Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1768: We Will Never Lose (Four More Moon Tickets)

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“Hoo-hoo! ”

Extremely cold winds blow past in space, causing temperatures in the air to drop sharply enough to be comparable to cold winters.

It's a very vast forest, but it's also a little shady.

A little hazy fog pervades the air.

The sound of birds and animals roaring from afar.

In the forest, a low-lying elf, like a light ball, floats aimlessly with a faint glow.

“Hoo-hoo! ”

Cold winds frequently blow through the forest, taking away all the hazy fog, but soon again bringing fog from afar, making the visibility even lower.

And the light-ball elves are unaffected at all, still floating back and forth in space, making them look very independent.

In a dazzling light, Noah traveled deep into the forest.

As soon as Claire, Fiana and Alice showed up, the three of them struck a chill.

“Whoa...” Fiana screamed directly and held her body tightly.

“It's cold...”

“Yeah...” even Alice, who contracted with the Wind Elf, trembled slightly, her lips whitening a little.

“Why is it so cold in here? ”

“Cold?” Linsley, as usual, clutched together the long, elegant hair, unaffected at all.

“Is it cold? I don't think so? ”

“Don't compare us to you.” Claire glanced at Linsley.

“How can you be cold when you're not just an ice elf, but your hometown is in the snow mountains of the border? ”

“It would indeed be cold to be on the border.” Noah stretched out her hand and gently blew the cold wind around her, "he said.

“It's supposed to be cold here because of the northern border of Floating Island, too, right? ”

In fact, if it wasn't for Noah's men in the Elf Academy student uniform, it would have been so cold.

Alessia Pokémon College student uniforms are protected by Pokémon magic, not only against the cold, but also under any circumstances.

And in this situation, a line of girls, besides Linsley, still feel cold, imagine how cold it would be if there were no uniform protection.

However, Linsley, accustomed to the harsh environment of Snow Mountain, was very disdainful of this level of cold.

Noah had practiced in the old forest of the deep mountains for several years when she was a little girl. During that time, she also experienced various harsh environments and was immune to cold as well.

So, except for Noah and Linsley, the rest of the girls felt very cold.

Finally, Claire got a little overwhelmed and reached out one hand.

“--Flame, burn it...”

A flame burst into Claire's hands, turning into a fireball, illuminating the surrounding area, releasing warm heat.

Fiana and Alice immediately approached the past, resting their hands on top and sighing.


“That's not true.” Linsley said something unbearable.

“If you can't resist this level of cold, what should you do? ”

Claire and Alice suddenly remembered when Lindsay said that.

The game will last seven days.

If you can't stand this environment right now, what are you going to do at night?

Only Fiana, the gods laughed like that.

“Rest assured, as soon as I find a foothold, I will set multiple boundaries there and make it our stronghold, adding a cold-proof boundaries and I will be able to sleep comfortably that night. ”

When they heard that, a line of young girls relieved themselves.

Noah nodded in agreement.

The stronghold is important.

At the very least, with the basis for setting heavy boundaries for protection, Noah travelers don't have to worry that someone will attack them and go to sleep comfortably at night.

Besides, as a former Pokémon Girl alternate, Fiana's boundaries are certainly not just as simple as protection.

Fiana can rely entirely on her own superb ritual divine music, set boundaries that can protect the Pokémon, give the Pokémon a huge boost in strength, and exert various blessing effects such as eliminating fatigue, which can greatly help the battle.

“It's not just a battle, I can set trap boundaries, keep our opponents coming back, and tame the wild elves in the boundaries so they can help us fight.” Fiana said confidently.

“The elves of the rest of the team will certainly build a position in the first place, but I am confident that I will not lose to any team if the argument is ranked! ”

That way, with this stronghold, at least the team will be safe.

“Whoa, whoa.” Claire, Linsley and Alice clapped their hands immediately.

“It's true that Her Royal Highness, once Pokémon Ji's alternate, is too reliable. ”

Rumor has it that Fiana smiled bitterly.

“But that's all I can do, and I guess it's up to you to fight, and I'm not very capable of fighting. ”

Anyway, Fiana has not been trained by the Orthodox Elves, but has been continuing her studies in the House of Divinity. She has a deep knowledge of ritual divinity, but she is weaker in sword dancing than almost all the Elves at this Elves Sword Dance Festival.

Needless to say, Fiana hasn't even learned how to roll out a Pokémon costume and has little use in battle.

“Of course, I can still be of some use in defense.” Fiana sighed.

“At the very least, the elves who can break Georgius' shield shouldn't have much more, and then offer you ritual kamikaze in battle. ”

“That's enough.” Noah smiled slightly.

“All you have to do is let the Deed Elf protect you. All you have to do is focus on the dance ritual and leave the rest to us. ”

Claire, Linsley and Alice all nodded their heads and finally made Fiana look good.

“So what kind of place should we find as a stronghold?” Alice looped around.

“Doesn't seem like a good place, does it? ”

“Exactly.” Noah shrugged for a moment and asked.

“It would be ideal, if possible, to find a relatively difficult place to hit, such as a small hill, but we also need to consider food and water issues, or to locate our stronghold not far from the river or lake. ”

Everyone nodded instantly.

During the Elf Sword Dance Festival, athletes will be able to carry some essentials on their own, but they will be limited in weight.

In other words, athletes can only carry items up to the prescribed weight, even if it is against the rules.

Because of this, people put essentials in Noah's gift cards, and there are only a few things they might be able to take out and use.

Otherwise, with all the food and water Mira and Lisa prepared for Noah, there's no need to worry about it at all.

Moreover, even if food were to be forgotten, the problem with water sources was very important.

As a fairy witch, you must keep your body pure anytime, anywhere, or else your body's sanctity will be reduced and your ability to sympathize with the fairy will be reduced.

If your body is too filthy, you may not even be able to summon a Pokémon, let alone make a call or even fight.

So it's very important to have a place where you can bathe in the water and wash away the filth.

“The rest of the Pokémon should be starting to show up, looking for positions and opponents, right?” Noah looked at Alice.

“Alice, could you please call some Pokémon and scout the area? ”

“Is that okay?” That's not Alice, it's Claire.

“The game has begun. Is it too much to use elf magic at this time? ”

“Shake?” Noaton laughed.

“It would be ideal to bring in one or two teams like this. ”

As long as the "Purgatory Apostle" isn't here, then, whatever the team, it's just a delivery.

“With me looting and Fiana protecting us, we can fight with confidence and believe that we will never lose! ”

The hearts of all the young girls were suddenly boiling.