Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1743: Best Blessings! (Moon ticket)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Nanyunxia', 'Dragon Pity Sky Snow’, ‘True ’, ‘Famous Fantasy Circle’, ‘Xing Di’, ‘Ice/Moon Shadow’, ‘Ghost of Ghosts’, ‘$is dying’, ‘Book Friend 160606162044951’!

Looking small, old, wrinkled Makarov on one face, Noah couldn't help but feel the acid in her heart.

Remember, when Noah was born and entered the world, she had nothing but the appearance and intelligence of a 10-year-old.

That is, there are no parents to raise themselves, and there is no innocent childhood.

No memories ever lived, no idea even where they came from.

Language doesn't speak to anybody in the world.

I don't have a decent dress on me.

Like being abandoned, Noah was sent to the world, alone in the woods.

Everything around me was strange to Noah at that time.

Beasts, warcraft and even food in the woods are in considerable danger.

That's when Makarov found Noah and took Noah to Fairy_Tail, where he raised Noah as his grandson.

According to Gaia and Alayer, Makarov found Noah and added Noah to Fairy_Tail, as if the world had already arranged.

However, this does not mean that Makarov's feelings for Noah are equally false.

For Noah, whose origins, origins and even identities are unknown, Makarov is neither alert nor concerned, and treats Noah as if she were his own grandson.

At that time, Noah was in a state of repeated outbursts of magic, often because the magic in her body was too powerful, threatening to destroy the Guild.

But Makarov didn't do it at all, because it gave Noah mustard, but it taught Noah good words.

From time to time, as Noah did, people should avoid the possibility of expelling or even exterminating Noah as a monster, as a result of the catastrophe surrounding him.

Makarov, however, has always believed firmly in Noah's character, in the belief that strength itself is not at fault, that what is at fault is the idea of those who use it, and that there is no impatience at all that has always taught Noah and guided Noah to the right path.

Makarov is the real mentor of Noah than Gaia and Alleyer were chosen by so many worlds to be Noah's mentor.

Without Makarov, there is absolutely no Noah today.

To this day, when we first met Makarov and joined Fairy_Tail, it was based on Noah's somatosensory time, but it was almost 10 years old.

Ten years ago, this old man, who was more than twice as short as Noah, raised Noah to adulthood.

When I think about the past, Noah has the urge to cry at this moment.

Noah can tell everyone for sure that he has never wanted to cry in his entire life.

But at this moment, Noah's emotions are pouring, making his eyes really start to turn a little red.

Perhaps it was feeling the emotions in Noah's heart, Mira and Lisana holding Noah's arms tight, looking straight at Noah's face, silently comforting him.

And Noah looked at Makarov, and the voices were all a little dull.


A cry made Makarov's eyes red.

However, the smile on Makarov's face has not diminished and remains as intense.

“There's nothing to say. ”

In Noah's direct eyes, Makarov said this with an unprecedented and frank smile.

“Grandpa is proud of you. ”

In a word, Noah finally couldn't stand the emotions in her patience, closing her eyes and slipping tears down her eyes.

Without a doubt, that was the only tear Noah had ever shed in her life.

Of course, no one has ever seen Noah like this.

But those who watched Noah shed tears, not only were they not at all surprised, but laughed comprehensively.

And looking at Noah crying, Makarov was holding his tears, going one step further, smiling and saying.

“Today is your day as a family, you can't face everyone with that look. ”

“I'm not crying...” Noah said for the first time like a stubborn child, not wiping away her tears.

“It's just the wind blowing...”

“You child...” Makarov laughed and looked at Mira and Lisana and spoke softly.

“Noah is counting on you...”

Mira held Noah's arm tightly in her hand, and under Makarov's watchful eye, she nodded her head and opened her mouth.

“We'll take care of Noah, Chairman. ”

“Still calling the chairman?” Makarov smiled slightly.

“It's time to change your mind. ”

Rumor has it that Mira and Lisana are all together again, blushing, lowering their heads, and screaming softly.

“Grandpa. ”

“Okay, okay!” Makarov laughed and yelled at Noah.

“Noah, you have to treat your brides well. If I know you've bullied them, I won't let you go, okay? ”

“I know!” Noah held Mira and Lisa's hand tightly, looking at her two brides, so declared.

“I'll make them happy! ”

Mira's smile on Lisa's face opened.

Makarov nodded satisfactorily, looking around, expanding his hands and shouting loudly around him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please extend our warmest wishes to our bride and groom! ”

Voice, drop.

“Psst! Psst! Psst! ”

A warm round of applause comes from around.

And the Wizards of Fairy_Tail are constantly shouting.

“Noah! Don't bully our Mira sauce! ”

“Nor can you bully Lisana! ”

“Remember happiness! Bastard!”

“Shit! I want to get married! ”

“Save it! ”

“Ha-ha-ha! ”

The good laughter and screaming rang from the surroundings, along with a warm applause, to Noah.

Noah, Mira and Lisana looked at each other and all laughed very tacitly.

Spin, Noah unwrapped Mira's hand with Lisa's, took a step forward, came to Makarov's side, turned around and looked at her two brides.

Side by side, Wendy came to Noah with a box with a little nervousness on her face and everyone's eyes.

“Brother Noah.” Wendy looked up at Noah and revealed a lovely smile.

In the box Wendy was holding, she was lying on two diamond rings.

Mila and Lisana's eyes were almost drawn to the past by those two diamond rings in the first place.

Unlike the original engagement ring, Noah specifically re-ordered the wedding ring this time.

Compared to the two engagement rings that were rushed out of work in a hurry, the two wedding rings in front of us have improved more than once, both in terms of work and taste.

The sophisticated shape and the sparkling arc of diamonds firmly held the hearts of all the girls on the ground.

“It's beautiful...” Lucy muttered.

“Yeah...” Snow agreed equally softly.

“It's beautiful indeed...” Even Elusia couldn't help but sigh a sigh of praise.

As for young girls like Rabbi, Kana and Jubien, they have begun to cross their ears, and praise for those two rings has hardly stopped.

Of course, Mira and Lisa were captured by those wedding rings.

“Huh.” Makarov had a serious cough.

“Well, please exchange the ring with the bride. ”

Noah turned her head and took out the two diamond rings in Wendy's box, smiling slightly at Mira and Lisana.

“My brides, please give me your hands. ”

Mira and Lisana almost subconsciously reached out to Noah.

With the hands of two beautiful brides, Noah gently wore the wedding ring on their anonymous fingers.

A warm round of applause sounded once again.

Mira and Lisana retracted their fingers and couldn't help but put them in Noah's arms.

Noah held her two brides tight and warmed herself up in the applause of the whole world.

At this moment, Noah, Mira and Lisana finally made a positive difference and became a real couple.