Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1535: Vera Wants To Be With Me

(Thank you very much for the rewards of "Claustrophobic Moon", "The End of the World Song", "Star Strike Blast", "Purple Night Xuan Star", "Thunder Strike", "1 Turning Years Away", "Dragon Pity Sunny Snow", "Seven Sins Broken", "Magic Blood Meteor", "Q Yongjiang Clothes" Q "," Undersea Grass "," I'm a Small Arms "," One Quasi-Animate Comic House "!

“Buzz ————! ”

Extremely cold storms with unimaginably low temperatures descended from the sky, rubbing the air, and in the tremors of the air, the frenzy landed on the streets.

“Boom boom -! ”

In the roar, a very cold storm exploded and blew through the streets.

“Knock, knock, knock --! ”

The ground was slowly frozen to ice under zero low temperatures.

“Psst! Psst! Psst! ”

A stall around the street was instantly crushed by a cold storm, and the debris condensed into ice, caught in the storm, turned into a frozen bullet, and burst into the surrounding area.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

One individual, originally on the street, was hit by a very cold storm, and successive shouts were blown out.

Only Noah, one second before the extreme cold storm fell from the sky, his gaze flashed and a handful of overwhelmed Vera, one flashed, disappeared.

Suddenly, centered on the location of the extreme cold storm, more than 100 meters of streets and buildings were frozen and turned into a crystal clear ice world.

Noah, holding Vera, came out on the edge of such an icy world, lowered the girl in her arms, raised her head, looked forward, and raised a somewhat icy curve at the corner of her mouth.

“Coming? ”

It's not just Noah.

Seeing the streets of that iced world, Vera seemed to know exactly who had the ability to make such a world, like some chestnut openings.


Just like answering Vera's call.

Ahead, in the heart of the streets of the ice world, the ground began to shine a light.

“Boo-hoo! ”

In the blast, a fire column burst into the ground, rising from the ground, rising into the sky, rushing directly into the sky, and not into the cloud.

In the fire column, a figure emerged slowly and walked out of the sky, as if stepping on empty ground.

The next second, a young man dressed in a contrasting red and blue jacket, like a popular clown, walked out of the fire column, suspended in mid-air and printed into the curtains of everyone at the site.

“What a wonderful voice.” Maxwell lowered his head and stared at Vera with a look of intoxication and obsession, his eyes burning with madness.

“I knew you'd know I was here, my beloved bride. ”

With Maxwell's burning eyes and intoxicating tone, Vera screamed as if she had goose bumps all over her body.

“Okay... disgusting! ”

“Huh.” Maxwell didn't care about Vera's words at all, but rather said them like joy.

“Again shy, my bride, although this is also your lovely spot, is it almost time to get used to my love? ”

Rumor has it that Vera is constantly at war.

“Disgusting... disgusting...”

Don't say it was Vera, it's just that Noah had this unbearable, disgusting feeling of vomiting.

A narcissist, Noah sees a lot.

But people like Maxwell, narcissistic and self-indulgent, delusional, have never really met Noah.

Luo Xiao, while equally narcissistic and self-indulgent, also has poor delusional abilities, but at least does not make people feel nauseous.

But Maxwell was completely unconscious of how disgusting his actions were, and he was still there, acting like a gentleman, holding his fist in one hand, resting on his left chest and bowing to Vera.

“I'm sorry, my bride, although I've always known you were here and always wanted to see you early, but it would be rude not to prepare properly, so, I'm still holding on, you must have been as thinking of me as I've been thinking of you, and now I'm here, are you happy? ”

“Hmm..." Vera was disgusted and couldn't even speak. She could only tears in the corner of her eyes. She leaned in the direction where Noah was, reached out her hand and grabbed Noah's corner.

It was like the subconscious dependence of a girl who lacked a sense of security. The smile on Maxwell's face was stiff and the intoxication and obsession in her eyes slowly disappeared.

Then Maxwell looked at Noah with no emotion, as if he had finally noticed Noah's presence.

“That's my bride. Could you please stay away from her? ”

As Maxwell's words spread, the surrounding temperatures suddenly alternated between cold and heat, and suddenly cold and hot, very strange.

So much so that the entire frozen street, in less than a few seconds, has repeated the process of melting, freezing, melting and freezing, as astonishing as the heavens and the earth have mutated.

If you are an ordinary person, in a space of ice and fire for two days, you are afraid that you will die of a steep drop in body temperature within a short period of time.

Unfortunately, Noah said to Vera, turning her head as if she felt nothing.

“Is that what he said? Should I do it? ”

Vera's head suddenly shook like a wave drum and her hands were getting tighter and tighter with Noah's crotch, even snuggling her body up.

Noah shot Vera in the head and looked at Maxwell with a smile.

“Looks like Vera wants to be with me more than you do. ”

Maxwell's eyelids suddenly jumped and then returned to faceless.

“So this is what happened...”

With this phrase in his mouth, Maxwell's pupil suddenly enlarged and his face twisted and yelled at Noah.

“You must have used some mean means to threaten Vera, right?! Bastard!”

Maxwell raised his hands.

A fierce hot and extreme cold wind burst out of Maxwell's hands, turning into a cold, hot alternating ice storm, filled with red and blue lights and poured out in all directions.

Without any hesitation, Maxwell waved down his raised hands, and a burgeoning ice storm immediately erupted, like a violent shock wave, laying the ground in the direction of Noah.

“... watch out!” Vera couldn't help but shout.

Noah, however, was constantly looking at the icy storm that burst against her and didn't move.

In its body, the energy source filled with infinite energy is transformed into a magic source, allowing magic to flow all over the body.

The next second, a huge wave of gold ripples swung up on the ground in front of Noah.

Inside, a thick walled shield with petal-like decorations on the front suddenly rises to protect Noah and Vera behind.

“Boo-hoo! ”

The burgeoning ice storm suddenly fell on a heavy shield, as if it were a wave striking the reef, exploded, and was raw split by the shield, turning into two hot and cold streams, blowing from both sides of the shield.

Protected behind by a shield, Noah suddenly lifted one foot and kicked it on top of the shield without being hit by an ice storm.

“Boom --! ”

In a heavy muffled sound, a huge shield as thick as a city wall was kicked out by Noah, like the hardest wall, a burst of ice storms along the way, facing Maxwell in front, heavily impacted the past.

Watching the huge shield split all the way through the ice storm, rushing towards himself, Maxwell's heart tightened, finally regained reason, no false thoughts, and stood up, avoiding the impending shield.

However, Maxwell's pair of eyes suddenly shrunk to needlepoint size.

Because almost as Maxwell jumped up and avoided the huge shield that ran into him, behind the shield, a figure also jumped up and emerged from behind the shield, appearing in front of Maxwell.

Who else but Noah?

Looking at Maxwell's steep face, Noah smiled, but she didn't even have a smile in her eyes. It was so cold.

“To come and go without disrespect. ”

Speaking of which, Noah kicked Maxwell's chest with a spin, a leg.

“Bang --! ”

Strong and powerful kicks lifted the whistling energy and raw kicks burst Maxwell's chest.

Crushed meat and bones sputtered like scattered pieces of paper.