Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1705: The Most Monsters in the Guild

(Thank you very much for 'old attack’, ‘HJAkeno’, 'Realm Monster Bayun Purple’, ‘? Lonely as smoke?’, ‘Windless Heaven’, 'o0 Tear Wounds 0o’, ‘True ’, 'Nanyunxia’, ‘The Song of the End of the World’, ‘Crazy Wolf Crash’ reward!

As Noah had expected, because Raven_Tail was late, everyone was talking in the room.

In the two Fairy_Tail contenders, everyone came together to discuss the matter.

Ultimately, there is only one conclusion.

“Looks like Raven_Tail had an accident.” Elusia asked thoughtfully.

“If the person who attacked Mira and Lisana yesterday and took Snow away was Raven_Tail, then why wasn't the guild present, was Noah the one who solved 89 out of 10? ”

This is the conclusion that people have come to.

After all, it is only this conclusion that meets all the current conditions.

“But if that's the case, Noah, who solved Raven_Tail, should be back.” Grey said so.

“Now that Noah's not back, there's got to be a deeper reason in there, right? ”

“That is...” Lucy hesitated for a moment, trying to say.

“Noah and Raven_Tail are nowhere to be found. Is it possible that they are still together or even fighting? ”

“How could that be the reason?” Gajiru leaves his mouth open.

“I don't think a Raven_Tail can haunt that guy for so long. ”

With regard to Gajiru, everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Obviously, people don't think that the power of Raven_Tail keeps Noah out all night.

There must be some deeper reason for this.

“What a hassle.” Naz held his head and looked disgusted.

“If you want to win or lose, why don't you come to us? You've got to make this so much trouble! ”

“It is precisely because there is no chance of victory in the face that those people will do it.” Lucy warned.

“Naz, stop messing around, the chairman is already making arrangements, we just need to focus on our game. ”

“Lucy's right.” Elusia nodded her head and glanced around at everyone.

“Anyway, it's better if Ivan's Guild isn't there, so we don't have to worry about what they'll do in the dark. ”

However, that sentence had just come to an end, and the other voice was ringing.

“Unfortunately, Ivan's guild didn't show up, and it wasn't just good for us. ”

With this phrase, Makarov, dressed up, came out of the corridor in front of everyone.

“One doesn't know if it's good or bad news.” Makarov said with a serious expression.

“Because Raven_Tail was not present and no one was found in their hotel, the organizer has decided to disqualify Raven_Tail! ”

Everyone laughed.

Wendy was the only one who crooked his head and asked puzzly.

“But why doesn't the news know if it's good or bad? ”

“Because when Raven_Tail was disqualified, the team that competed became seven, so that part of the competition, regardless of the duel, could not be paired.” Makarov sighed.

“So the organizers also decided to merge A and B teams and re-elect a team to compete. ”

This news is starting to wrinkle people's eyebrows.

Merge teams.

That's not a good thing for the dominant Fairy_Tail.

After all, the odds of winning would have increased if the two teams had entered together.

Once merged, Fairy_Tail's strengths disappear.

At present, however, Platoon A and Platoon B occupy first and second place, respectively, which is an advantage that cannot be overlooked.

“What should the score be after the merger?” Laxas looked at Makarov, holding his arm, and opened his mouth.

“Although the two teams held the first and second place respectively, the scores were different, right? ”

“This has also been decided.” Makarov said helplessly.

“After the merger, we followed the scores on the lower side. ”

Everyone frowned.

You know, Platoon B scores 44 points, while Platoon A scores only 37 points, a gap of seven points.

The third place, Saber_Tooth, was 34 points.

If you follow a team with a lower score, the gap between Fairy_Tail and Saber_Tooth is much smaller and is easily overcome.

“Isn't that not fair to us?” Jubien spoke outrageously.

“Even if we merge our teams, that should keep us on top of the score. ”

“Exactly.” Kana nodded her head as well.

“Our Guild of two teams qualified to participate in the official competition through the Preliminary Games, now merge our teams without permission and let our strengths disappear. We also intend to make our strengths smaller. The organizers are not intentionally suppressing us to make the competition more exciting and suspicious, are they? ”

“Perhaps for some reason.” Makarov raised his head and looked closely at everyone in the room.

“But the bigger reason should be that the organizers suspect us, right? ”

“Doubt?” Everyone was stunned.

Only Elusia understood Makarov.

“So that's it.” Elusia curled her eyes.

“Since Noah was not present either, did the organizers suspect that we would let Noah move Raven_Tail, eradicating the competition and breaking the rules? ”

“That's it.” Makarov touched his beard.

“At best, however, that was skeptical, so the organizers didn't disqualify us, but rather let us merge and follow the scores of teams with low scores, presumably to expose the matter. ”

“Revealed?” Lucy couldn't help but interrupt.

“That's not suspicious, it's basically certain Noah did something to Raven_Tail. ”

“There is no way, we have too much association with Ivan's Guild, and Noah and Ivan had an argument on the street before the Battle of the Devils started, and the other side had good reason to think we did it.” Makarov stalled.

“Besides, do you really think Ivan's club didn't show up and had nothing to do with Noah? ”

Everyone shut their mouths all the time.

“So, the organizers didn't disqualify us, and it's already giving us face.” Makarov put up a finger.

“Now, let's regroup! ”

As a result, after some discussion, Lucy, Wendy, Kana, Jubien and Mira withdrew from the race, comprised of new teams from Elusia, Naz, Grey, Gajiru and Laxas.

Originally, Mira should have been chosen as well in terms of strength, but Mira was still worried about Lisa in the hotel, so she took the initiative to let Hyun go back to the hotel and take care of Lisa.

After the team was reconstituted, today's game finally started.

And the part about the competition, the people who came out, was Elusia.

Alusha walked into the hall and suddenly felt a very strong gaze, looked up and looked past.

Only, ahead, Minneba was staring closely at Elusia, revealing an unpleasant smile, he said.

“Without that monster, can the fairy still beat the tiger? ”

It was said that Alusha's eyes flashed and a smile of strong will appeared on her face.

“Unfortunately, our guild is full of monsters. ”

Minneba's eyes squinted and her smile became cold.