Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1742: The Most Beautiful Look of My Sisters' Life (Moon Ticket)

(Thank you very much for 'no wind’, ‘? Lonely as smoke?’, ‘Star marks eternal meditation’, 'Ink feather 28726;', ‘Dimensional time’, ‘True. Dragon Tiger King, Underwater Grass, The End of the World, This Cargo!

In Magnolia, there's a church.

The church is quite large, so the inhabitants of Magnolia call it the cathedral.

However, the location of the cathedral appears to be somewhat remote, not very lively on weekdays, and sometimes nobody even goes there.

Today, however, the cathedral is quite lively.

“Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-! ”

A very pleasant bell echoed over the entire cathedral.

At this moment, the cannons were ringing.

At this moment, people are cheering.

In such a lively atmosphere, in front of the cathedral, the wizards from Fairy_Tail were all dressed in tuxedos, each with a smile on his face, a glass in his hand and laughing at each other.

Apart from Fairy_Tail, many of Magnolia's residents have been sniffing around the perimeter of the cathedral, causing a lot of noise, making it seem so unpopular.

In fact, this kind of buzz could have been multiplied several times, maybe even tens of times.

After all, those who are married today are not ordinary people, but were only treated a week ago as heroes of the nation's salvation and were given the title of Holy Ten Demons, ranking first among the most powerful demons of the continent.

He saved the whole kingdom of Fiore and even the whole world.

He defeated Akunorolia, single-handedly blocking a huge group of dragons.

The wizards of the rest of the kingdom were in awe of him.

The princess of the kingdom looked at him differently.

If Noah really wants to have a grand wedding, then it's not strange not to say that he's a "Fairy_Tail" wizard, a famous guild of the whole kingdom and even His Royal Highness came to congratulate him.

However, Mira and Lisana were not obsessed with the scale of the wedding.

The big wedding is not very important to the sisters.

It's enough that these two girls just want a wedding that's beautiful enough to be Noah's bride after everyone's blessings.

So today's wedding invites only all the members of Fairy_Tail.

Generally speaking, of course, it is enough for a wedding to invite an entire guild.

Anyway, there must be hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of members of a large guild of wizards.

And Fairy_Tail, although it wasn't long before he regained the first glory of the Fiore kingdom, the members of the Guild had already surpassed three hundred.

It's enough to have so many people at a wedding.

And with Magnolia's residents there, the wedding was really lively.

“Congratulations, Chairman Makarov. ”

“Congratulations. ”

“The grandson is finally married. ”

“and married two at once. ”

“It's very tolerable. ”

A wizard successively congratulated Makarov, who was also dressed in a tuxedo, making Makarov smile into a flower, laughing without a scratch, even paying tribute.

A glass of wine went into Makarov's stomach, making Makarov's face reddened.

But Makarov didn't mind at all, but the more he drank, the more people began to worry about whether the old man would just get drunk before the bride and groom arrived.

At the very least, Macau and Vakaba expressed concern.

“I said the chairman, no, it should be the previous chairman, shouldn't you stop?” Makao so persuaded.

“None of your grandchildren have come yet, and the wedding has just begun. What if you get drunk now? ”

“Yeah, yeah.” Kana held a barrel of wine and said intoxicatingly as she filled it with fierce momentum.

“You can always get drunk, only today you can't get drunk, the previous president, it's time to converge. ”

“Before you say that, should you put down that incredibly big barrel in your hand?” Vakaba couldn't help but throw up.

“You're not even convincing, are you? ”

“Well, don't worry, my husband is fine.” Makarov patted his chest and said it with his head up.

“I will not die like this until I see the face of my great-grandson. ”

“No, no, no, no. I'm just telling you not to drink, not to die.” Macau said out loud.

“Is not drinking almost the same as dying for you? ”

“It's okay, it's okay.” Makarov didn't care at all about Makarov's words, he was still drinking wine with great joy, and his face became more and more red.

Even Wendy was worried when she saw the scene.

“Is Chairman Makarov really okay? ”

“If you keep drinking like this, it's definitely a problem.” Rabbi sighed.

“By the way, why aren't the bride and groom here? ”

“They say he's on his way.” Jubien hastily asked.

“Should be here soon. ”

“End this wedding for me.” Gajiru said somewhat boringly.

“Noah, let's just get ready for the wedding, but not iron. What kind of banquet is iron? ”

“… is it?” Lili is a little speechless.

“I don't think anyone would have prepared iron for a feast at a wedding. ”

In the constant noise of the crowd, at some point, outside the cathedral, an extremely luxurious carriage slowly arrived in a clear and audible wheel sound.

When they saw the carriage, the crowd shouted and shouted.

“Coming, coming! ”

“The groom and the bride are here! ”

“Finally! ”

“Whoa, whoa! ”

Successive cheers began to sound, allowing one salute gun to be pulled in full and placed in the middle of the air.

One balloon was also placed halfway into the sky, floating to the clouds, and the scene was gorgeous.

The luxurious carriage then parked in front of the cathedral amid the crowd's cheers and gunfire.

The next moment, the carriage door was opened.

Inner, Noah, in a pure white dress, came down, raised her head, looked around, and a smile slowly appeared on her face.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. ”

Everyone shouted loudly.

Even the inhabitants of Magnolia cheered and bestowed their highest blessings on Noah.

Noah raised her hand and waved gently at the people around her before turning around and reaching inside the carriage.

Both hands in silk white lace gloves reached out of the carriage, mounted in Noah's hand, and pulled down from the carriage at Noah's behest.

The people who came down, naturally, were Mira and Lisa.


Looking at the pure white wedding dress, with the bright flowers in her hands, the face with an indefensible smile and a little shyness and nervousness of two young girls, many people in the crowd sighed amazingly.

When is a woman the most beautiful?

Everyone has their own views on this issue.

But in this moment, everyone here has a thought in their mind.

That is, right now, Mila and Lisa in pure white are undoubtedly the most beautiful moments of their lives to date.

Mira was already the most popular top model, wearing a wedding dress, and that was so beautiful.

Lisa didn't have the tenderness and sweetness of Mira from the bones, but she added a beautiful, cute and weird elf, wearing a wedding dress, which was equally amazing.

How can a pair of sisters not be amazed when the most beautiful of their lives is in front of everyone?

In response, Mira and Lisana held Noah's hand and, led by Noah, followed the red carpet that stretched all the way into the cathedral with a smile on their faces, one step at a time.

And in front of the red carpet, there's only one man.

That man, that's Makarov.

Makarov's redness on his face had long disappeared without a trace, as if it had all been fake, and his face was filled with joy as he watched the perfect man slowly walk towards himself.

So Noah came to Makarov with two brides, with Makarov's eyes on him.