Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1537: The Four-Digit Demon King with Moisture?

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Watching Maxwell give an ugly look, Noah's face did not reveal the real pleasure of the enemy, but a little shadow appeared.

Because, knowing what Maxwell really is, Noah finds that she has absolutely no way to use the tenth incarnation of the power of the Decalogue, the Warrior.

This incarnation, which, knowing the knowledge of the enemy, exerts the power to cut off even divinity and divinity, if it can be used, nullifies Maxwell's immortality, which is not a problem at all.

Now, however, this incarnation cannot be used.

What does that mean?

On behalf of Noah, the knowledge now available is either wrong or insufficient.

If the former is the case, then Noah needs to consider whether Gargi is deceiving himself, knowingly giving himself false information, or even being deceived by Maxwell's false information.

If it were the latter, Maxwell would most likely be hiding something else.

Look at the ugly look on Maxwell's face, most likely the latter.

There is another reason for this reasoning.

“It's almost time for you to show the truth, isn't it?” Noah looked coldly at Maxwell.

“So far, I have encountered a lot of powerful opponents, not less than some four-digit existence, even a three-digit opponent, and your power is not weak, but you are too brittle yourself. As a four-digit demon king, there is a little bit of a slippage. ”

Isn't it?

From the very beginning, Noah had no power, much less powerful treasures, just a shield, a fight attack, another magic cannon, and Maxwell died once in Noah's hands.

As a four-digit Demon King, it is true that more or less is lost.

How is it possible to be sent by the League of Demon Kings to monitor the existence of Gargi's people?

If Maxwell only entered the four digits by instant movement and immortality, the four digits would be too cheap.

“Or is that really all you got?” Noah sounded cynical.

“Well, I might want to take a closer look at whether the four-digit class also has the potential to allow people with moisture in it. ”

Noah's words made Maxwell's chest slightly tumble and even a pair of eyes blush.

That was a sign of anger to the extreme.

Seeing this scene, Vera, who had been dragging Noah's corner, couldn't help but look up to Noah.

As a victim of hundreds of years of stalking, Vera knows exactly how annoying Maxwell is.

Perhaps Maxwell's own power is not so great in the four digits, but if it is not, it is also the four digits, relying on instant movement and immortality, almost undefeated, and not even the existence of the four digits can do anything about him.

Noah's short words, coupled with the previous round-robbing, now push Maxwell to this point.

Vera feels like getting Noah to help herself against Maxwell is really the most correct choice of her life.

In such a situation, Maxwell's chest fluctuated slightly for a moment, after which he regained calm.

However, this four-digit demon king looked into Noah's eyes as if he were looking at some dead man with no emotion at all.

Spin, Maxwell said that without a look on his face.

“You asked for it. ”

After that, Maxwell opened his hands, one with a flaming vortex, and one with a very cold storm, like catching a red and blue vortex, allowing the flaming vortex and the very cold storm to sweep away in space.

“Buzz ————! ”

The space swept away by extreme heat and cold shook up and began to twist slowly.

As a hypothetical demon born of thermodynamics, Maxwell is able to use the power of fire and ice at will.

However, this force does not control the temperature, but the energy produced from the temperature difference.

Compressing the energy that comes from the difference in the temperature of heat is the power of Maxwell, the demon.

Now Maxwell is manipulating these energies, cutting through the cold and warm horizons, distorting the entire space.

From the distorted space, a whitened alien head was diverted from all corners of the ground.

Heran is the split body of a three-headed dragon.

“Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar! ”

A double-headed dragon made a roar that shook the air, looking bloody red in the direction of Noah.

Watching that double-headed dragon being moved over, Vera couldn't help but cover her little mouth.

Noah was the only one who squinted his eyes.

“Has Az-Dakaha's body been transported to the city? ”

“There is no way, as you said, I am not a demon king with powerful powers personally, but to compensate for my weaknesses, I have developed the power to use space transfer to increase my own combat power, like a summoner.” Maxwell doesn't have any emotional laughs.

“Class rulers here seem to be hunting and splitting their bodies, unfortunately, before that, I had gathered enough power, and I'm going to use this army of double-headed dragons to tear you to pieces and destroy the city! ”

As Maxwell's words fell, a fierce light appeared in the eyes of a double-headed dragon growling in heaven.

However, in the face of the scene, Noah suddenly laughed.

“So now that we're here, it's almost all the bodies on the ground, right? ”

Even Maxwell couldn't help but stare at Noah.

Then Noah sarcastically said.

“Thank you so much for giving us a one-time opportunity to wipe out all our splitting bodies. ”

Voice, drop.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

A shocking scream of heavenly prices swept across the city.

Along with the roar, the shadow of a road began to gush out from all sides of the city, and even halfway through the sky came a shadow of a road and swept into space.

“What...?!” Maxwell was surprised.

And at this point, riding on a fire dragon, Sarah and Sandra, who led the big army, gave the orders to the surrounding area.

“Now! Attack! ”

The combatants of a community broke out from time to time, with strong morale, and swept away in the direction of the double-headed dragon army.

Seeing here, Maxwell finally understood.

Noah had long anticipated that he would transfer all the bodies of the Triceps here, and was already ready.

“Mr. Noah!” The black rabbit leaped down from the air, holding a glittering diamond pestle in his hand and staring closely in the direction of Maxwell.

“Black Rabbit to help you! ”

More than just black rabbits, including Letticia and Pasteur, affiliated with Noah, the birds of flying, Yao, Aicha and Jack all appeared on the scene and began to converge with Noah and Vera.

“What do you say? King Maxwell?” Noah looked at Maxwell with a smile.

“Do you still like this surprise? ”

“You... have you planned this long ago?!” Maxwell was furious.

“Is that why you used Vera to lure me out?! ”

“As you said, you're too impressed with yourself.” Noah spoke ironically.

“I don't have to do this to you. ”

With this phrase, Noah said to the people around her.

“You go deal with Az-Dakaha's split body, and here I am. ”

Blackrabbit, Flying Bird, Yao, Laticia and Pest nodded their heads without hesitation, turning around, rushing into the battlefield and starting to kill.

“Vera.” Noah also said to the next Vera.

“You go too. ”

“Oh.” Vera nodded her head.

It's just that the handsome look stimulated Maxwell.

“Nobody orders Vera but me! ”

In the roar, Maxwell suddenly disappeared in place, a space jumped and flashed in front of Noah, his eyes red against Noah.

The irony in Noah's eyes prevailed even more when he looked at Maxwell, who appeared in front of him.

On its body, the divine power began to emerge.