Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1594: For Our Future! (4 requests for monthly tickets)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Enjoy Novel Me', '’, 'Deng Mao’, ‘Book Friend 160502171658088’, ‘Daily Reward’, ‘awdsxqe’, ‘Teardrop Wings’, ‘Purple Night Xuan Star', ‘Mortal World You Don't Understand’, ‘Oriental Young Spirit Dream’, ‘Mixed Order’, ‘Quasi-Animate Comic House One’, ‘I Draw Oh Blood’, ‘Ripped Wind', ‘Fallen Wings Tears’, ‘Little Trip’, ‘True ’!

The next morning.

In front of the Imperial Hall of the ancient vampire castle, on a vast square, many people are gathering in one group, occupying every corner of the square.

At the centre of these groups, all fly a flag.

The many flags flying with the wind are spectacular.

And in front of so many flags, six flags fly.

Class ruler of the East Side, the flag of the community where the fork of day and night is located - 'Thousand_Eyes'.

South Side's hierarchical ruler, Sarah, is the flag of the community - the Dragonhorn Vulture Lion.

"Salamandra", the flag of the community in which Sandra resides, is the class ruler of the Northern District.

And, as powerful helpers, although only individuals, each possesses the banner of a four-digit Halloween Queen, the Overseas Great Saint and the Mixed Skies Great Saint Peng.

Six flags just stood at the forefront of so many flags, flying with the wind.

All flags present, including these six flags, are a community that is about to embark on a terrible battlefield against the most terrible demonic kings.

At this time, each of these communities raised its own flag and told the world that they had participated in the battle to determine the future fate of the Tribunal.

It is confident that, after today, the reputation of these communities will grow, transcending those that are subordinate to the Gods and cannot escape.

Only one of the communities here has not raised its flag.

———— "No_Name".

As the key and the main force in this battle, there is no community of flags that can promote its name and inspire the morale of its members.

If, in the past, 'No_Name' had participated in the battle without raising the flag, no one in the courtyard would have known that they had dedicated themselves to it and had committed themselves to the battle with a sense of imminence.

But nowadays, even if there is no flag to promote their name, all the communities present, and even the rest of the courtroom, know that No_Name is in the war.

Just because, in this community, one person has long been known.

In "Another_Cosmology," which is more than three digits above the Ark Court, it seals a million gods and holds all 24 sun sovereigns.

Nowadays, no one knows that such a man is in a "No_Name" that has no flag or name and has become an ace against Az-Dakaha.

With this in mind, even without a flag, it is clear to all that this man's community is active at the forefront of the battle against the oldest Demon King.

At a certain point, everyone present raised their heads and looked to the Imperial Hall in front of them.

There, a group of people stepped out of the Imperial Palace at a strong and powerful pace.


As soon as he stepped out of the Imperial Palace and saw the neatly arranged flag on the windy side of the square, sixteen nights, the birds, the yaw and the four people in Peste's line made amazing noises.

Obviously, no one has ever seen such a spectacular scene.

Only Laetitia, Liu Liu and Calling showed some nostalgia and some sadness.

“It's been a long time since I've seen so many flags flying together. ”

“The moment I saw this scene, it reminded me of that time. ”


As a member of the old 'No_Name', Laetitia fought with the Grand League of Class Rulers to the north and south, crusading against unknown demon kings, even the oldest.

Wasn't the Great League of Class Rulers as spectacular as it is now?

And Liu and Ka Ling, not to mention.

In the past seven days of battle, as demon kings for seven days, Liu Liu and Kaling personally led many mountain demons and attacked the heavens.

So a lot of flags flying in the air is no stranger to the Demon King and the Demon King.

Forget about these people, Sarah and Sandra, watching a flag flying in the square, have also created a sense of pride.

As for Black Rabbit and Jen, they showed loneliness and frustration.

“Clearly such an important battle, we have not been able to inspire our flag.” The black rabbit said with dismay.

“That's disgusting. ”

“Yeah.” Jen was also a little dark.

“I really want the flag back as soon as possible. ”

Hearing the words of Black Rabbit and Jen, sixteen nights, flying birds, yaw, Laetitia and Peste walkers gradually sank the expression on their faces, and the heart actually generated a kind of unhappy emotion.

That's natural, too.

Imagine what it would be like for everyone to raise their heads and raise the flag of their community and not be able to participate in it alone?

Must still be upsetting, huh?

Not to mention, 16 nights, flying birds and people like Yiu who have so much self-esteem can create tremendous discomfort.

Noah spoke faintly as she saw more or less of the loneliness and unwillingness of the crowd.

“Unfortunately, our flag is on Az-Dakaha, and when I bring down the lizard and step on his body and remove our flag from him, I will raise our flag in the very center of the battlefield to proclaim victory! ”

Rumor has it that 'No_Name' 's followers' eyes blinked instantly.

“Yes!” Sixteen nights laughed loudly.

“Sounds sensational! ”

“Raise our flag in the center of the battlefield?” The birds are smiling beautifully.

“That would be great! ”

“Mmm!” Yao Lian nodded.

“That must be handsome! ”

“Yes!” even the black rabbit cheered up.

“Must be awesome! ”

“Then don't make a scene.” Noaguan smiled.

“Now, in front of all the communities that can get on the table, even if we don't have a flag, we should raise our heads and raise our chests. Otherwise, how can we tell others that we will win? ”

Members of No_Name laughed.

Noah raised her head and looked at the square ahead.

There, the flag belonging to "WILL_O 'WISP" flies in one corner.

Under the flag, Vera, Aicha and Jack waved to Noah, but did not speak, but followed the muddled atmosphere of the square and waited silently for the command.

In addition to "WILL_O 'WISP", the rest of the community similarly focused their eyes on Noah's travelers in front of the Imperial Hall gate.

In this case, Sarah takes a step forward.

“Next, we are about to have a final duel with the Triple Digital Demon King!” Sarah took a deep breath.

“You've all been in the battle against the Demon King before, and you know how much we sacrificed in that battle! ”

As it turns out, many members of the Community have sad feelings on their faces.

Just as it was to disperse this sadness, Sarah shouted.

“But, ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you that we are not without hope of victory, when sacrifice will never appear again, because we already have the most powerful ace! ”

“He, on his own, sealed a million gods! ”

“He, who gathered all the sun's sovereignty, did an unprecedented feat! ”

“He, trusted by the White Night King and recognized by the Halloween Queen, even the Great Saint Qi is hopeful for him! ”

“He, once pushed Az-Dakaha into despair, penetrated his heart and was only one step away from victory! ”

“Under the leadership of this human hero, we can win!” Sarah Gao raised her hand.

“So, comrades, shout, for our future! ”

Voice, drop.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

Ringing heavenly shouts, rushing straight into the sky.

The sound shook the atmosphere and boiled the hearts of all.

And so the war began.