Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1783: Ambush? Self-pitching? (Three requests for monthly tickets)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'The End of the World’, ‘Q Yongjiang Yijie Q’, ‘The Phantom of the Phantom’, ‘Pre-Drawn Light’, ‘Lonely Written Poems’, ‘Ice/Moon Shadow’, ‘Magic Blood Meteor’, 'Carudia’, ‘This Cargo Actually’!

The next day, at dawn, everyone came out of the tent and gathered next to the extinguished campfire.

Prior to the gathering, Linsley had already prepared her breakfast, and although she was a very generous young lady, she was as good as ever.

The crowd surrounds the wooden table made with the Deed Elf and eats the breakfast in a harmonious atmosphere with the rich dishes set on the wooden table.

Halfway through the meal, Noah raised the subject.

“Today is the last day of the Pokémon Sword Dance Festival Preliminary Competition, at noon, the competition will be declared over. Until then, teams that have been fully equipped with Demon Stones should hold their positions, while teams that are short of Demon Stones will surely look for their enemies insanely. If it goes well, we should be able to harvest a lot more Demon Stones, so let's go after breakfast! ”

“Got it.” The girls had no opinion whatsoever and nodded their heads.

Watching such a line of girls, Mira stood up and bowed herself very rarely.

“Thank you very much for your help. ”

As can be seen from Mirana's rigid movements, this is something that this young girl is definitely not good at.

However, Mira thanked the crowd for her stiff action and tone.

Obviously, last night's conversation brought about a slight change for Mira.

And that scene, it seemed, was quite novel to a bunch of young girls.

“We've always thanked you before, and this time it's your turn to thank us.” Linsley seemed happy.

“Good, that makes it even. ”

“Do you even need to compare this?” Claire was a little silly about Linsley.

“It's a shame to die. ”

“But Mira's gratitude is truly precious and has never been seen before.” Fiana smiled.

“It does feel good. ”

“So we don't need to make amends.” Alice was right.

“Just accept with gratitude and openness. ”

So the pretty faces of the girls were filled with smiles.

Though not really concerned about Mira's gratitude, the girls should be happy with Mira's first emotional performance, right?

Mira still looks faceless, but her eyes seem brighter than before.

Those eyes of different colors, under that splendid decoration, no longer look like a doll, but a bit like a human eye.

Seeing the scene clearly, Noah couldn't help but smile and clap her hands, causing the girls to stop the noise.

“Then finish your breakfast and get ready to hunt! ”

Rumor has it that the girls all smiled and, under Noah's leadership, speeded up the meal.


About twenty minutes later, the crowd gathered again next to the campfire.

And the tents in the camp are one that has been demolished and loaded into Noah's Gift Carry.

Today is the last day of the Pokémon Sword Dance Festival Preliminary.

This camp is no longer needed in the event of a decision to go out to fight.

Thus, under Noah's leadership, all the items he had brought in the camp were brought together for the gathering and exiting the stronghold.

As soon as they walked out of the stronghold, they maintained their formation.

The basic formation is Alice, who is capable of close combat, and Claire, who is good at mid-range combat, as the tail of the team, is ready to support anywhere along with Linsley, who is only capable of long-range combat.

Fiana, who is ill-combated, is at the center of the team with Mira, who cannot use the Deed Elf alone.

Noah stayed next to Fiana and Mira and was responsible for protecting the two young girls who could play a key role.

Maintaining this formation, a pedestrian, led by Alice's Grinch Smurf, drove in the direction of one of the strongholds he had uncovered yesterday.

But not long after, Noah, who had been following Fiana and Mira, lifted the curtain and stopped.

Everyone stopped following in this pause.

The nearest Fiana to Noah sounded strange.

“What's the matter? ”

Fiana's words had just fallen, and Noah had not had time to answer, and Smauf, flying halfway in the front of the team, shouted with a sharp eagle-like voice.

Looking at such a smoof, Alice's eyes peeled and shouted out.

“There's an ambush! ”

In a word, tighten everyone's body.

Almost at the same time, in the surrounding woods, a figure flashed out and instantly surrounded Noah.

“What... what?” The girls were shocked.

There are two reasons for surprise.

One is the number.

The teams that surround the crowd are not just one team of five, but two teams of ten.

The other is owned by two teams of countries.

“You are…” Mira said silently.

“Representation of the Kingdom of Holy Lucia? ”

If you look closely, a group of young girls gleaming out of the surrounding woods are all wearing exactly the same uniform.

In a red tone with a white pattern, the uniform is the exact opposite of the colour scheme of the uniform on Mira.

Considering that the Principality of Russell is an independent country from the Kingdom of Holy Lucia and that its relations with the Kingdom of Holy Lucia are rather poor, the uniforms of the two countries are similar, but the colour scheme is quite the opposite and there is nothing strange about it.

Plus, the Kingdom of Holy Lucia, like the Austrian Empire, has won three seats at the Elf Sword Dance Festival, and the reason why the two teams of ten will appear together in the immediate future need no longer be considered.

“Do national teams work together?” Claire held the flame in her hand with vigilance and a long whip, sarcastically speaking.

“That is quite different from the way our country operates. ”

Although the Odysian Empire also has three teams joining together for the Elf Sword Dance Festival, it will not join forces.

Because everyone has their own aspirations to fulfill.

And the divine kingdom of Lukia is clearly different, just to fight for the good of the nation.

Together, it's not weird.


“Ambushing here is a coincidence? Or are we the first target? ”

While the rest of the girls were all wary, Noah looked around at the girls as if nothing had been done, he said.

“I'm curious about that. ”

Noah's words attracted one of them.

“Needless to say, our initial goal was you, the Fairy_Tail team of the Odysian Empire. ”

The voice has just fallen, and the elves of another holy kingdom of Lucia make a grudging noise.

“How can we leave it to you to qualify for the promotion finals when Mira-Passert's Enchanted Eye is supposed to be all that belongs to our holy Kingdom of Lukia, and you have used all of our stuff to get so many magic stones? ”

It appears that what the Noah travellers have done for some time has fallen into the exploration of the Kingdom of Saint Lucia.

Otherwise, it is impossible for these people to know that Noah et al's magic stone is enough to advance to the final.

Mira just looked at the guy cold.

“My eyes do not belong to your holy Kingdom of Lucia. ”

Rumor has it that the elves around them make a derisory smile.

“You, the Principality of Russell, are independent from our holy kingdom of Lucia, and all that country deserves belongs to our holy kingdom of Lucia, including you, Mira-Passert, you better obey us. ”

That was a rude and discreet speech that made Claire, Linsley, Fiana and Alice all angry.

And then, yes, convenience is said.

“We were worried that you would stay hidden until the end of the game, and now that you've thrown yourselves into the net, it's no wonder we own your magic stones and sealed eyes! ”

By the way, the elves of the Kingdom of Saint Lucia, which surrounded Noah's people, sang the magic spell of the elves.

Suddenly, the intense divine power surged from that elf, causing some disturbance to the atmosphere.

Noah asked immediately.

“Claire! ”

“I know!” Claire sings a hasty spell.

“--Defend the hosts, stand on the unwavering red walls, and burn...”

A flame burst from around Noah's pedestrians.