Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1656: An Incredible Group of People

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Ice EKS’, 'c8763’, ‘Einisle’, ‘Muyu ', 'Pokémon’, 'Silently Watching You Update’, ‘Bookmate 160514235026990’, ‘Speechless wen’, ‘o0 Tears 0o’!

At the end of the preliminaries, over Cullocus, huge pumpkin imagery reappeared.

“At the end of the Preliminary Battle of the Great Devil, the eight teams selected have been selected, and the official competition will take place tomorrow, at which time the audience is welcome to enter! ”

After leaving this sentence, the giant pumpkin image disappeared directly.

Then, the iron and steel city hovering over Kurokas was a sudden shock, shocking all the entrants who were still inside, and then, like a mirage, disappeared.

So the screams over Cullocus, belonging to the Wizards, rang through the night sky, one after the other falling to the ground.

In this scene, the inhabitants of Kurokasri really enjoyed the scene and discussed it.

“It's just a preliminary, but it seems interesting. ”

“Unfortunately, there is no live broadcast. ”

“I don't know which guilders passed the pre-selection. ”

“What else can I say? There must be Saber_Tooth, right? ”

“Lamia_Scale, who has been in second place in previous years, must have also been selected. ”

“The Blue_Pegasus has also done well in the past. ”

“There is also said to be Mermaid_Heel, a female member only, who also looks pretty good. ”

“Looks like this year's Great Devil's Fight is very impressive. ”

“Of course, I heard that the contestants also had Holy Ten Magic's Pullah, who knew how to think it wouldn't be boring. ”

“Really? Then I have to see it tomorrow! ”

“Me too! ”

“Me too! ”

For a while, the entire Kulocus was filled with noises from the inhabitants.

You know, the preliminaries started at 12: 00 a.m.

Now that the preliminaries are over, it's really very rare to be so lively.

However, in order to be able to watch tomorrow's games, residents are ready to go back to their homes and get up early for bed while they have a lively conversation.

During that time, no one mentioned Fairy_Tail.

Perhaps, in the opinion of these people, the Guild of Thousands would have been brushed down?

So, when tomorrow's preliminary ranking comes out, how wonderful the audience's expression will be, it's already predictable.

Some of the parties felt very uncomfortable.

“Shit! ”

On the way back to the hotel, Naz has been acting very uncomfortable.

“Why did Noah's team get first place and my team only got last place? ”

“Are you still thinking about this?” Lucy had a headache on her forehead.

“Didn't I say it would be nice to pass the preselection? ”

“Not good at all!” Naz shouted.

“Our goal is number one! ”

“Our goal is the first place in the Kingdom of Fiore, not the first place in the preliminaries.” Greg was annoyed to talk.

“Of the eight teams that passed the Preliminary, our Guild held two seats, one of which was also ranked first in the Preliminary, and it was time to satisfy, stinking fire. ”

“… still very upset!” Naz points to Lucy.

“So, Lucy, go and feed Hobby! ”

“Why are you upset that the result is I have to be eaten?!” Lucy can't throw up a chute.

“Besides, who doesn't eat well, but Hubby?! ”

“Okay, shut up.” Elusia was bored.

“Tomorrow is the official game. Save me some spirit and think about tomorrow's game. ”

“But if it's a game, what will it be?” Wendy twisted her head and looked a little restless.

“Always feeling a little nervous. ”

“Well, it's best to have a positive confrontation.” Grey pulled the collar.

“If that's the case, we have no chance of losing. ”

“Ah-ha...” Luceton laughed dry.

“I would prefer not to resort to violence in everything. ”

As a result, Elusia, Naz, Grey, Lucy and Wendy had an interesting conversation about the Great Fight, just like the residents of Kulocasley.

Instead, Noah, Mira, Jubien, Ghaziru and Laxas didn't talk much, walked quietly behind them, looked at this kind of Alusha walker, all with a helpless expression.

“It's always so noisy.” Gajiru leaves his mouth open.

“When can we be quiet? ”

“Isn't that nice?” Jubien smiled.

“After all, it's a festival. ”

“The festival is about to be lively.” Mira grabbed Noah's arm and walked with Noah, smiling, saying so.

“Why don't we have a festival at the Guild? ”

“I have no objection.” Laxas closed his eyes, hugged his arm, and opened his mouth.

“As long as the old man's wallet is enough. ”

In other words, these people actually enjoy it as well.

Noah could only look at his companions with a laugh, but an incredible calm in his heart.

At this time, a voice sounded in Noah's heart.

“Seeing these people noisy and noisy, the concubine feels a sense of tranquillity, an incredible group of people. ”

When Noah heard the voice, she laughed silently in her heart.

“But this is Fairy_Tail." ”

“Really?” Athena said with some indisputability and some agreement.

“Concubine somewhat understands why you are so obsessed with this so-called guild. ”

Athena's words had just fallen, and another voice had sounded in Noah's heart.

“It is incredible indeed.” Esther rarely speaks very sensible and emotional words.

“In the past, I have never seen a human being like this who could easily influence the mood of an elf. ”

After all, the emotions between humans and elves are what they are, not what they are.

At the very least, in the world of 'Sword Dance by the Pokémon', human beings want to influence the mood of the Pokémon, unless they do something terrible to make the Pokémon furious. If they want to make the Pokémon feel better and to be close to humans, they must dedicate the ritual of sword dance and divine pleasure.

But the Fairy_Tail line of people rely on their own actions to naturally drive the spirit, and no wonder Esther gave it an incredible rating.

Noah just smiled.

“But this is Fairy_Tail." ”

In the same sentence, Esther and Athena both agreed and fell into silence.

That's when Mira, holding Noah's hand, suddenly opened her mouth.

“Noah, forward. ”

Rumor has it that Noah subconsciously looks forward, even when he stops.

The companions around stopped with Noah, one at a time.

Just because, right in the middle of the road ahead, a man stood there, blocking everyone from going.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

A breeze blows past, blowing the snow and white coat on the girl hunting.

A snowy girl stands in the moonlight, and a pair of beautiful eyes stare at her, with unspeakable waves inside.

Looking at the young girl, who looked weak and beautiful in the moonlight, Alusha curled her face.

“Are you Saber_Tooth? ”

The girl who suddenly appeared here, blocking the path of a pedestrian, was the snow of Saber_Tooth.

Ignoring Elusia's questioning, Snow lifted her stride and slowly headed this way.

Naz and Grey held their fists almost conditionally and intended to go forward.

But before Naz and Grey could step forward, their shoulders were pressed tightly.

At the moment, Natz and Grey were at the same time, turning their heads and looking behind themselves.

The man who entered the curtains of Naz and Grey, Heron, was Noah.

“Noah?” Naz and Grey were surprised.

Noah shook her head and patted Beanatz and Grey on their shoulders, spinning straight over the two of them, up front, in front of a line of people, gazing at Snow.

Noah understands.

This girl is definitely just coming for herself.