.

“Psst! ”

The bright golden light flashed in Noah's hand.