Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1674: How about a little mercy?

(Thank you very much for 'Hail Oriental’, 'Flame Eternal Life’, ‘Rebellion of Hyogo North’, ‘Book Friend 160430141251629’, ‘MAYUNCHENG34’, ‘Ice/Moon Shadow’, ‘Famous Fantasy Circle’, ‘Kankun Cultivation’, ‘? Lonely as smoke? Reward for', ‘Three Kingdoms Rangers SQ’, ‘A929030’!

At this time, we were talking about some kind of divine music, and Miriam noticed Noah and Arusha walking into the park, and she looked at it.

“Little Eloise.” Miriam smiled happily at Elusia and looked at Noah, winking naughty.

“Little Noah, you're finally here. ”

“Don't call me Little Noah.” Noah was helpless.

“Unlike us, you haven't been stopped for seven years. You're seven years old. Why are you still so naughty? ”

“Just because I've been here for the past seven years, I'm older than you. Can't I just call you Noah?” Miriam giggles.

“And I've always been like this, after all, the most energetic. ”

Noah couldn't help laughing, but she didn't really feel bad about it.

It didn't look surprising to see Noah, but it was strange to see Elusia.

“Noah, didn't you already know Miriam was in Mermaid_Heel? ”

“I just found out yesterday, too.” Noah explained.

“After the Preliminary Games, I asked Grandpa to help me find out about the eight teams that had joined the Battle of the Great Fight, when Miriana joined Mermaid_Heel. ”

Likewise, it was only then that Noah learned that the black robe in Mermaid_Heel was Miriana.

So when Elusia had Noah come out to see someone and she looked happy, Noah guessed that Elusia had found out who Miriam really was.

“What is it?” Elusia said with some bad breath.

“If you already know about Miriam, why did you ask me to help you investigate? ”

“I told you, I went back and asked Grandpa for information before I found out.” Noah laughed bitterly.

“Well, that's why you found out who Miriam really is, isn't it? ”

“That's it.” Miriam grabbed Elusia and rubbed Elusia's face, making a loud noise.

“Seriously, I was surprised when little Eloux came to me at the Mermaid_Heel hotel, and I was going to wait until the Great Fight was over to reveal myself. ”

“Since you're here, you should have seen me sooner.” Elusia didn't reject Miriam's intimacy, but she blamed it.

“I missed you guys so much. ”

“I missed you, too, little Eloise.” Miriam grinned and squeezed Elusia.

“Hugh, Simon and Woolly, they missed you, too. ”

“By the way, since you joined Mermaid_Heel, what about Simon and them?” Noah asked.

“Which guild did they join? ”

“No, I'm the only one in the guild, Simon. They're still traveling.” Miriam let go of Elusia and turned to Kagura.

“Besides, I was only added to Mermaid_Heel because of Xiao Xianle. ”

Rumor has it that Noah and Elusia turned their eyes to Kagura.

In the eyes of Noah and Elusia, Kagura gently pushed Miriana away and came to Noah's face.

He raised his head and looked at Noah, and Shen Le opened his face seriously.

“I've wanted to see you for a long time. ”

“I can see that.” Noah glanced straight at Kagura and said.

“Now that this is happening, let me ask you a question. Do we know each other? ”

As early as the first time we met, Kagura had shown some interest in Noah.

Though not as severe as Snow, Konoah knew that Kagura had something to do with himself as well.

It wasn't until I found out that Miriam was in Mermaid_Heel that Noah felt, perhaps, that the concert was concerned about herself solely because of Miriam's relationship.

Unfortunately, Noah was wrong.

“We do not know each other.” That's what Kagura said.

“But my cousin has mentioned you more than once before me and admired you. ”

“Cousin? That's your brother, right?” Noah sounded surprised.

“Does your brother know me? ”

The answer to this question is not Kagura, but Miriam.

“Hee-hee, don't be scared.” Miriana grinned with a thief.

“Little Kagura is actually Simon's sister, her own sister. ”

“Simon's sister?” Noah looked stunned at Kagura.

“Are you Simon's sister? ”

“What... what?” Alicia was also amazed and looked at Kagura with amazement.

“Are you Simon's sister? ”

As early as the incident at the Tower of Paradise was resolved, Simon mentioned to everyone that he also had a sister who had been separated from her urine.

To find out where my sister is and to see the world around, Simon travels with Miriam and Hugh and Woolley.

This is Simon's sister in front of him?

“As I'm sure you know, my brother and I have been separated from each other since childhood, and I have been searching for my brother's whereabouts for years.” Kagura explains.

“It was not until a few years ago that I found my brother and learned from him what had happened to him over the years, as well as about your existence. ”

“Especially you, Lord Noah, my brother, have told me that he was able to free himself from the Tower of Paradise because you defeated Gerrard and awakened him.” Kagura held the knife in his hand together and lowered his head deep against Noah.

“I can only express my utmost gratitude to you for this, and I will certainly bear in mind that if you need anything to come to my place, please let me know and I will do my utmost as long as I can. ”

In saying this, Kagura is very sincere, both in expression and tone.

Obviously, all of these words come from the true heart of Kagura.

In such a situation, Noah and Elusia finally reacted with surprise, glancing at each other and smiling.

Now, Noah stalls, he says.

“In that case, why don't you show some respect to my men if you meet them in the game? ”

“It can't be done.” Kagura raised his head and looked very solemnly at Noah.

“Your Excellency is very strong, and I have not been able to win your confidence if you show mercy. ”

“Really?” Noah smiled slightly.

“It's truly an honor to be known as the most powerful wizard in this great battle, except for the" Rock and Iron "Pilla. ”

“Unfortunately, even the" Iron of the Rock "Pula was easily defeated by Your Excellency.” The look on Kagura's face relaxed slightly, but he said so.

“Therefore, I will never be merciful to His Excellency, and please be aware. ”

“That's nature.” Noah nodded her head.

“I'll keep it in mind. ”

“All right, that's it for the first time!” Miriam was very vibrant.

“Now that we all know each other, let's eat together! ”

Noah, Elusia, and Shinto all nodded their heads with no opinions.

So, Noah finally figured out why Kagura was showing some attention to Noah.

However, while a doubt was solved, more doubt still existed in Noah's mind.

For example, why is Snow so obsessed with Noah?

What happened to the magic suction phenomenon in the giant egg-Vladivird?

Is there a secret to this festival called The Great Devil's Fight?

Was that Raven_Tail staring at Lumen-Singhui planning something?

One question after another, it hasn't been solved yet.

Nearly out of instinct, Noah had a hunch that was hidden in her heart.

The so-called Great Devil's Fight is probably not as simple as what everyone sees on the surface.

This trip to Wangdu, I'm afraid, will produce some more things that I have to face.

However, no matter what happens, Noah, as a Fairy_Tail warrior, will never compromise and will fight to the end.