Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1733 Noah, Can You Help Me? (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for 'Emperor Wan Shi v', ‘Drunken Behind the Banana Stone’, ‘Pokémon’, 'HJAkeno’, ‘Unknown ◎ Mo Yan’, ‘The Three Kingdoms Rangers SQ’, ‘? Lonely as smoke? Reward for', 'bookmate 160217185608928’!

There will be only one in the future.

The Eclipse Gate, which may pass through time and space, gives people the right to change the future, leading to the emergence of plural futures.

So, what happens if all this eclipse is destroyed?

As a result, using this point in time when the eclipse is destroyed as the dividing line, two types of future will emerge: the "future where the eclipse exists" and the "future where the eclipse does not exist".

But the eclipse itself is a factor in the future of the plural.

If this factor disappears, the future of the plural becomes impossible.

There will be an eclipse in the future of Lucy and the future of Rog, so the two of us can come from the future to this era.

Once the eclipse is destroyed, causing the factors of the plural future to disappear, the contradictions between "there may be a plural future" and "there can be no plural future" will recur.

In this way, the two types of future that precede "the future with an eclipse" and "the future without an eclipse" will again conflict with this contradiction.

A conflict between one contradiction and another would lead to a complete disruption of the timeline, which could lead to a breakdown of the world itself.

However, the world will not sit back and ignore this situation.

At least, Noah can be sure that once this happens, the world will definitely repair itself and completely eliminate this contradiction.

So, how can this contradiction be eliminated?

It's simple.

Eliminate all future differences due to the Eclipse Gate!

The future is something that hasn't happened yet.

What has not yet happened should not be possible.

So once the Eclipse Gate is destroyed, all the futures that have not yet happened will disappear, leaving only this era in progress.

In that way, the fact that Lucy's companions will die in the future will not appear.

In that case, what Lucy wants to do in the future is clear enough.

There's only one thing Lucy doesn't know about the future.

And that is, when the eclipse is destroyed, there are actually two futures left.

One is Noah's future.

One is that there is no future for Noah.

After all, Noah didn't come because of the Eclipse Gate.

Thus, even if the Eclipse Gate that led to the future of the plural disappeared, the future that had not yet occurred would be eliminated altogether, leaving both futures behind.

However, the world is expected to merge the two futures in order to avoid the recurrence of such contradictions that lead to the disruption of the world line.

And it goes without saying which future should dominate the merger of the two futures.

Anyway, the world can't let this future of Noah disappear, can it?

That is, once the eclipse is destroyed, it will eventually remain the only time that Noah exists.

The rest of the chaotic future will be completely lost with the destruction of the Eclipse Gate.

Including the future of Lucy's time.

And, in the future, Lucy herself.

This is the result of the modification of the spatial and temporal paradox.

“… have you really decided?” Noah spoke quietly.

“You can choose to continue living in this age, too, right? ”

“… this is not my world after all.” Lucy shook her head in the future.

“Besides, there's already" I "here. ”

Lucy is Lucy in the future, not two completely different people.

So Noah was wrong to say that he chose to continue living in this era.

Because of the existence of Lucy Hatphilia, it's a good place to live.

The disappearance of Lucy in the future simply returns to being one with Lucy, not separated by a different future.

“I can't wait to see how happy I am with everyone at this time.” Lucy said this sincerely in the future.

“Can you understand that? ”

Can you understand that?

Noah understands.

The only difference between Lucy and the future is that in the future Lucy experienced a painful future in which all her companions died.

That future, if it doesn't exist, Lucy doesn't make any difference from the future Lucy.

The two of them are the same.

“With me back in this day and age, that's what I want to do.” In the future, Lucy looked straight at Noah and smiled.

“Besides, I wonder what it's like to be in the same guild as you. ”

“It's not just me.” Noah said this almost as a conditional reflex.

“Me, you and everyone else in the guild together, that's the whole thing. ”

Rumor has it that in the future, Lucy's expression will melt and become gentle.

“Yeah, with everyone, that's my future. ”

With this phrase, Lucy laughs naturally in the future.

“So, Noah, can you help me? ”

Noah nodded her head, smiling slightly at Lucina's tender eyes in the future.

Spin, Noah lifts up her footsteps and walks step by step in the direction of the Eclipse Gate under Lucy's eyes in the future.

“Buzz ————! ”

Plenty of magic appeared on Noah.

There was a magic pattern that lit up like an electric line, covering Noah's arm.

Noah slowly approached the Eclipse Gate and looked up at the magnificent gate.

Looking at this scene, Lucy's eyes will be filled with hope and hope.

However, in the next second, Lucy's expression will change dramatically in the future, shouting in horror.

“Careful! ”

Almost at the same time as Lucy was shocked in the future, a figure burst out of the shadow behind Noah, raising one hand and creating an astonishing blackness.

“It's all because of you that the future I've been waiting for has completely disappeared!” Rogue hysterical roar in the future.

“Go to hell! ”

By the way, in the future, Rogna's hands, which are booming with astonishing blackness, are like sharp spikes, carrying horrendous kills, tearing through space, turning their backs to Noah's heart, and piercing hard.

Noah felt as if she didn't notice anything. She didn't feel any danger. She couldn't even hear the roar of the future Logna hysteria. She just raised her fist to the magnificent door in front of her.

“Boo-hoo! ”

A fist with terrible power bombarded the magnificent door, and in a loud and dull sound, the raw man punched the tall door.

The space-time gate known as the Eclipse exploded into a fragment of rubble.

Meanwhile, the shock of terror struck with Noah at its centre.

The impact wind directly impacted the future Rogue, shocking the hysterical future Rogue against Noah.

That terrible shock force caused the future Rog to spit blood in a "puff" voice, his head twisted, and he passed out completely.

After so many years of careful planning for the poor future, Rog ended up with no desire to even let Noah handle it, just like the rubbish on the side of the road, which Noah cleaned up at will.

Then, in a thick cloud of smoke, the eclipse door collapsed and the debris fell on the ground, burying the future logs inside.

“Whoa...” Lucy, that's a big relief in the future.

In the future, Lucy is discovered.

It began to shine a faint light on itself.

Now, in the future, Lucy looks up and looks in Noah's direction.

Just as well, Noah turned around and looked to the future of Lucy.

Then Noah spoke softly.

“See you later. ”

Lucy's eyes rose slightly in the future, followed by an unprecedented smile on her face.

“See you later. ”

After leaving this sentence, Lucy's body will become a light particle and disappear into the air in the future.



In the square, Lucy suddenly felt an unknown palpitation in her heart, causing her to look to her right.

“Lucy?” Lisa noticed something different about Lucy, and she sounded confused.

“What's the matter? ”

“Nothing.” Lucy scratched her cheek with some embarrassment.

“Where's Noah? ”

“Noah?” Mira twisted her head and replied.

“He said he had some business to take care of and will be back in a minute. ”

“Will you be back soon?” Lucy smiled relieved.

“See you later, then! ”

I don't know what's going on, but Lucy really wants to see Noah now.

I really want to...