Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1662 Appearances, Competitions and Duels

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward for "doing the same thing"! And rewards for 'Phantom of the Ghost', 'Dragon Pity Snow’, ‘Long Live the Orient’, ‘Wing Ruins’, ‘Melody 1988’, ‘Thunder Ring’, 'Seconds Kill Potatoes’, ‘Milk Bottle s’, ‘Famous Font Round’!

In the meantime, there was a lot of confusion and surprise and a lot of noise all over the room.

Besides, people were even more surprised and quarreled when they saw Fairy_Tail join two teams.

As I had long anticipated, Chabati grabbed the microphone and spoke to Ajima.

“What do you think, Mr. Yagima, about the success of Fairy_Tail? ”

“It can only be said that Fairy_Tail has certainly lived up to my expectations.” Yajima looks very satisfied.

“Believe it or not, Fairy_Tail is going to show us the brilliance and strength that it once was. ”

“Exactly.” Chabati nodded and looked at Jenny again.

“What does Miss Jenny think? ”

“Well, I don't think you need to be so surprised.” Jenny smiled and said.

“No matter what kind of guild, wouldn't it be nice to make the Great Fight more wonderful and lively? ”

“Mr. Yagima and Miss Jenny are impressed with their insights.” Chabati raised his voice.

“So let the audience look forward to seeing what our Fairy_Tail once did! ”

The dialogue between the three people on the podium allowed the audience in the audience to stop and start cheering again.

It has to be said that this fact-finding reporter named Chabati does have two problems, has been firmly in control of the atmosphere on the scene and has not forgotten to heat it up, no wonder he will be chosen as the annual live reporter of the Great Devil's Fight.

Then Chabati began to announce.

“Well, let our contestants in! ”

At this moment, beneath the eight directions of the audience in the hall, a passage began to flash a magical light, allowing a dazzling effect to bloom simultaneously on the entrance of the eight passages, igniting the hearts of all the audiences.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of all, the eight teams slowly emerged from it.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. ”

Loud cheers rushed straight into the clouds and shook the atmosphere.

At the entrance of one of the corridors, Noah walked forward on foot with Mira, Jubien, Ghaziru and Laxas.

Watching Noah walking forward with four people, a lot of people in the audience started talking.

“Is that Miss Mila's fiancé? ”

“Doesn't look too good either. ”

“However, the momentum is good. ”

“Is his team Fairy_Tail the number one in the preliminaries? ”

“Isn't that Miss Mila next to him? ”

“Looks like he's right. ”

Discussions from all sides left Noah somewhat helpless to hear clearly.

The dialogue between the three people on the podium, because of the extended microphone relationship, was naturally heard by Noah, who was waiting in the players' area.

At this moment, even Noah had to get a little grumpy.

“Who doesn't? Why should I? ”

Ming Sheng Ten demons guide Pula is also a contestant. If it's popular and famous, should we even mention him?

Of course, Mila is not weaker than Pula in terms of popularity and popularity.

If it hadn't been for the seven years of the gap, Mira would never have had a chance to appear in front of the crowd again. I'm sure Mira's popularity and popularity would have been a lot higher than that of Jura?

Now, precisely because of this popularity and popularity, Noah has become directly the most visible.

The spears of the crowd all pointed out to the man who had captured the supermodel with such visibility and popularity.

“Huh.” Mira seemed happy and even her eyes squinted.

“Noah is so popular. ”

“Really?” Noah glanced at Mira without anger.

“I just don't know whose blessing it is. ”

Mira smiled and ignored Noah's lack of anger. She looked around at the audience pointing a finger at Noah. Some of them held Noah's arm like a bad eye and snuggled on him with great affection.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. ---?! ”

This time, the audience stopped shouting, but provoked a ghost wolf howling as if it had been stimulated, all with blood tears, and focused their eyes full of anger, jealousy and resentment on Noah.

Only then did Noah really have the urge to turn around and walk away.

And at this point, Noah felt a very strong gaze on herself.

There are four lines of sight.

One of them was the armored man from Raven_Tail.

Noah's name flashed in the mind of all the Guild team intelligence she had seen last night except Fairy_Tail.

- Alexis.

“Fairy_Tail's Noah Dollar...” Alexi stared dead at Noah and whispered.

“I will definitely get" Luminous - Star Glow "...”

In addition to Alexis, three other sights come from the three guilds.

One is Snow from Saber_Tooth.

One is from Mermaid_Heel.

Since yesterday, two teenage girls have been showing excessive attention to Noah.

So Noah wasn't surprised by the other person's performance.

Instead, Noah was slightly surprised by the last glimpse.

That line of sight came from Lamia_Scale.

The owner of the sight, is the pigeon.

“Seven years ago, I could only look behind you and salute you.” A warlike smile hung on his face.

“For seven years I've been practicing, Your Excellency Noah, looking forward to fighting you. ”

Noah snorted and smiled.

“I won't be merciful then. ”

Pula didn't speak, she just gave a satisfied look.

The rest of the guild also showed some concern for Noah, but not as strongly as the other four.

In such circumstances, Chabati's voice began to sound.

“So, let's start explaining the rules of the Great Fight! ”

With the sound of Chabati's voice, in the center of the venue, the ground suddenly shook.

The next second, the sandstone began to be pushed away, and a giant tablet rose in a vibration on the ground, standing in the middle of the venue in a "boom".

Everyone looked up at the stone tablet.

Only, on the tablet, there are five rows.

Each line represents the contents of the Great Devil's Fight all day long.

In other words, the Great Devil's Fight will be held for five days.

“And the first four days of the Great Devil's Fight were made up of two parts.” Chabati began to understand.

“The first part is the competition, in which the players of each team can select a contestant before the start of the competition, and then publish the contents of the competition, make a ranking match, and according to the ranking, score the higher the score, the more points the first will score, the second will score 10 points, the second will score 8 points, the third will score 6 points, the fourth will score 4 points, the fifth, sixth and seventh will score 3 points, 2 points and 1 points respectively, while the last will not score any points, that is 0 points. ”

“The second part is a duel, the contestants are no longer free to choose, but our organizers elect eight members from each of the eight teams based on popular voting and other factors, and have four one-on-one matches. Ultimately, the winning team gets 10 points, the two teams get 5 points if they are tied, and the defeat is 0 points. ”

“Ultimately, by the end of the fifth day, the team with the highest score was the winner of the Great Devil's Fight. ”

“Now, please choose your first day of competition! ”