Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1741: After all, It's A Lifetime Thing (Moon Ticket)

(Much appreciated '? The flower?’, 'Ask the Dust World', 'Book Friend 160526181336013’, 'Pokémon’, 'HJAkeno’, ‘Cat in the Gap’, ‘Three Kingdoms Running Away SQ’, ‘Unknown ◎ Unknown’ reward!

Afterwards, as Noah expected, because Fairy_Tail regained Fiore's kingdom's first glorious relationship, many of the Wizards came to join us the next day.

Noah did not take all the names of the Wizards who came to join him, but went through a number of tests.

The assessment is not about strength.

In fact, strength or lack thereof is secondary.

For Fairy_Tail, the most important thing is not strength, but matching.

At least, Noah didn't want her positively energetic guild to be stirred up in the mud by a bunch of people.

So, for those of you who have joined the guild, Noah, that's the whole story.

But those poor hearts, Noah, almost relentlessly blew everything out the door, and there was nothing at all.

This approach naturally gave rise to considerable controversy at the outset.

But on one occasion, a bunch of bad demon mentors rejected by Noah, not knowing which brain was pinched by the door, were planning to sneak into the Guild at night to destroy it in retaliation.

The next day, the entire population of Magnolia found out.

These guys, all dressed up and down, were picked clean, hung downtown for the whole city to watch, and there was a record of these guys trying to destroy Fairy_Tail's entire demonic crystal of retaliation.

Until then, everyone knew the criteria for Fairy_Tail selection and no longer had any objections to it, and even pursued it, making Fairy_Tail increasingly popular.

In addition, delegates from all over the kingdom have gradually begun to find Fairy_Tail, bringing the cause of the Guild back to its peak and even beyond.

Under these circumstances, together with a 30,000-J bonus for winning the Grand Duel martial arts, the Guild's operations are finally gradually on track.

So, a week later, after the whole Fairy_Tail was gradually on track, the eyes turned away.

Today is Noah's wedding day.



At Strauss' house, in a room, Lucy and Snow, dressed in a bridesmaid's costume, looked at the two young girls standing in front of them and made an amazing noise.

Wearing a pure white, snowy wedding dress.

Extremely bright flowers in your hand.

Mira and Lisa stood side by side, standing in front of a full-body mirror, looking at themselves in the mirror, a delicate face that looked a little tranced, but could not hide the happiness between the eyebrows.

Especially Lisa, looking at herself in the mirror wearing a wedding dress, her eyes are getting a little wet.

“Sister Mira...” Lisa said in a slight red eye.

“Am I dreaming? ”

Looking at Lisa like this, Mira smiles, reaches out her hand, hugs Lisa gently, claps her back with her sister in her arms, and speaks softly.

“Today Lisa will be the most beautiful bride, and this is definitely not a dream. ”

Unlike the gentle and thoughtful Mira, Lisa's teenage heart is almost more full than anyone else's.

Mira's biggest wish was to have a happy, happy life with Noah.

Lisa's biggest wish was to be Noah's bride.

One aspires to the next.

A moment that aspires to be the bride of the heart.

While things are different, there is no doubt that the sisters are fond of Noah.

Today, this is the wedding of the sisters to Noah.

Lisa, who had always dreamed of being Noah's bride, finally looked forward to the day.

So, looking at herself in the mirror wearing a wedding dress, Lisa couldn't help but feel the emotion coming from her head and her eyes really turned red.

“Well, today is a happy day, you can't have that look. ”

Mira lifted Lisa's face and gently wiped off some water stains in her orbit for her sister, but her eyes also poured a little steam.

“It's okay, Lisa will be happy in the future, my sister assures you. ”

“Mm-hmm." Lisa nodded heavily and smiled.

“And so will Mira, who will surely be happy with me. ”

“Yeah.” Miravenous laughed.

“We will surely be happy together. ”

Looking at the Strauss sisters holding each other tightly, Lucy and Snow looked at each other and smiled slightly.

“Okay, well, you two aren't going to be separated, but you're going to live together in the future. Don't make it look like you're going to be separated.” Lucy clapped her hands and said with a smile.

“Noah is waiting for you. Don't keep your brides waiting too long. ”

“Yeah.” Snow nodded.

“Lord Noah certainly doesn't want to see Lord Mira and Lord Lisana's eyes red, and you can't cry out. ”

Mira and Lisa smiled, nodded and separated.

Then Lucy and Snow went forward at the same time, one by one holding the hands of the two brides.

“Let's go! ”

Mira and Lisana tightened the bouquet of flowers in their hands and took a deep breath, then nodded their heads.


Meanwhile, in one of the Guild's rooms, Noah was equally prepared.


Wearing an equally pure white and snowy suit, Noah constantly checked to see if there was anything messy about her, and asked the fellas in the room as if they were nervous.

“Is that all right? ”

“This is the fourth time you've asked.” Grey's helpless voice.

“It's really all right, it's neat enough and it won't be embarrassing. ”

In addition to Grey, Laxas was there.

“What a surprise.” The sound of Laxas is rare.

“I didn't expect you to be nervous. ”

Noah laughed bitterly.

It has to be said that Noah is really feeling more or less nervous right now.

In the past, not to mention a small wedding, but a bigger occasion, Noah has experienced.

However, somehow, at this time, Noah's mood was inevitably tense.

“Well, after all, it's a lifetime thing.” Grey stalled the stall and said so to Noah.

“Even if it were you, it wouldn't be too stressful, would it? ”

“Maybe that's the reason.” Noah trimmed her collar a little bit, then she seemed to think of something and looked at Grey.

“By the way, did you find Naz? ”

Since the last time he was in the Guild, Naz threatened to prepare for a confrontation with Noah and rushed out of the Guild, the guy disappeared for a whole week, completely gone.

In order to find Naz, they went to his house, even to the city, and found out that Naz had not returned home at all in the past week, but rather seemed to have left Magnolia and entered a deep mountain.

In order not to let Naz miss his wedding, Noah has asked some new members of the Guild to go to that deep mountain to find someone.

Unfortunately, no one seems to have been found.

“That guy, he's probably full of duels right now. How can he remember your wedding?” Grey whispered.

“You must have forgotten that long ago. ”

“Well, who made him Nazi?” Laxas said that in broad terms.

“Otherwise, it's not Naz. ”

“Really?” Noah said with regret.

“So Naz won't be coming to my wedding? ”

“For that idiot, a wedding is obviously not a meal that matters.” Grey patted Noah on the shoulder.

“You don't have to worry about it. ”

“I know, it's just a shame.” Noah smiled slightly.

“Besides, Naz is now preparing for a duel with me, and I have nothing to complain about. ”

“That's fine.” Laxas glanced at the clock on the wall and said.

“Time's almost up. Time to go. ”

Noah took a deep breath, spinning, nodding her head, like Mira and Lisana.

“Then let's go! ”