Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1676 Become the Strongest for Your Peer!

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'This Cargo', ‘Super Anime Crazy’, ‘Muyu ;;;;;;;;;ĞĞ;Ğ;Ğ;G;;;G;;;;G;;;GGG;;;GGGGG;;;;GGGG;;G;GG;GGGG;G;GGG;GGGG;;G;GG;GGG;GGGGG;G;;\71

As Sting put it, the Wizards of Fairy_Tail were silenced.

When you think about it, Fairy_Tail has a lot of similarities with Saber_Tooth.

At least, there are many similarities among the wizards who are here today.

Naz, Ghaziru, Wendy, Sting and Rog are the same dragon exterminator mentors.

Laxas, like Oruga, is the Ray Properties Demon Mentor of the extermination department.

Grey, like Loufax, is a stylistic magician in the creative faculty.

Lucy and Snow are the same Mentor of Star Demons.

Plus Fairy_Tail and Saber_Tooth are the strongest guilds in the kingdom of the past and the strongest guilds in the kingdom of today, and many coincidences give you the feeling of fate.

However, at this point, Noah suddenly spoke.

“Why do you Saber_Tooth want to be the strongest guild? ”

Suddenly, the Saber_Tooth mentors were stunned.

When the reaction came, Sting took the lead in laughing.

“What do you think you're asking? Is there any reason why you need to be the strongest? ”

Noah laughed and laughed very uncomfortably.

And then Noah said that.

“In that case, we are not like you. ”

Sting walked away at once.

In this case, Noah took a step forward, came to everyone, looked at Sting, Rog, Lufas, Oluga and Snow, and said word for word after word.

“The so-called Guild is a gathering place for peers, family and friends. It is called the Guild only when everyone is gathered together, so we will fight for our peers and win the strongest! ”

“And you, at best, are fighting for honor, and our faith is not a level at all!” Noah cleaved the iron opening.

“So we're not the same, no, I should say, you're not like us! ”

“What did you say?” Sting, Rog, Rufus and Oluga were all angry.

Only Snow, listening to Noah, had a slight tremor in her heart, lowered her head and bit her lip.

The Fairy_Tail crowd, on the other hand, all showed their identical faces and looked at the Saber_Tooth walker with no emotions.

That look, falling into the eyes of a line of Saber_Tooth wizards, was like looking up at them.

So Sting's heart rose in anger.

But without waiting for them, Noah turned around as if she didn't want to get involved anymore.

“Let's go! ”

Leaving this sentence behind, Noah ignored Sting's pedestrians and walked straight to the venue.

The rest of the guys followed suit, as if they didn't want to talk to Saber_Tooth anymore and walked into the room.

“Wait!” Sting yelled.

“Do you want to escape?! ”

Everyone ignored Sting and kept walking.

That behavior, the anger in Sting's heart, climbed directly to the top, spinning, furious laughter.

“Well, in that case, I'll be in the competition later, your boring confidence, so let me crush it completely! ”

In that sentence, Noah stopped, turned her head and looked at Sting, laughing indisputably.

“Mutually, your self-righteous, boring self-confidence is waiting to see if they will be shattered! ”

After all, Noah stopped talking, and the folks with Fairy_Tail entered the venue, leaving Sting and others, angry for a long time.

Behind Sting's crew, Snow looked straight at Noah's gradual departure and, recalling what Noah had just said, his eyes were full of shake.

“Become the strongest for your peers…? ”


After leaving the view of Sting's travelers, Naz immediately made a sound.

“Nah, Elusia.” Naz said so.

“Let me do the competition part later! ”

Everyone's eyes gathered all the time on Naz.

Eyes on Naz's face revealed a fighting-looking look, with Elusia, Gray, Lucy and Wendy looking at each other.

Obviously, Naz's fighting spirit has been ignited by Sting.

As a dragon exterminator, Nazi probably got the same idea as Sting.

So Arusha nodded her head.

“Please, Naz. ”

“Okay!” Naz slapped his palm and his eyes burned with war.

“I'm burning! ”

“In that case, let me play on our side!” Ghaziru is equally reluctant to speak weakly.

“I've seen those guys get upset! ”

Mila, Jubien, and Laxas gathered their eyes on Noah.

If the leader of Team A is Elusia, then the leader of Team B is definitely Noah.

In response, Noah simply shrugged for a moment and turned to Ghaziru.

“This time, I won't allow anyone to lose to Saber_Tooth. Even so, are you going to do it? ”

“Don't you allow it?” Gajiru revealed a laugh rather dangerously.

“Exactly what I want! ”

Looking at Ghaziru with a dangerous smile on his face, there was a strong will in his eyes, and Noadin looked at Ghaziru for a moment and finally nodded his head.

“I'll leave it to you! ”


“Hello audience, it's time for the Great Devil's Fight to begin again. I'm Chabati-Lola, your live reporter, and I invite you to teach me more today! ”

From the podium of the giant egg-Vladivird, Chabati picked up the microphone and greeted all the audiences at the venue where the cheers burst out, then introduced the adjacent Ajima.

“The person in charge of the narrative remains our Mr. Yajima, and our guest of honor here today is Mr. Jason, a reporter for Magic Weekly. ”

“Magic Weekly! Cool!" A reporter named Jason was very excited to shake his arm, a pair that seemed to be irritated by something, or simply electrically shocked by lightning, making it impossible to spit.

Ignore Jason like that, Chabati continues to report.

“After yesterday's Great Devil's Fight, the rankings among the top eight guilds have changed somewhat, and the current rankings are as follows. ”

“First place:" Saber_Tooth "--20P. ”

“Second place:" Fairy Tail A Team "--14P. ”

“Third place:" Fairy Tail Team B "--13P. ”

“Fourth place:" Blue_Pegasus "--12P. ”

“Fifth place:" Lamia_Scale "- 8P. ”

“Sixth place:" Raven_Tail "- 6P. ”

“Seventh place: 'Mermaid_Heel' - 1P. ”

“8th Place:" Quatre_Cerberus "--0P. ”

“The number one place is Saber_Tooth, the most powerful guild of all time!” Chabati said enthusiastically.

“But in the back, our Fairy_Tail chasing is just as tight, two teams occupying second and third place respectively, which is incredible, and the strongest guild of the past is not built! ”

“What will happen after today's game? We'll see!” Chabati announced.

“So, the next day, the Great Devil's Fight starts now! ”