Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1902: Do You Want to Shatter Your Bones?

(Many thanks to ‘Pokémon’, 'Ichihara’, 'Three Kingdoms Rangers SQ’, ‘Rui Li', ‘SmallFat’, ‘Reverse Transcriptase’, ‘Windless Heaven’, ‘? Lonely as smoke? Reward for', ‘unknown ◎ mortal’!

Say it late, then fast.

As Glendale moves forward at great speed, ready to give Noah a blow to assemble her full body strength, a chain of light, as flexible as a python, is already ripped out of the sky and swept in front of Glendale.

As Drag said, this dragon has nothing but battle in his mind, and he's completely insane.

Nobody wants to be hooked up with a crazy guy like that.

However, in Noah's view, such a lunatic could not be better dealt with.

Because, Noah can at least be sure that in battle, Glendale must have fought with instinct, never mind.

So Noah had long anticipated Glendale coming straight at himself.

As such, the chain of light swung in Glendale, silently sweeping around it as it smashed a giant gun of light into the air.

In other words, in the absence of Glendale's reaction, a thick chain of light wrapped around each other, tying the dragon's immense body tightly in the middle of the sky.

“Cut it out!" Glendale said with utter disdain.

“What's with all this stuff?! ”

With such arrogant speech, Glendale was strenuous, all the muscles under the scales were stirred up, the blues bursting one after the other.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

In the roar, Glendale erupted furiously, pulling the chain of light wrapped around him to ring, or even crackling like steel.

In such circumstances, however, instead of being torn apart, that thick chain of light wrapped around Glendale's enormous body with no indication of breakage at all.

“What?!” Glendale was surprised at last.

“Continuous?! ”

“Tear it?” Noah laughed sarcastically.

“If it's just ordinary light, perhaps, with your power, even the light of Assassin and Michal can be torn apart. Unfortunately, I'm not using light, I'm using a higher level of divine power than light. ”

“With you? It keeps happening! ”

Noah slowly raised her hand when she said such a word.

“Buzz ————! ”

The glorious divine power gathered in Noana's slowly raised hands, gradually converging into a bow of light.

Noah's dark eyes stared straight at the constant struggle, Glendale trying to break free of the chains of light, and his face pulled the bowstrings wavelessly.

The glorious divine power came together again, accompanied by Noah's bow, forming an extremely dazzling arrow of light.

“Your scales seem to be the hardest of the Dragons, don't they?” Noah's faint voice.

“Then let me see if your scales are stiff or my arrows of light are stiffer! ”

Voice, drop.

“Shh...! ”

The dazzling arrow of light is like a brilliant meteor, paddling through the deep night sky, dragging a long tail of light, flashing away in the sharp sound of a broken sky.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

Glendale yelled.

Under Glendale's roar, the bright arrow of light swept over the dragon.

“Boom --! ”

At that moment, in the dark moon night, a strong light suddenly appeared, as if a round of moon exploded in the middle of the sky, provoking a bright loud and violent impact, sweeping the clouds of the town of Wang.

The clouds were shaken very fragile.

The atmosphere was simply messed up.

Even the space is like a lake with a boulder in it, with a slight wave of waves and slight distortions beneath the raging shock and intense sound waves.

That scene was like a big explosion of stars.

Such a tremendous movement, even the inhabitants of the town of Khu Wang were woken by one person, thought that a storm was coming, struck with thunder, each with a palpitation.

Only the demons, angels and fallen angels left in the town of Khu Wang perceived something wrong and began to riot.

Until the demons, angels and fallen angels' remnants began to act, the great movement in the sky gradually subsided.

Noah's bow of light gradually dissipated.

A strong chain of light also turned into a glimmer that disappeared.

Lifting his curtains, Noah looked forward and muttered to herself.

“It's pretty hard, though. ”

Look closely, in front of Noah, where the Big Bang just happened, Glendale's figure reappeared in the air.

However, the scales of the giant dragon were almost shattered, and the skin underneath was spilling a lot of blood, dropping constantly.

Glendale was badly injured by the direct strike of the divine arrow of light!

However, with that blow, Noah had used all the divine powers within her control.

By the way, even the Demon King and the Dragon King couldn't bear that blow, but Glendale did.

However, the evil dragon has been fatally traumatized, afraid it will be difficult to stand?

Just as Noah thought of it, the scaly Glendale slowly lifted his drooping head.

“What?” All the scales on the evil dragon's face had been broken and filled with blue blood, but as if he felt nothing, he pulled the corner of his mouth and revealed an extremely delightful smile.

“Isn't that something? Humans! ”

Watching Glendale ignore the wounds all over her body, twisting her neck and looking happy, Noah couldn't help but hold her back.

“So didn't you say?” Drag's voice got heavy.

“The guy is a madman, he won't hit him to pieces, no matter how badly he gets hurt, he will stand up with nothing to do, in his brain, pain is not a thing at all, it will just make him more and more emotional like a stimulant. ”

That's why Glendale is the evil dragon.

So insane, only the evil dragon of battle is in his mind, no matter who, dare to leave him in trouble everywhere.

As a result, Glendale had long since been completely eliminated.

And Glendale didn't care about what Drag said.

“As I said, it doesn't matter what happens to little things like that. The important thing is to keep hitting them, beating them hard, and hitting them upside down is the most important thing! ”

“Want me to shatter my bones?” Glendale Haha laughed.

“Then hurry! ”

Noah finally understood why Drag hated Glendale so much.

Not just because Glendale is crazy, but because this guy is annoying and annoying, it's really pissing off.

So Noah's eyes flashed.

“Do you really want to crush bones? Then I'll be all yours! ”

In Noah's body, there was an orderly circulation of divine power flowing, all transformed into magic.

“Psst! ”

A huge magic array unfolded in front of Noah.

Amazing magic poured into the magic array like a shocking wave, giving the magic array an eye-catching glow.

“Bang --! ”

Like the sound of shelling, a magical beam bursts from a huge array of magic, like an arrow through the sky, passing through the night sky and blasting straight in the direction of Glendale.

“Another trick like that? Bastard, use your fist! What I want is to fight! Kill him!”

Glendale roared with great dissatisfaction, not shrugging away at all, lifting his fists directly and waving a punch at the huge beam of magic that came out of the blast, crushing the air and breaking the mountain river.

The next second, a huge beam of light collided with a huge fist.

The collision, however, did not provoke any echoes.

The moment Glendale's fist touched that magical beam, as if it had been cut neatly, it spread a line.

“What...?!” Glendale was shocked.

Unfortunately, it is too late to be shocked at this time.

The beam of magic fell directly on Glendale, turning into a gorgeous white light that covered Glendale's entire body.

In the light, Glendale's huge body was cut open, spreading a line into neat blocks.

“Boo-hoo! ”

The muffled sound came out.

Like the declaration just made, Glendale smashed his bones and blew his whole body apart.

Blood, spilling the earth.