Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1573: I might learn a lesson.

(Double monthly ticket period! Moon ticket!

In the sunny courtyard, a very heavy atmosphere spread throughout the space.

Noah stared dead at herself with a smile, as if she were the Halloween Queen who had done something more than normal, and her eyes gradually appeared.

Though the Halloween Queen had long heard of the uncertainty of her nature and the possibility of doing anything, Noah had no idea that this man could do the opposite for granted.

This gave Noah the feeling of being played with, and her eyes turned cold and cold looking at the Queen of Halloween.

So, the divine power that was flowing on Noah's surface contours, like a faint layer of spectacle, began to boil, as if a flame was slowly burning on Noah's body.

“Want to shoot me? ”

Noah's behavior, instead of annoying the Halloween Queen, was like seeing some interesting reactions, and Tsujin said this with flavor.

“Wow, just like I can't kill you, you certainly can't kill me, you can't kill me, you won't get the sun sovereignty. ”

In the courtroom, the gifts derived from the individual are forces connected to the individual's soul. Without the consent of the user, even the double-digit presence at the top of the courtroom cannot forcibly take away these gifts.

Gifts that can be used for random transfers are only those types of materialization that actually exist in the form of weapons, props and items.

And the sun's sovereignty is a peculiar existence between the two.

It can exist in the body of the holder, just like a soul-connected gift, but it can be transferred at will and even incorporated into weapons, props and objects, creating a gifted weapon linked to the inheritance.

When sealing Az-Dakaha, the dragon's Sun Sovereignty resided in a sword, along with the seal of the human final trial, and stayed, before being transferred into the body by Noah through the hands of Ghargi and the bell.

When the sovereignty of the Sun is not anchored on an intrinsic object, one wants to acquire the sovereignty of the Sun present in another person, unless the other person is killed.

That's why the Halloween Queen would say that.

As long as Noah fails to kill the Halloween Queen, it will not be possible to gain the sovereignty of the Sun.

Noah understands that as well.

Now, Noah took a deep breath, pressed down his inner annoyance, and after concentrating his divine power into his body, he glanced coldly at the Halloween Queen, turned his head and walked away.

See, the Halloween Queen was first a bang, then hurried to speak.

“Wait! I'm just saying I changed my mind! I didn't say I wouldn't give you the sovereignty of the sun! ”

In a nutshell, Noah stagnated under her feet, and instead of creating a sense of joy in her heart, she made her frustration even more thriving.

Turning his head, Noah glanced straight at the Halloween Queen.

At this moment, Noah decided.

If the Halloween Queen can't say one, so come on, flip your face.

I don't know if I noticed the impatience in Noah's heart, but the Halloween Queen stopped turning and said it bluntly.

“I can entrust you with the sovereignty of the sun at my disposal, but you must promise me a condition. ”

Noah didn't hesitate to say anything.

“No! ”

“Okay, no!” The Halloween Queen's unconscious answer was followed by something wrong and stunned.

“Oh, no? ”

Noah grinned when she saw the Halloween Queen showing her stunned expression.

“There was an agreement between us that when you gods gave me the sovereignty of the Sun, I would release all the sealed gods, that is, the condition that you surrender the sovereignty of the Sun, which I have given you, and now you want to attach a condition, what is so good? ”

“... I almost forgot about those guys.” The voice of the Halloween Queen suddenly became unchecked and frustrated.

“What a troublemaker, why don't you just let it all die? ”

“Is that all you want to say?” Noah closed her eyes as if she had lost all interest.

“Then give me an answer. Can this deal be done? ”

“Deal?” The Halloween Queen didn't seem to be too excited about this either, she said.

“What if I say no? ”

“It's simple,” Noah said.

“I will not release any god group. ”

In that way, while the gods of heaven would be furious, there would be no choice but to wreak havoc on the Celtic gods of the Queen of Halloween.

By then, the Halloween Queen will be targeted, both on the ground and elsewhere.

For the Queen of Halloween, that's definitely not a pleasure.

So the Halloween Queen's eyebrows finally wrinkled and she said something very unhappy.

“Didn't those guys already give you two sun sovereignty? ”

“I did not say who gave me the sovereignty of the Sun, which god group I would release, otherwise the gods without the sovereignty of the Sun would have no choice?” Noah whispered.

“Besides, my condition is that I have to trade eight sun sovereigns, and since you gods can't give me eight sun sovereigns, there's no reason for me to release the sealed gods. ”

Halloween queen silenced down.

Half a ring later, the Halloween Queen looked at Noah and smiled.

“I had no idea that one day I would be threatened by a human being, something I had never thought possible before. ”

With a beautiful smile like a flower on her bright face, the Halloween Queen has no smile in her eyes.

Noah can be very sure.

If the Halloween Queen hadn't been sure to kill him, then the Halloween Queen would have done it.

After all, Her Majesty, who was merely uncomfortable with killing, could not hesitate to do something cruel, even with a smile.

“Are you sure you don't want to think about my terms?” The Halloween Queen said so in a clear voice.

“Is that just an easy thing for you to do? ”

“What can I do easily?” Noarton looked deeply at the Queen of Halloween, as if he understood something, and asked.

“So you want me to break with the fork? ”

The look on the face of the Halloween queen solidified.

“Don't be surprised.” Noah shrugged.

“Since it's something I can easily do, and something that your Halloween queen can be happy about, that's all I can think of, and my guess is true, based on your reaction. ”

The Halloween Queen didn't say anything more, just a vigorous look at Noah with no expression on her face.

“So you won't say yes? ”

“I can say yes.” Noah scoffed.

“However, I am a man of vengeance, what others do to me, what I will do to others in general, Your Majesty, since I am rebellious against me, I may also learn, in that case, will you give me the sovereignty of the sun? ”

“Huh.” The Halloween Queen suddenly smiled without any foreboding.

“You're a funny guy. ”

Seeing as the Halloween Queen suddenly emerged from her inner smile, Noah realized once again how volatile the other person was.

It's just a flurry of joy.

“Well, for what it's worth to me, I'll give you my sun sovereignty! ”

With this phrase, the Halloween Queen took out a gift card and placed it on the stone table in front of her, staring at Noah with great pleasure.

“A thousand years ago, I and the White Night King fought for the sovereignty of the Sun. I didn't know how many minds and even foes it took to fight each other, and it turned out to be only a part of the sovereignty of the Sun. A thousand years later, I and she handed over their own sovereignty of the Sun to a human being for a price. I hope that your future performance will remain as interesting as it is today. If you disappoint me, I may personally go to retrieve it. ”

Noah didn't give a damn what the Halloween Queen said.

Noah feels that the best way to deal with this unstable queen is to leave her alone.

Therefore, Noah turned her eyes and directly threw the gift card on the stone table, pressing her inner excitement, and went forward and picked up the gift card.

The dazzling light shined and poured into Noah's palms like running water, blending into Noah's body.

Noah, finally gained the full sovereignty of the Sun.