Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1853: The Wolf That Was Solved Successfully (Three More Moon Tickets)

(Much appreciated '? Lonely as smoke?’, ‘Ghost of the Ghost', 'Silver Flash 7’, ‘Centrifugal’, 'The End of the World’, ‘o0 Tears 0o’, ‘Ice Moon Shadow’, ‘True ’, ‘zhnga’ rewards!

Unlike before, Noah now knows what the top ten people in the world represent.

It does not refer to the ranking of all that exists in a single mythological force, but rather to the ranking of all the powerful who still exist in the world today, including the gods of the mythological systems.

Being in the top ten means being among the strongest.

At present, the top ten people in the world are the following.

Infinite Dragon God - Orpheus.

Shiva, the god of destruction among the three great Hindu gods.

Vishnu, the guardian god of the three great Hindu gods.

Brahma, the god of creation among the three great Hindu gods.

The Emperor of Mount Sumisan - the Emperor of Release (Indra).

Thor, the god of thunder in Nordic mythology.

Nordic mythical wolf Fenrir.

Hades, the god of Greek mythology.

Alton, the Egyptian mythical sun god.

Luger, the god of light in Celtic mythology.

The top ten are the top ten in all mythological forces.

This ranking, with the exception of Orpheus, who is recognized as the strongest and the absolute number one, is not ranked by rank, and the power gap is not large enough to be ranked clearly.

And because of this, in addition to the top ten, there are some that have the ability to squeeze into this ranking.

For example, two days before it was sealed, the dragon was strong at this level.

For example, Suzex, the transcendent, has the same ability to enter as Achuca.

And Fenrir was in line.

So, in Noah's view, if Rocky really even brought Fenrir, the only ones who could fight Fenrir were Suzex and Achuca.

However, Noah never thought it would be Orpheus.

“I'm afraid no one ever thought that Orpheus would show up suddenly and suddenly make a move.” Assasher seemed to recall what happened back then and couldn't help but say.

“Is that Wally's fault, too? ”

“Wally?” Noah frowned.

“Wally showed up too? ”

Being of the descent of Lucifer, the former demon king, but also of half human descent, he was chosen by God as the most powerful White Dragon Emperor of all time - Wally Lucifer.

That guy, he even showed up?

“The White Dragon Emperor, of Lucifer descent, seemed to be following Fenrir's fangs.” Sazechs said so.

“Being a member of a terrorist organization as dangerous as the Rogue of Harm and fighting against mythical forces, even the most powerful White Dragon Emperor of all time, with Wally Lucifer's ability, is still not enough to deal with all forces, so he gathers a group of teammates around him. ”

“Wally wants Fenrir to be the ace of his team, right?” Assassin shouted helplessly.

“Though he yearns to fight, he doesn't want to live. With Fenrir, he can actually kill the fangs of the gods. Even the gods of the mythological forces dare him to challenge them? ”

“Orpheus seems to have come with Wally.” Suzex is also helpless.

“At first, Wally seemed to want to catch Fenrir on his own, but in the end, Orpheus did. ”

Now that Orpheus did it, there's no need to say.

Though Fenrir is one of the top ten strong men in the rankings, it has been said before that Orpheus, as an infinite being, has already reached a state of horror in its own right, and the rest of the strong men, if tied together, are not opponents of Orpheus.

That may be a little vague, but the gap would be clearer if it were inserted at the level of the courtroom.

In the eyes of Enoia, the top ten strong men in the world should all be four-digit.

Needless to say, Suzex and Achuca, who can be among the best, both have a four-digit ranking, and are still more powerful in the four-digit range, and the rest of the best are naturally four-digit.

And Orpheus is a triple digit.

That's why Ofez is the undisputed strongest.

In the beginning, even Noah, who had initially mastered the ability to use both incarnations of power at the same time, was defeated, dying and nearly killed.

There's only one result for Fenrir.

“The wolf of the gods was almost killed by Orpheus.” Assassin's infinite emotion.

“You can't imagine the scene, I almost lost my eyeballs. ”

“Orpheus deserves to be known as the most powerful dragon god, and even gods and demons fear existence.” Suzex's expression grew heavier.

“The threat of such a presence joining the troubled group is terrible. ”

“Finally, Wally got Fenrill smoothly.” Assassin stalled.

“And while Loki was scared shitless by Orpheus, we took advantage of the opportunity to take down the evil god and bring him back to Northern Europe to punish him. ”

As a result, the peace talks with the Nordic side were finalized.

“I didn't expect that to happen again.” Noah frowned.

“Besides, isn't it bad that Wally got Fenrir? ”

“Oops, that would definitely be bad, after all, it's a legendary monster that even God can actually kill.” Assashierman said that by surprise.

“But even if he got Fenrir, it wouldn't have been possible to fully control that power. ”

“So, we speculate that even if Wally could control Fenrir, it would lead to a dramatic decline in Fenrir's power.” Sazechs said.

“Though the wolf of the gods, who can cause harm to God, remains a threat, it is not as terrible as it was in the days of Fenrir's fullness. ”

“If you were there at that time, you'd see.” Assassin smiled cunningly.

“If the God-killer subjugates the God-killer wolf, he'll scare the rest of the mythological powers to death, won't he? ”

“Unfortunately, I'm not interested in that wolf.” Noah whispered and remembered a question.

“By the way, why do you say this has something to do with me? Because Odin came for me? ”

Suzex and Assassin looked at each other.

“Although Wally is part of the troublemakers, it's not possible to work with the chief around him, is it?” Assasher said so.

“According to that guy, the only reason Orpheus followed him was because Orpheus thought there was a good chance that he could interact with you if he acted with Wally. ”

“After all, you are the Red Dragon Emperor, Wally is the White Dragon Emperor, and for two days the Dragon has always been the enemy. That relationship is like destiny, you will never fail to meet each other.” Sazechs looked to Noah.

“And Orpheus seemed very interested in you, and that's why he followed Wally, and he shot Fenrir just because he was on his way, and that's what the White Dragon King told us. ”

Noah was instantly mute.

So the top ten strong men in the world are so tragic because of themselves?

Besides, is it in the form of a settlement?

The only person in the world who can solve a problem is Orpheus, who is one of the strongest in the four digits.

However, Noah heard that in this world, there is actually another being as powerful as Orpheus, even more powerful than Orpheus.

It's just that it's basically impossible for that person to be in this world, not even belong to it, and that's why Orpheus would be the strongest.

“If it wasn't for Orpheus, we'd have had to get Sazex and Achuca to fight Fenrir, but by the time Sazex and Achuca got here, we'd be dead fighting there.” Assasher scratched his cheek.

“By the way, apart from a few fallen angel executives, including myself, who were fighting against Rocky and Fenrill, were the only ones left with Lias and her family? ”

“Lias?” Noah was frightened.

“Let them fight the gods and the wolves? Are you out of your mind? ”

“I can't help but think that Lord Evil will come with the famous Wolf of the Goddess.” Assassin stalled.

“Plus Lias' family has been fighting a lot of terrorist gangs for some time now, the pressure is not too small, so it's better if you get back to your school and sit in town. ”

Noah sighed.

It's been a long fall.