Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1571: Even the Presence of Uncertainty

Moon ticket! Double Monthly Ticket Period! Ask your friends to support you!

When Noah opened her eyes, the first thing that entered her field of view was the girl who was like the incarnation of the sun.

By this time, Noah had returned to the courtyard she had seen before and stood where she had been transferred into the universe at the beginning.

In front of Noah, nature is the pavilion with a round stone table.

The girl, as if the sun were shining, sat behind the round stone table, one hand holding her cheek, crooked her head, gazed curiously at Noah like a playful girl, staring straight at her.

“Are you Noah Dollar? Much more interesting than I thought? ”

The girl's voice was as clear as a water bead dripping down the lake, quite beautiful.

And the other person's face, even more beautiful, has to be invisible.

Golden and long waist hair.

Glittering eyes like blue and turquoise gems.

Wearing a dress like a princess and a dance dress like a few celebrities, it's quite gorgeous.

On the head, a crown-like headdress sits there, complemented by golden and long waist hair, supporting each other, giving a very bright and noble feel.

Looking at that beautiful, extraordinary girl who was measuring herself with curious eyes, Noah's expression was not relaxing.

Because the identity of a seventeen or eight-year-old girl is an incarnation connected to a star.

It dominates the most powerful species of day and night, life and death, spring and summer and autumn and winter, and the boundary between stars and stars.

The star of the sun - the Queen of Halloween.

Equal and identical to the fork of day and night, at this time, she appeared in front of Noah like a playful, lovely, good-aged girl.

In response to the Queen's curious eyes of Halloween, Noah's eyes sparkled with some sarcasm.

“It's hard to see you, Your Majesty. ”

In a nutshell, the Halloween Queen pounded her lovely little mouth and looked more like an ordinary young girl of good age.

And then he said something weird about convenience.

“Just call me Queen. I don't like that. ”

“Really?” Noah said unmoved.

“But I don't like the way you treat your Guests the way you just did. ”

“But thanks to you, I also know how interesting you are.” The Queen of Halloween had no reflection and looked directly at Noah with a smile.

“I was still planning on letting him disappear if he was a boring guy who had the guts to beat the idea of sun sovereignty on me. ”

The Halloween Queen's words do not carry any sense of threat, but rather speak the truth.

Obviously, the spirit of the Sun does intend to annihilate Noah.

If you kill me, aren't you afraid those sealed gods will never see the sun again?

Noah didn't say that.

Because Noah has understood the true cruelty hidden inside the Halloween Queen.

It is a monster that cannot be bound by common sense.

So even if she knew the consequences of doing so were serious, the Halloween Queen would not hesitate to do so.

The so-called "problem children" refers to this kind of thing.

No wonder even Emperor Release is so far away from the Halloween Queen that Faith dares not lead the way without her consent.

After all, a bad person, who doesn't even know when to cause a homicide, will die a terrible death.

Unfortunately, Noah is not a loser.

So Noah spoke softly in a tone without any emotional change.

“Is it really just because the sun is sovereign that you want me to disappear? ”

The Halloween Queen frowned and said with interest.

“Otherwise? Do you need another reason? ”

“Isn't there?” Noah said, as a kind reminder.

“For example, my relationship with the White Night Fork was so good that the famous Halloween Queen was so upset with her greatest enemy friend that she couldn't help it? ”

The smile on the face of the Halloween queen slowly converged, staring at Noah with frightening chills in her eyes.

As the Halloween Queen's mood changed, the surrounding space seemed to be under pressure to take away human temperatures.

However, Noah spoke for herself as if she felt nothing.

“I'm glad the fork is not good with you. If she's too good with you, maybe I'll have to keep a little distance from her. ”

With such a phrase, Noah glanced at the Halloween Queen and smiled.

“After all, I have no interest in you, Your Majesty. ”

The pressure in the air suddenly became like a storm, rioting and shocking directly into Noah's direction.

But in the moment of contact with Noah, the pressure was like being ejected by Noah's body, like a splash of water, disappearing without a trace.

Look closely, Noah's body is spinning a faint glow.

That's divine power.

It releases a little bit of the infinite power in the body and keeps Noah's face running on the surface shrugging unchanged.

“That's how angry you get? The legendary queen doesn't look well, does she? ”

The Halloween Queen looked straight at Noah and suddenly laughed.

“You're really funny.” The Halloween Queen was like a blossoming flower with a beautiful smile on her face.

“No one has dared to provoke me like this before me. If I did, I would never have survived. ”

“Try to be scary.” Noah whispered.

“The fork must have provoked you in a worse way than I did. Why isn't she dead? ”

'Cause I can't kill her yet. ”The Halloween Queen raised her cheeks.

“Although unpleasant, it has to be admitted that this is true. ”

“Really?” Noah looked at the Halloween Queen with a smile.

“Well, do you think you can kill me? ”

“Can't you?” The Halloween Queen crooked her head and said something naive.

“At least, I didn't feel like I was able to kill you, you could easily eliminate my power, and you had more solar sovereignty than I did, plus" Another_Cosmology, "and the people who could kill you in the courtroom shouldn't exist, right? ”

“Oh?” Noah was curious.

“Can't there even be a number? ”

Once the voice dropped, Noah saw the Halloween Queen looking at herself with a very strange look.

That's like hearing something weird.

“You don't know anything, do you?” That's what the Halloween Queen says.

“A single digit is the law of the world, it is not a tangible existence, no, it should be said that even existence itself is uncertain factor, how many of those things do not know, how can it be counted? ”

“The laws of the world?” Noah just stunned.

One digit is the law of the world? Factors that cannot be identified even by their very existence?

Do you even have that kind of thing in the courtyard?

But if there is, it's no wonder Noah didn't find a single digit in any of the literature.

Just because there is no way to confirm it, even if it exists, there is no law of the world.

“By the way, there are currently only seventeen people in the double digits, and I can count them in terms of strength alone.” The Halloween Queen blinked herself.

“So if I can't kill you, no one in the courtroom can kill you, that's what I mean. ”

Noah's heart started to come alive.

So there are only 17 people in the double digits?

Since a single digit is the law of the world, the concept itself, the seventeen people in those two digits are estimated to exist at the highest level in this courtroom.

Noah did her best to match the double digits, and in the courtroom, no one could really kill him.

And if we wait for Noah to assemble twenty-four sun sovereigns and bring out all the possibilities of the body, then in this world, even the existence of Noah's opponents, probably won't happen?

With this in mind, Noah became more determined to take over the sovereignty of the Sun and turned to the Queen of Halloween.

“No more gossip, your knight said that if I came to see you personally, you would give me the sovereignty of the sun, and now it is time to live up to your promise. ”

“… I did say that.” The Halloween Queen looked at Noah and suddenly turned her voice.

“But I've changed my mind now. ”

Noah looked up and looked at the Halloween Queen with cold eyes.

“What did you say? ”

The Halloween Queen smiled.

“I said, I changed my mind now! ”