Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1524: The Demon King Who Became a Stalker

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'berrycake’, 'cloud closed sun and moonlight’, ‘fantasy book fairy’, ‘old Texas monster’, ‘purple night Xuan star’, '’, ‘poor bear extremely hungry’, ‘dream in flowers’, ‘silently watching you update’, ‘time three’, ‘bookmate 160415164148828’, ‘former guard', ‘agony of sin'!

It has to be said that this journey to the Imperial Hall is definitely the most painful one Noah has ever walked.

Taking Vera's hand, Noah walked all the way here, really struck me with all sorts of eyes.

The kind of eyes that look at the abduction of cute children and prepare to do something that hurts heaven, to be honest, even Noah, who is the least comfortable with innocent people, has to have the urge to unload all those stupid guys around him.

At a time like this, if you let go of Vera's hand because it was too painful, as if you were running away, it would make Noah feel like she didn't have a heart.

Briefly, Noah took Vera directly all the way to the Imperial Hall.

“Hmm?” Vera didn't seem to understand why Noah's expression was so tangled up, why the people around her were so angry and devoured, skewed and still confused.

If there's really some shrimp here that has a special taste for it, if you look at Vera like this, you'll probably get a nosebleed, right?

And this leads to Noah getting a sharper look all the way through and just getting harder.

Finally, Noah finally made it to the Imperial Hall.

As soon as he entered the Imperial Hall, Noah saw an acquaintance.

“Sarah? Sandra? ”

When I heard Noah's voice, I was chatting with angry Sarah and Sandra about something, and then I saw Noah.

Just as Sarah and Sandra were about to say hello to Noah, they saw Vera being held by Noah, and her expression suddenly became stiff.

The look on Sarah's face and on Sandra's face became stiff and Noah immediately opened her mouth.

“Just to be clear, this is not where I stole it from. ”

After all, Sarah and Sandra had not yet responded, and Vera, who Noah was holding, rebutted.

“I'm not a kid. ”

Unfortunately, that soft voice is more of a delicacy than a rebuttal.

Sarah and Sandra reacted, looking at each other and laughing.

“We didn't say it was a child you abducted.” Sarah made a loud noise.

“Better yet, if it were so easy to turn to the strongest demon in the North Side, I think I would have underestimated Mr. Noah before. ”

“Vera will not be abducted by anyone. She is one of our aces in the North Side.” Sandra complained with some exhalation.

“Seriously, don't say those weird things, sister. ”

“Sister?” Noah stunned.

“So you haven't told Mr. Noah, have you?” Sarah noticed Noah's surprise and smiled slightly.

“Then I'll introduce myself again. I'm Sarah, and my full name is Sarah Teldorek. ”


Isn't that Sandra and Mandola's last name?

If you look closely, Sarah seems to have the same red hair as Sandra's scales and a pair of dragon horns far more mature than Sandra's.

Plus Sandra called Sarah a sister.

Is it...

“Looks like you've guessed.” Sarah shrugged.

“Yes, I was Sandra and Mandola's sister, formerly a member of Salamandra, who later wandered to the South End because of some waves, and coincidentally became the leader of the Horn, the Speaker of the Alliance of Dragon Horn Vulture Lions. ”

Hearing here, Noah's smart mouth shut.

Why would Sarah, who was originally part of Salamandra, wander to the South Side and become a class ruler in the South Side?

If you want to be a class ruler, you don't have to be so troublesome.

After all, Sarah is the biological sister of Sandra and Mandola, and if she stays in Salamandra, it's only a matter of time before she inherits the position of head of Salamandra and becomes the ruler of the North Side, isn't it?

If so, why wander to the South and become a class ruler in the South?

These questions, which all emerged from Noah's heart, were not asked.

Instead of not being able to ask, there is no need to ask.

People's privacy, if asked, cares about their own business.

So Noah, rationally, didn't keep asking.

See, Sarah sees a glimmer of appreciation in Noah's eyes.

Sarah thought Noah was just building trees on combat power.

Now, it looks like more than strength, in wisdom and in the world, this hero has the same acute side that no one else has.

But that's true.

As a former member of "Salamandra" and as a class ruler in the South Side, Sarah naturally heard about the attack on the North Side by the Dark Dead King.

Of course, Sarah knew that the man who played a vital role in solving that demon king's game was the man in front of him.

Being able to unravel the Demon King's game is enough to prove that Noah is not just a reckless man of power.

This made Sarah pay more and more attention to Noah.

(Humans who have the ability to fight alone and even pose a threat to the ultimate trial of mankind are undoubtedly the Ace of the Triple Dragon, and in the absence of a "Heavenly Army", perhaps we must place hope on him.

That's Sarah's idea, and it's true.

At this point, Sandra looked at Vera with some curiosity and asked Noah.

“Mr. Noah, how could you be with Vera? ”

“Don't ask me. Actually, I'm a little out of my mind right now.” Noah sighed and pushed a blind Vera into front of the crowd.

“The girl suddenly appeared and asked me to help her again. I was confused. ”

“Help her?” Sandra got a little surprised.

“Help Vera? ”

“Help?” Sarah said to Vera as soon as she thought about it.

“Do you want Mr. Noah to help you with King Maxwell? ”

Vera's eyes lit up and nodded.

See, Sandra seems to understand.

Noah was the only one who couldn't touch his head.

“Against Maxwell? What the hell is going on? ”

Sarah and Sandra's expression suddenly became incredibly strange.

Vera, on the other hand, was trembling and, like thinking about something that would cause goosebumps, the corner of her eyes held Noah's hand back with tears.

That's like finding a safe haven for kids.

Seeing here, Noah can more or less guess what's going on.

“Did Maxwell have a problem with Vera? ”

That's all I can think of.

Because I had a problem with Maxwell, but I couldn't help it, and as a result, Vera became curious about Noah, who had once defeated Maxwell, and came back for Noah's help.

That's Noah's guess.

However, the next moment, Vera's words, allowed Noah's expression to solidify completely.

“There's no such thing as a festival!” Vera's tearful correction.

“The guy was just a bad stalker, haunting people all the time! ”

“Bad stalker?” Noah couldn't react at all.

“What can I say?” Sarah grinned.

“Let's put it this way, Maxwell the Demon King had an excessive love for Vera, and had been pursuing Vera before he had come to the Ark Court, even though he had been haunting her all along. Even when Vera came to the Ark Court, the Demon King practiced outside for hundreds of years, relying on his own strength, opened the entrance to the Ark Court, and eventually, chased her all the way. ”

The unexpected fact is that Noah was like swallowing a fly, with a bitter face.

“Well... that's not a regular stalker!” Vera said as hard as she could to show Noah her helplessness.

“The guy likes to be intoxicated, he likes to be paranoid, even though I said I don't like him anymore, and he kept saying I was just messing around, shy, constantly saying disgusting words, I hated him very, very much, but the guy would move instantly, wherever I fled, he would follow me! ”

Is that guy so disgusting?

No wonder Vera went to Noah. It was so annoying that she couldn't help it, right?

And when Noah thought about it, Sandra talked.

“Moreover, we have reliable information that Lord Maxwell appears to be moving in the vicinity and seems to be prepared to do something with the split body of the Triceps. ”

In that sentence, Noah's eyes flashed.