Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1708 I, from the Future (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'I'm Small Arms', 'Second Kill Potatoes’, ‘Evil' Ash ’,‘ 9 ~ Chiruno ~ 9 ’,‘ 233333hhhhhh ’,‘ zsjldhxx ’,‘ Pokémon ’,‘ Meiqin Sister ’!

There is no doubt that after this time, Elusia was completely hated by Minneba.

However, even if Minneba hates Elusia any more, this twisted, self-righteous teenage girl will not change the outcome of losing to Elusia because of her arrogance.

As a result, Arusha successfully scored a valuable 10 points for Fairy_Tail in this competition.

Minneba, though defeated because of his arrogance, survived a five-minute deadline to get Saber_Tooth second to the competition and scored eight points.

Despite winning second place, Saber_Tooth's self-esteem was once again torn apart.

There was no way anyone could have threatened their winning Saber_Tooth without Noah because of the competition, which was once again severely frustrated.

I don't know if I really can't learn a lesson. Even at this point, the Minneva travelers still don't feel that a Fairy_Tail can really be pressed against the head of Saber_Tooth and decide to take it back on the duel.

Unfortunately, as a result, this group was again severely thwarted.

Due to the merger of Fairy_Tail and the absence of Raven_Tail, the duel was divided into three sessions.

Unlike the previous three days, the duel part of the fourth day is a team duel, each team will be selected by two people to catch and kill each other.

Three teams duel down, and the result is as follows.

First duel: Four Hound Dogs (Quatre_Cerberus) won by Blue_Pegasus and scored 10 points.

Second duel: Lamia_Scale fought Mermaid_Heel, and both sides scored 5 points.

The third duel just explains what is called a narrow road to the wrongdoer.

By Fairy_Tail against Saber_Tooth.

Fighters: Naz, Ghaziru VS Sting, Rog.

In other words, it was a confrontation between the four dragon exterminators.

As far as the process is concerned, the showdown is quite impressive.

Other than that, Sting and Rog are really strong.

Two of the five most powerful wizards, Sting and Rog, who were able to defend Wuli's first guild in the past, are at least as powerful as Naz and Ghaziru during the S-level Wizard promotion exam.

However, after three months of practice, Naz and Ghaziru could really be described as skinning bones, and their strength surged to a point where even their colleagues in the Guild were surprised.

As a result, Naz and Ghaziru almost beat Sting and Rog, taking down the dragons unharmed, winning and taking 10 points again.

Eventually, the ranking hardly changed all day, but the difference in scores between teams was widened.

Number one: Fairy_Tail - 57P.

Second place: "Saber_Tooth" --42P.

Third place: Mermaid_Heel - 39P.

Fourth place: "Lamia_Scale" --36P.

Fifth place: "Blue_Pegasus" --29P.

Sixth place: "Quatre_Cerberus" --14P.

That concludes the fourth day of the Great Devil's Fight.

Fairy_Tail, on the other hand, beat Saber_Tooth on the day, narrowing the score gap to 15 points.

Can fairies beat tigers without monsters?

Minneba doesn't have to answer that anymore.

So, on this day, the self-esteem of the whole Saber_Tooth Wizard was torn apart, leaving Rufus and Oluga with an idea.

Perhaps this time, the name of the strongest Guild in the Kingdom of Fiore really doesn't fit with Saber_Tooth.

After all, the Great Devil's Fight has entered a truly late stage.

The end of Day 4 means that Day 5 is approaching.

By this time tomorrow, victory and defeat will be truly revealed.

But can Saber_Tooth really win tomorrow in the face of Fairy_Tail?

Nobody knows that.

There's only one thing for sure.

That is, as the Great Devil's Fight progressed, so did an unknown plan.


Night, not knowing how many times came.

In the palace, in the emerald room, the princess of the Kingdom of Fiore, as before, stood in the window, looking out at the night sky, with her fine, beautiful face full of worry.

And at this point, the door was pushed open, and Alcadios walked into the room, looking at the emerald standing under the window, silent for a moment, and he opened his mouth.

“The fourth day of the Great Devil's Fight is over, and after tomorrow, the results will come out. ”

“... yeah...” Emerald's little hand tightened slowly, whispering.

“Whether the eclipse program is to be implemented or not will depend on the outcome of the Great Fight. ”

“Whether or not it is implemented, we must be prepared.” Alcadios said so.

“The collection of magic is almost complete, and all we need now is the power of the Spiritual Wizard. ”

“More precisely, it is the power of the keys of the Twelve Doors of the Yellow Door.” Emerald turned around and looked at Arcadios.

“Lord Alcadios, how are the two spiritual guides in that guild? ”

The look on Alcadios's face grew more serious when he heard it.

“I was going to report this to the princess. ”

“Why?” Emerald got a little nervous.

“Did something go wrong? ”

“Yes,” said Alcadios with a serious expression.

“Two of the guild's spiritual guides, one of whom suddenly disappeared, and even the one beyond the realm of mankind, disappeared. ”

“What... what?” Emerald asked in a slight surprise.

“Why is that? ”

“The reasons for this are still under investigation.” Arcadios hesitated for a while and went on to say so.

“I found, however, that the lock on the eclipse door seemed to have been unlocked some. ”

“The lock on the eclipse was unlocked?” Emerald startled me more and more.

“But if you want to unlock the eclipse, you have to use the keys to the Twelve Doors of the Yellow Door. ”

“Yes,” Alcadios said, staring at the jade.

“So it should be someone who used some of the keys to" The Twelve Doors of the Yellow Door "to unlock some of the eclipse. ”

The face of the emerald became a little shady.

After a while, Emerald looked up at Arcadios.

“Let's go to the eclipse! ”


Meanwhile, in the Dragon's Cemetery, Noah and Snow still embrace each other with their eyes closed and seem to be resting.

At some point, Noah's ears moved slightly, opening her eyes and looking forward.

There, a man in a black robe slowly walked over to Noah.

Snow also seemed to notice footsteps and quickly opened his eyes.

With Noah and Snow watching, the black robe man reached out and lifted his cap.

Looking at the look under the cap, Noah and Snow were almost stunned at the same time.

“Lucy? ”

That's Lucy.

Yet the other side lowered its head with a slight muffled voice on its face.

“I'm not Lucy of this era. ”

“Not Lucy of this era?” Noah and Snow are stuck.

In this case, they looked straight at Noah and said this.

“I, from the future. ”