Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1658: Just Feeling All Kind Of Unknown

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At this moment, the whole Fairy_Tail Wizard was all up.

But Snow only sees Noah, staring closely at Noah's face, so to speak.

“If I win, adults must leave Fairy_Tail and join Saber_Tooth. ”

Once the voice dropped, Noah didn't have time to respond, and Naz stood up.

“Interesting!” Naz's eyes became extremely bright, and the space around him began to spread heavy heat waves, distorting the air.

“Noah, let me beat her! ”

“Think about it and talk again, you idiot.” Grey's got a tongue.

“If you lose, Noah will have to join Saber_Tooth. ”

“It's okay." Nazzzhen said in words.

“Anyway, I won't lose! ”

“Wait, wait, wait! How can opponents say" Saber_Tooth "?!” Lucy hastily asked.

“What would Noah do if one of you accidentally lost? ”

“Just... yeah.” Wendy couldn't help but say.

“At least let Sister Elusia, Sister Mira, or Laxas do it. ”

“I'm okay.” Laxas said with no expression on his face.

“My brother was dug into another guild, and even I wouldn't sit around and ignore it. ”

“I don't mind either.” Mira's expression got serious.

“Now, I won't lose, no matter who my opponent is. ”

“After all, if I lose, my companions who grew up together will leave me.” Arusha's eyes glistened a little more towards Snow.

“So I don't mind doing it either. ”

“Well, I'll get involved.” Gajiru laughed.

“Digging an angle in front of Ben's grandfather is disgusting. ”

“Jubien is no problem.” Jubien said the same thing.

“Jubien won't be merciful. ”

Obviously, Snow is a word that also excites the folks at Fairy_Tail.

And most importantly, this challenge, if it is about Noah's ability to remain in the guild, is absolutely incumbent upon all.

Absolutely not.

This is what Fairy_Tail believes in.

Noah is naturally grateful for this, but Snow is ungrateful.

“There's only one person I want to challenge!” Snow is staring at Noah.

“Please accept my challenge! ”

Noah is silent.

Half a buzz later, Noah spoke faintly.

“Give it up, you can't beat me. ”

“No!” Snow insisted.

“I won't lose! ”

“... I don't understand why you're so obsessed with me.” Noah finally spoke his mind.

“But I must tell you, if I had a place to stay, it would definitely not be Saber_Tooth, but Fairy_Tail. ”

Snow's pretty face suddenly sank slightly, and the look in Noah's eyes began to pour a little sorrow, biting her lips and squeezing out such a sentence.

“But you clearly said that you are the most powerful guild of the Fiore kingdom...”

“Hmm?” Noah didn't hear Snow clearly, but frowned again.

“What did you say? ”

Snow did not answer, but looked up again and looked deeply at Noah, saying a word.

“I'll prove to you that Fairy_Tail is no better than Saber_Tooth. ”

Snow's tone became resolute.

“By then, you will naturally understand which guild is where you should be. ”

Leaving this sentence, Snow turned around and again took a quiet step, riding in the beautiful moonlight, leaving no head behind, leaving everyone with a soft but somewhat bleak back.

The streets are in silence.

Everyone looked at Snow as if it was a bit of a desolate shadow, while focusing their eyes on Noah.

Eventually, Mira asked softly.

“Do you know that girl Snow? ”

“… should not be considered acquaintance, at least I didn't think of her.” Noah sighed.

“So, more precisely, where have you seen it, or what sources I don't know, or even can't remember? ”

Rumor has it that people don't say anything anymore.

Noah took a deep breath and looked at Elusia.

“I want to investigate two people. ”

“One is just Snow, right?” Elusia spoke directly.

“Who else is there? ”

“Didn't Mermaid_Heel have a leader with a knife?” Nor did Noah have the courtesy to put it succinctly.

“The other one is her. ”

“I get it.” Elusia nodded her head.

“I'll have my colleagues in the guild look into it. ”

“I'll help too.” Mira held Noah's hand tightly, but her eyes did not retrieve from Snow's departure.

“It always feels like you can't just sit there and ignore that kid. ”

Mira's words, right in Noah's heart.

“Yeah.” Noah watched as the snow was leaving, mumbling softly.

“You can't just sit there and ignore it. ”


Upon returning to the hotel, Noah passed both the Preliminary Games for Team A and Team B and told Makarov about the upcoming official event, gave him a good report and asked Makarov to help him investigate the intelligence of the two girls.

Makarov did not know why Noah wanted to investigate the two young girls, but did not ask, just when Noah cared about the two young girls who were opponents, immediately after the oath was given that he would get the information Noah wanted immediately.

Don't say that Makarov did.

Building on the network of previous relationships and his reputation as Holy Ten Demons, Makarov successfully obtained the information that Noah wanted, and even the rest of his opponents in the Great Fight, before Noah.

So Noah immediately looked at the information of the two young girls she cared about.

In a room at the hotel, Noah sat on the edge of the bed, and in her hand she turned over a cover labeled 'Mermaid_Heel'.

And when I opened this information, Noah saw who she wanted to investigate.

Then Noah slowly recited each other's names.

“Kagura - Mikazziki...”


The Guild is known as Mermaid_Heel and is the most powerful Demon Herald in the Guild.

The girl named Kagura is not the president of Mermaid_Heel, but the actual leader of Mermaid_Heel.

In fact, not only is it extremely powerful, but it also possesses very superior physical skills and swordsmanship, which can easily defeat the vast majority of the wizards without using magic.

In relation to this young girl, there is one such assessment on the data.

“In this great battle, after the Ten Demons of the Holy Spirit, is the Wizard of the Dora-Rakes?” Noah mumbled.

“So why would such a powerful wizard look at me like that? ”

Noah doesn't understand.

If Snow, in the words of Xuenao, still feels hidden where she has heard the name and where she should have seen her, then Noah doesn't even feel a little familiar with this young girl named Kagura.

Undoubtedly, this man, Noah, never knew.

But why would someone you don't know look at you like that?

“It feels so strange. ”

Of course, Noah had a headache more than he did for some reason.

For no reason, it attracted the attention of two young girls, and it was still a very persistent kind, but I didn't know each other, and anyone would feel like a cow.

“By the way, there's another guy in a cloak. ”

Noah continues to flip through the information.

The next second, Noah saw a name with a stunned look.

“Is that her? ”