Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1627 Do What You Want to Do

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Ice Moon Shadow’, '7987986’, ‘Mixed Order’, ‘I am a child without money’, ‘Families of the Gods', ‘Book Friend 150324105130288’, ‘Second Yuan Sister Saigao’, ‘Purple Night Xuanxing’, ‘Aiaiai’, ‘Cleric of the Upper Officials’, ‘Grass of the Sea’, ‘Dust Seal on the Other Shore’, ‘Deng Mao’!

When that gorgeous white light began to fade slowly, returning the three of them, Noah, Gaia and Alayer, to this pure white world, Noah opened her eyes and her eyes were extremely complex.

Gaia still held Noah's hand and couldn't help but make a sound.

“After you were born, many worlds here have sent you into one of them for your growth. ”

“After all, while you are given enough intelligence, emotion is something that needs to come into contact with a wide variety of people.” Alleyer said the same thing.

“Though the world has given birth to you, it is not meant to be pure props, and to do so, it is absolutely necessary for you to have a good environment for growth. ”

“That's why you're being sent to the guild full of positive energy to grow up to be a happy child.” Gaia smiled.

“As for us, it is the world that has given us the mission to guide you so that we can connect with you. ”

“Rest assured, I do not doubt your intentions, but I did not expect that I had such a birth.” Noah only laughed bitterly.

“Besides, even if you're so good at what I'm saying, can't I just take those shadows? ”

“That's just because your true power hasn't been elicited yet.” Alleyer said immediately.

“You are, nevertheless, the life of the debris of a world, even though that world of origin has been destroyed, but your body undoubtedly conceals the potential to become a rival world. ”

“In other words, little Noah, you have the potential to be a world match.” Gaia reached out one hand and pressed Noah's chest.

“Wasn't it because you touched that possibility that you realized your mission and that the culprits of the destruction of the starting world existed? ”

Noah couldn't help but hear the words of Gaia and Alayer.

“But that's not going to happen. ”

“That's just because the power you use to pull possibilities is too weak a relationship.” Alayer shook his head.

“It's a possibility to rival a world. If you don't need more than one world power, it can't be traced at all. Even if you are lucky enough to be traced out, with your present human body, you will be suddenly exploded by that huge possibility, right? ”

Noarton was shocked and scared after a while.

Is there such a serious consequence?

But is it possible to rival a world?

No wonder the power of a sun can't be drawn out.

“What am I supposed to do?” Noah was helpless.

“I can't take it if it brings out the possibility in my body, can I? Not to mention, it can't be pulled out, can it? ”

“It's okay,” Gaia swore.

“We're already ready. ”

At this point, a piece of feather that was dancing in a circular motion began to spin and flash continuously.

Gaia and Alayer took a step forward at the same time, lifting one hand slowly, as if with something.

“Buzz ————! ”

Suddenly, the whole "Between the Worlds" began to tremble, and the ground blew an eye-catching white light.

Noah subconsciously squinted her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light rose and appeared in front of Noah on the bright white ground.

Looking at the light source, Noah opened her eyes slightly.

There's a piece of crystal in that light.

A crystal that is crystal clear, pure and unblemished, as clear as water.

“That's...” Noah exclaimed.

“Isn't that the center of 'Between Worlds'? ”

“Since the advent of Shadow, the world has hidden the center of Between Worlds, avoiding being found by Shadow.” Alayeri said naturally.

“Anyway, it is the heart of 'Between Worlds', the source of 'Thinking', and without 'Thinking', district fantasies will not be the factor that shapes the whole 'Between Worlds' situation. ”

“And if Shadow finds the center of" Between Worlds, "it may be able to absorb the" drawing power "generated by this crystal, filling more" drawing power "with evil fantasies, too.” Gaia explained.

“So the world hid it, and now it's time for it to work. ”

“Ultimately, the world should be based on 'imagination', fantasies are just design drawings and promoters.” As always, Alayyah has said astonishing things in cold blood.

“Since the so-called sovereignty of the Sun has no way of eliciting the possibilities within you, then we can use the 'power of thought' generated by the centre of 'Between the Worlds' to transform the sovereignty of the Sun into the sovereignty of the world, that's fine! ”

“What... what?” Noah is really stuck.

“The sovereignty of the world? ”

“It is not only about transforming the sovereignty of the Sun into the sovereignty of the world, but also about transforming your body into the grace of the world in order to be able to bear the enormous possibilities of a world.” Gaia lifted her finger and calculated it.

“In addition, your power from God can also be transformed into the power of the world. ”

“World sovereignty, world power, and world grace can perfectly translate the possibilities within you into the power of a comparable world, and then you can stand on the same level as Shadow.” Alayer lifted his curtains and looked at Noah.

“It is for this purpose that we advise you to travel around the world, strive to improve your strength, and ultimately find a way to transform the right power you have gained into 'thinking' and extract the power from your body. ”

“Things are going better than we thought, little Noah, and the solar sovereignty, the power of God, and the grace of God that you get, are just right for converting with 'imagination' and elevating to the same power as the world, and everything is on track.” Gaia took a deep breath.

“Now it's time to fight back, little Noah. Are you ready? ”

Rumor has it, Noah's condition reflexes up, looking up into the sky.

There, the red storm outside the powdered optical film, not knowing when to regain its death-like red shadow, danced back and forth outside the optical film, like a locust, making the scalp look numb.

But the Tide of Death doesn't have any shy thoughts.

I'm sure those Shadows also realized that Noah was the only one who could threaten their existence, so they would never retreat before killing Noah, would they?

It was because of this that the last time Gaia and Alayer came out hunting for Shadow that they were anxious to call Noah over and kill him once to avoid being discovered by Shadow.

Thinking about it, Noah sighed and relieved herself, looking at the crystal.

“What should I do? ”

“Relax your body.” Alleyer said directly.

“Release your power, your sovereignty and your mercy. ”

Noah nodded heavily and closed her eyes.

“Buzz ————! ”

The next moment, Noah had a glimmer of light all over her body.

In the glow, Noah's body, a contour with ten patterns, a sun branded at the center, 24 engraved stone plates emerged in the sun, slowly moving forward.

At the same time, behind Noah, a text jumped up, neatly lined up, like a stream of light, flew out, wrapped around the stone tray, and spinning.

Watching this scene, Gaia nodded her head at the same time as Alayer.

“We'll take care of it.” Gaia said to Noah.

“Don't worry, little Noah, we will succeed in translating your power, sovereignty and grace into the same force as the world. ”

“Will it take long?” Noah pointed up.

“Can that light film hold up? ”

“I don't know, the optical film was formed when we merged a hint of 'imagination' into 'Gate_of_Babylon', and even we used 'imagination' to get out of our world temporarily and into 'Between Worlds'.” Alayer said so.

“Once 'imagination' is exhausted, the optical film disappears and we return to the original world. ”

“There is only one such opportunity, which cannot be replicated again, and we must compete for seconds to complete the transformation of 'thinking' as soon as possible.” Gaia slapped herself in the chest.

“Well, anyway, leave everything to us. ”

“What am I supposed to do?” Noah frowned.

“Are you just watching? ”

Gaia and Alayden looked at each other.

“You're right.” Gaia sank for a moment and then said this.

“In that case, little Noah, do what you want. ”

“Do what I want?” Noah's stuck.

“Whatever the outcome, this time you have to confront the catastrophe that is active in" Between the Worlds, "eventually, if you win over nature is good, but if you lose, whether you or your family, friends, lovers in the thousands of worlds will go to extinction together.” Alayer warned.

“Just do what you want to do, in order not to leave any regrets behind. ”

Noah is silent.