Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1554: Is That All You Want To Say?

(Thank you very much for the 1276 reward of 'Q Yongjiang Yijie Q’! And rewards for 'dragon pity sunny snow’, 'fate de zero’, 'phantom emperor star immortal death’, 'bookmate 160423102156774’, ‘meteorite descendant’, ‘having a dream’, ‘windless sky’, ‘1 turning year’, ‘purple night blue star’, ‘o0 tears 0o'!

There is an unspeakable silence between the heavens and the earth.

Of all those present, be it the Black Rabbit, the Flying Bird, Yao, Laticia, Pasteur, Jen, Sarah and Sandra, or a community still inside the Vampire Castle, all fell into the silence of a raven.

At this moment, there's only one look at all the people who look at Noah.

That's shocking.

Why is the Night Fork and Halloween Queen so superior?

In addition to its own power, much of the reason lies in the sovereignty of the Sun.

The importance and particularity of the Sun's sovereignty have been mentioned many times before, without further mention.

Twenty-four of these sun sovereigns, 14 of which were occupied by a single day fork, and six of which were occupied by the Halloween Queen, allowed only the remaining four to flow out and be contested, which led to the superiority of the day fork and the Halloween Queen.

Now, the Night Fork has transferred fourteen solar sovereignty to Noah.

According to the dialogue that has just taken place, it seems that Noah herself also has two other sun sovereignty.

Doesn't that mean that Noah alone holds sixteen sun sovereigns, more in number than the old Daytime Forks and Halloween Queens?

This fact has shaken everyone's mind.

Huge riots, once again, emerged in the ancient castle of vampires.

But this time, Sarah and Sandra, the rulers of the two classes, stopped making noise repression.

Because even two people were shocked by the fact that, for a while, there was no response.

Noah naturally understood how disturbing it would be to have so much solar sovereignty.

But that had nothing to do with Noah.

“You're right.” Noah nodded, admitting it with generosity.

“The Night Fork did transfer all the sovereignty of the Sun to me. ”

“So you should know what to do.” The ancient wind spirits understate this sentence.

“As long as you hand over the sovereignty of the Sun, we will withdraw immediately and not embarrass those of you who live below it. ”

It wasn't until then that people understood why so many gods in heaven had emerged together and appeared here.

Nor is it impossible if we can gain the sovereignty of the Sun in Noah's hands, regardless of the gods, that status and power will rise geometrically over the rest of the gods in an instant.

It's just that nobody thought of it.

For the sake of the sovereignty of the Sun, the gods of the heavens have leaned out, even brazenly, to wreak havoc.

After all, what's the difference between this and robbery?

The upper level of the courtroom, the presence of at least four digits, the robbery in a group?

Believe me, after today, the reputation of the gods in heaven will stink completely?

However, those who think so do not know.

The gods of heaven have long decided to abandon the Ark and let them perish.

Then why do the gods of heaven care how infamous they are?

Therefore, the group of gods did not care about fame, formed the army of the gods, and directly robbed them.

“Should I admire you? Or shall I laugh at you?” Noah looked straight at the ancient wind gods and smiled as if she were not laughing.

“Almost all of your gods in heaven are out there for a human being in the lower realm. You really can see me. ”

“Don't be ridiculous, Noah Dollar. We already know what you're capable of.” The ancient wind gods are not moving at all.

“Being able to bring Az-Dakaha to a desperate end, you undoubtedly have the power to give in less than three digits, plus more than half of the Sun's sovereignty, and the threat is enough to rival the existence of the Lord's Divine hierarchy. ”

“In the past, Qi Tian Dasheng had the ability to disrupt many gods in the heavens until the hands of the double-digit powerful suppressed them.” The ancient wind spirits looked deeply at Noah.

“Though you are not like the one who fought Buddha and had the help of many Demon Kings, we judge that you are even more threatened than the one who is with the heavens with more than half of the Sun's sovereignty, and you should be honored to lean out of the nest in order not to make mistakes. ”

“Say you're fat, you're really breathing?” Noah laughed.

“And would you be honored if you were stopped by a bunch of robbers and robbed of money? Don't say things that make people laugh, okay? ”

Noah's words caused a little commotion in the gods.

The most powerful species headed all cast angry and cold eyes on Noah, causing pressure to soar across the heavens and the earth.

Obviously, it is quite humiliating to be ridiculed by a human being for these natural beings to be the most powerful of the gods.

Including the ancient wind god, his face began to get cold.

“So you don't want to surrender the sovereignty of the sun? ”

“The Daytime Fork transferred the sovereignty of the Sun to me in order for me to help her guard the inhabitants of the lower realm.” Noah glanced at the ancient wind gods and squeezed his eyes.

“Now that you've made that decision, do you still think I'm going to hand over the sovereignty of the Sun? ”

“In other words, for the sake of the sovereignty of the sun, you will not hesitate to confront all the gods?” The ancient wind spirits sarcastically said.

“I admit, it's amazing that you, a human being, can actually have the power to rival even the presence of the Lord God, but we have not only the most powerful species, but all three-digit spirits, even four-digit spirits. Can you fight so many spirits here? ”

With the sounding of the words of the ancient wind spirits, thousands of spirits surrounding the entire ancient vampire castle have unleashed their pressure, making the heavens and the earth filled with terrible pressures.

That pressure has left 'No_Name' in a whitewashed line, and all the people in a community in the castle feel like they can't breathe.

If it weren't for the fact that the pressure released by the gods was directed at Noah, who had put more than 99% of the pressure on him, the pressure released by the Buddha of the heavens would definitely crumble the spirit of those who could not even reach the fourth digit.

Faced with the terrible pressures of that laid earth, Noah was the only one with the usual face.

“Is that all you want to say? ”

Looking at Noah's face under the horror of the Buddha's release, the most powerful species headed by him looked at the screen, and he couldn't help but look high on Noah.

“I have to say, your decision was ill-advised.” Ancient wind spirits also felt Noah's simplicity and seemed reluctant to confront Noah positively when the current tongue turned sharp.

“Though the sovereignty of the Sun is precious, it is impossible for you to retain so much of the sovereignty of the Sun. As long as you have more than half of the sovereignty of the Sun a day, all the gods in heaven will target you. Do you really want to be an enemy to all the gods? ”

Let Noah's eyebrows pick the words of the ancient wind gods.

“What exactly are you trying to say? ”

“I would like to say that our purpose is solely the sovereignty of the Sun and I do not want to embarrass you.” This is what the ancient wind gods say.

“Well, what do you think if you were willing to hand over to us the fourteen sun sovereigns that the White Night King had transferred to you, then you would have held the two sun sovereigns yourself, and we wouldn't take them away? ”

After that, the Ancient Wind Spirit did not know what power was being used to speak in Noah's heart, as if it were a direct conversation with Noah's heart.

“Not only that, but we can raise you and your companions to four digits so that you can get the right to move to a new box courtroom, without worrying about the common man in the lower realm. ”

Noarton silenced down.

However, without giving the ancient wind gods time to rejoice, Noah sighed and spoke faintly.

“Surely there shouldn't be any expectations of you so-called gods. ”

In a word, the decision in Noah's heart will be fulfilled.

The face of the ancient wind spirits sank and his eyes became apathetic.

“Stupid! ”

“Stupid?” Noah laughed like she heard something funny, without a smile in her eyes.

“I should be right about that. ”

Speaking of which, Noah walked step by step.

“It's stupid to come to me and die knowing nothing! ”

As such a phrase sounded, Noah's body was sparkling with starlight.