Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1624: Dying Struggle So What?

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Night Seven’, ‘Pan Lu’, ‘Texas Old Monster’, ‘DieKami’, 'Pokémon’, ‘Fan Err for Labour’, ‘Bookmate_Archer’, ‘This Cargo', ‘Boring Three Few', ‘Frandorou's Bear’, ‘Starmaid’, ‘Micro Dream Cruelty’!

“Psst! ”

With a voice that was difficult to describe in words, the dense and numb Reaper community seemed to swallow up all the waves, heading down and bursting into the past.

From Noah's point of view, the scene, just as the entire sky was filled with bloodthirsty reapers, emitted a horrifying scent collectively, like a pouring rain.

It doesn't make any sense to compare quantitatively, does it?

Because each of those Reapers, with a model that's several laps older than Pinoya, is estimated to be about four meters tall.

And there are countless reapers like this.

What about hundreds of millions? Billions? Or tens of billions?

That number, if you count it, would be a pointless thing, right?

The crowd of reapers of such a horrible magnitude is enough to drown a continent, let alone a man in the Noah area.

Therefore, Noah was almost unconscious to see the dense and numb Reaper community pouring down like a pouring rain and roaring giant wave.

Today, I have no means to resist them.

What about the ability to demonstrate a diversity of abilities?

What about a treasure trove with over a thousand treasures?

What if you have the physical ability to be above the gods?

So what if you have endless energy?

There's absolutely no way for me to stop the tide of death coming out of my eyes like a roaring wave.

Not that Noah's tools are inadequate, but that the hierarchy is too far apart.

Just as the World Fighting Champion can easily take down hundreds of ordinary people like himself, but even if it exists, he puts his fist in the sky, don't say what the impact is, it's touching nothing, right?

For Noah, the Tide of Death is an untouchable sky.

Even with more sophisticated means, the red shadow of death from that raging flood of heaven and earth could not be touched.

It's Noah's instinct to tell him the truth.

I haven't tried, but even if I did, it would just be a struggle, wouldn't it?


“What about dying struggles?! ”

On Noah, fierce, hurricane-like divine surges swept beneath the tide of Reaper, like another golden wave.

“Instead of dying with the despair of fate, then, of course, die after the fight, okay?! ”

At this moment, deep inside Noah, a stone tray with ten patterns attached to the contour gave rise to unprecedented tremors.

And then, on those ten patterns, half of them glow with pungent light.

--" Giant ".

———— "White Horse".

———— "Dragon Emperor".

———— "Herd of Beasts".


At this moment, Noah pushed her power to the limit, using five incarnations at the same time.

“--I am the strongest, and I hold all victorious men, whether men or demons, and I will defeat any enemy that stands in the way of them in the face of all enemies --”

Wing out the holy phrase of the victorious and undefeated god, Noah's whole body fluttered with a terrible storm of divine power, a pair of dark dark eyes stained with golden colours, sparkling with brilliance.

“Whatever you are! If you want to take my life! Then try it! ”

A terrible storm of divine power, rising from Noah's body, began to sparkle in the midst of a raging drunkenness.

The light is like a star, clustered together in a glimmer of flash, intersecting to form.

Just for a moment, countless heads of aliens emerged from the storm of divine power.

It was a magnificent dragon horse.

Full of red armor, with a shining baoyu on it, a dragon horn on his forehead, red light in his eyes, a golden flame on his feet, a giant dragon horse dozens of meters tall.

Combining the power of five incarnations: Giant, White Horse, Dragon Emperor, Beast Mass, and Phoenix, Noah created a giant Dragon Horse tide comparable to Death's tide.

As a result, Noah's whole body was burning like a fire, and the five dirty hearts in her body were bursting like bursts, making an overwhelming sound.

“Psst! ”

Watching the emergence of countless giant dragon horses of a god, the surge of reapers from the heavens and the earth made a roaring hiss.

“Psst! ”

As if competing against each other, a magnificent dragon horse neatly emitted the whole "between worlds" horse hissing, hidden in the horse hissing carries some dragon and tiger whistling sound, like echoes, turned into a chirp, echoing in the sky.

In other words, the golden dragon horse tide and the red Death tide all rush out at divine speed, and the instant that row across the entire space, colliding quietly.

“Boom boom -! ”

Along with a shocking horror and tremendous noise, the dragon horse tide and the death tide collided into a terrible golden flame and red storm, insanely tangled together.

“Boom --! ”

Like a star explosion, the unimaginable golden flames and red storms swept out in the middle of a pure white world, spreading to thousands of metres in an instant.

This kind of touch, if it were in a normal world, it would be, it would be, the heavens and the earth would already be screaming, space would already be broken, even the atmosphere would be evaporated as much as possible, without leaving a trace of it, right?

Unfortunately, this purely white world called "Between Worlds" is terribly sturdy.

That is, there is no concept of time, there is no concept of space, even the atmosphere does not exist, and the horrible golden flames that intertwine with the silent expansion of red storms occupy the corner of this party's heavens and earth.

However, if someone were caught up in it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At least, even if the Night Fork exists with a double digit like the Halloween Queen, it's estimated that if you get caught up in it, that's the least you can do.

Clearly this is the level of collision, and the next second, the balance of victory is poured very simply towards one of them.

“Buzz ————! ”

Seeing, the red storm was like laughing at something, making a buzz, and suddenly, it was born through the sparkling golden flame.

That terrible sea of fire, which was brought together by the forces of the five incarnations of "Giants", "White Horses", "Dragon Emperors", "Beasts" and "Phoenix", at this moment, was like an illusion, unable to stop the red storm, and was blinded by the red storm through the past.

“Wh--?!” Noah's face has changed dramatically.

While this was happening, the red storm was born through the horrible golden flames and burst into front of Noah, like a large mouthful of blood, a rising, madly swept over Noah.

Noah, there's no way back to heaven.

“Psst! ”

Just as that red storm was about to swallow Noah's figure, a glittering golden ray suddenly appeared on Noah's body.

Noah couldn't even react, and a golden sword, like a key, came out of nowhere, a spin, blasting into the sky.

“That was...” Noah was shocked.

Because that key-shaped golden sword, Noah, is not unknown.

It was Gate_of_Babylon that Gaia and Alayer gave Noah.

Under Noah's watchful eye, the storm burst into the sky, a golden sword trembling against a burst of red storms.

“Boo-hoo! ”

The treasure called "Gate_of_Babylon" exploded instantly, turning into a golden powder, sprinkled from the sky, then directly stagnated in the middle of the air, like a golden film covering the top.

The burgeoning red storm touched the powdered optical film, but it suddenly stagnated and could no longer move.

Between the heavens and the earth, silence was restored.

Noah could only stare at the scene, not reacting at all, leaving her body to fall down.

Then, two rather naive little hands held him.