Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1695: True Objectives and Remaining Words

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Families of the Gods', 'Bent Book Friends’, ‘Pokémon’, ‘Seconds Killed Potatoes’, ‘Adorache Percy’, ‘Descendants of Meteorology’, ‘Unknown ◎ Moyan’, ‘Three Kingdoms Rangers SQ’, ‘Q Yongjiang Clothes Q’, ‘Black Knife White'!

On the other hand, in the Fairy_Tail hotel, a number of partners stayed on the scene and continued to eat and drink, making noise and complaining noises in the homes of some of the neighboring residents.

Noah stayed in front of the bar with Makarov, discussing some of today's discoveries, such as the fact that the person behind the magic of the warriors who secretly took part in the Great Battle was most likely the kingdom, and the unusual behavior of Raven_Tail.

Makarov also seemed to attach great importance to these two things, but he didn't find anything, and in front of Noah, he looked distressed.

Looking at Makarov in distress, Noah can only help.

After all, Makarov has been shouting about retirement, but once something closely related to the Guild is encountered, it will not stop.

Noah was going to solve both things herself, but he couldn't help but talk about it in the name of Makarov's questioning, probably mentioning it to the worried old governor.

And obviously, even Noah had just found something, and Makarov didn't know what to do.

So Makarov was the only one there who was distressed and made Noah laugh more or less.

At this point, Noah suddenly felt a familiar wave of magic.

Feeling that familiar fluctuation of magic, Noah stood up with a slight lag on her face.

Noah's movements were instantly brought to the attention of everyone at the venue.

Seeing Noah suddenly stand up and show some ugly expression, Makarov immediately asked.

“What's the matter? ”

“… I felt Mira's magic…” Noah walked straight out of the bar and quickly walked out the door, throwing down that sentence.

“Mira is now fighting and may have been attacked. ”

While leaving this sentence, Noah also walked out of the hotel and flew straight into the sky, turning into a stream of light, exposing herself to the direction of the familiar magic fluctuations she perceived.

It wasn't until this time that the Fairy_Tail wizards reacted, one by one, shocked and flung out of the hotel, heading in the direction of Noah's flight, rushing to the fastest possible speed.


“Shh...! ”

In the night sky at the dots of the stars, a stream of light appears to have crossed the sky as if it were a meteor, passing straight through the night sky and blasting in one of the directions of Kurokas.

Dark and dark eyes, like owl's eyes, flashed a bit cold-looking, sweeping through the surrounding area, flying along perceived familiar magic fluctuations, and Noah quickly came over a dark, bland street.

And then Noah saw it.

In the streets below, a dark, marshy fog spins violently like a whirlpool, releasing evil.

And in that constantly spinning dark fog, Mira, who received the soul of Satan, inspired the magic, with a silky expression on her face, as if stuck in a swamp, struggling hard.

Side by side, Lisa seemed to have passed out and fell there.

Seeing this, Noah speculated.

There is no doubt that Mira's men were attacked.

Moreover, the attacker was very powerful, tying Mira up and making her impossible.

As for Lisa, I don't know what's going on, but her breath hasn't changed much, and she just seems to have passed out.

These speculations came to Noah's mind just momentarily.

A moment later, Noah's eyes shook up, suddenly reaching out one hand and pointing at the thick dark fog below.

“Psst! ”

The dark blue magic array spins out in front of Noah's palm, like a turret, pointing underneath and gathering magic.

“Buzz ————! ”

The next moment, the blue magic array trembles, and the magic that converges inside is transformed into a beam of light that bursts out and falls directly into the dark fog beneath.

“Boo-hoo! ”

The sparkling magical beam of light collided with the dark fog of pitch black like a swamp, stirring up a dull sound, immediately followed by a mutually offset, all exploded, turned into white and black dots, dissipated in the air.

Until then, Mira seemed to have been liberated, her body lightened, and after a few steps, she turned her head and looked in Lisana's direction and rushed over.

A glimmer of dazzling light blossomed from Mira, releasing Mira from receiving Satan's soul and rushing to Lisana's side.

And by this time, Noah had already landed from the air, lifted Lisa up and checked Lisa's condition before relieving herself.

“Lisa!” Mira also embraced Lisa and looked at Noah in a hurry.

“How's Lisa?! ”

“Don't worry, Lisana's fine.” Noah grabbed Mira's hand and stared into Mira's eyes, indicating that she was calm.

“Lisa just lost so much magic that she passed out and woke up when the magic was restored. ”

“Really?” Mira relieved herself.

“That's wonderful. ”

“What's going on?” Noah held Lisana and asked Mira.

“And where's Snow? ”

“… we had an attack…" Mira grabbed her lips gently.

“Snow seems to have been taken away. ”

Noah's face sank.

Has it been attacked?

“Isn't the attacker Raven_Tail?” Noah said calmly.

“At least, I don't think Raven_Tail has the ability to bind you and take Snow. ”

“I also don't know who the attacker was, I was trapped by the dark fog as soon as the attack hit me, the situation outside was completely unclear, I could only hear snow crying Lisana's name implicitly, and it seemed to be talking to someone.” Mira said this with some reluctance, and then she looked up at Noah as if she remembered something.

“But the attackers left me a message to tell you that if you want Snow back, you can't take anyone with you to the outskirts of Kurokas alone. ”

That is, the target is not Mira and Lisana, nor Snow, but Noah.

Mira obviously understood that too, looking into Noah's eyes filled with worry.

But Mira didn't say anything, kept silent, and her hands with Noah were getting tighter and tighter.

Feeling the strength of Mira's hand, Noah's hand immediately shook back and smiled at Mira.

“Rest assured, even Akunorolia can't help me. How can an attacker who steals chickens and touches dogs manage to get to me? ”

In a word, Noah's intentions were unbroken.

Mira didn't say anything either, she just held Noah's hand tightly and smiled as tenderly and sweetly as ever.

“Well, I believe you. ”

Noah nodded, putting Lisa in her arms in Mira's arms, and then embraced her with Mira.

“Grandpa and Elusia should be on their way by now and will be here shortly.” Noah ordered.

“Just tell them to hold still for a while. I'll take care of everything here. If I'm not back tomorrow, let Kana replace me with a list of alternate members. Snow is not playing today. The alternate members of Team B have not been confirmed yet, so it should be fine. ”

“I know, just leave it to us. You've won a lot for us, and we'll win.” Mira snuggled in Noah's arms and spoke softly.

“Remember to bring the snow back. ”

Noah kissed Mira's forehead gently, then kissed Lisa's forehead, and then got up, and under Mira's eyes, her figure reshaped into a stream of light, rushing into the sky and flying in a direction out of town.

Looking away at Noah, Mira held Lisa tightly, murmuring softly.

“Come back early...”