Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1910: God's Destroyer to Subvert the Law of Life

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El Maine Shelter left with two escorts.

Until El Maine Shelter left, the tension in the Supernatural Research Department's social organization was relaxed.

Then the families of Gimonri cast their eyes of worship on Noah.

“Teacher is amazing!” Irina's eyes sparkled and her emotions shouted.

“Two or three times and all those nasty vampires are defeated! ”

“... those vampires are really annoying.” Kittens are whispering.

“Too self-righteous...”

Everyone nodded.

Noah's strength, for the family of Gimonli, was a big help to all, and it felt like a lot of thought had come out of it.

“Unfortunately, in this way, the roads of the Camilla are blocked.” Assasher sighed.

“While it was cool to be so powerful just now, there were a lot of after-effects, and then, if even the negotiations between the Tsephes broke down, the membership of the vampire side would really become impossible. ”

This is undoubtedly very bad.

However, El Maine Sheldon didn't seem to have thought of it, so he was crushed to death by Noah.

But now that Noah has chosen to be strong, it proves that he has something on his mind.

At least, for Noah, the vampire side, given the civil unrest, would have to drill as much space as possible.

It's not hard to get what you want.

“What power does the Holy Grail have over that?” Noah said so.

“I care more about this aspect. ”

It was reported that Assasher had responded directly.

“The Grail's ability to subvert the common sense of life. ”

“Subverting the common sense of life?” Noah flashed.

“Exactly.” Assasher nodded his head.

“As far as vampires are concerned, even ordinary people know their weaknesses. If they are stuck in the heart, they will die, if they are stabbed by a cross, if they are exposed to sunlight, if they are hit by a silver weapon, they will be seriously injured, and the purer their descent, the more obvious these weaknesses will be. Don't demons also have light and sacred weaknesses? ”

For demons, light is a very poisonous thing.

Therefore, if the light of angels and fallen angels were to strike the demon's body, it would surely cause indelible trauma and even direct death.

As for the weakness of the sacred attribute, let alone the weakness.

The Holy Sword, for example, was cut down by a weapon that specializes in suppressing demonic and dark creatures, and even existence itself could be wiped out.

“It is a defect that the creature itself is destined to possess, even if God has weaknesses, and if it is a trait of life, it will be better understood.” Assassin squinted his eyes.

“However, if the Holy Grail is used, it can be used to subvert the power of the common sense of life, so that such weaknesses are completely obliterated and become faultless creatures. ”

The Tsephes are probably trying to harness this power to become a flawless creature, right?

But such behavior, in the eyes of the rest of the vampires, who attach great importance to their own descent, is like denying everything about their own descent.

Doesn't that deny vampires the way they live?

Therefore, for the self-respecting Camilla faction, it is not surprising that the Chépez faction is a group of corrupt men, even to think that their presence is an insult to all vampires.

El Maine Sheldin would be so disgusted with the Cepesh pie, that's why.

However, more people are wary of the power of the Holy Grail.

“The divine extinction that subverts the laws of life…" Jenova murmured.

“It is a sacred relic that was used to contain the blood of Jesus...”

Although unlike the Holy Grail of the Moon World, it can be a machine of desire, in the sphere of manipulation of life, the Holy Grail of the world can be said to be almost omnipotent.

“It is said that if the power of the Holy Grail were to be maximized and even an indestructible body could be attained, even if the dead soul were to be resurrected…" Asashel said, halfway through the words, suddenly it was stifled.

That was like being struck by lightning, remembering something very important, opening your eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Assasher was forced to mumble on his own.

“The dead are resurrected... vampires... evil dragons...”

In a word, Noah's eyes flashed and raised her head violently, staring at Assasher.

Gimonli's family were also not fools, and instantly realized what Noah and Assashel had in mind.

--Evil Dragon!

The evil dragon of the resurrection!

The evil dragon, which should have been completely annihilated, is resurrected!

Doesn't it seem like the common sense of life has been subverted?

In other words, the resurrection of evil dragons is most likely due to the power of the Holy Grail!

“Now the mystery is solved.” Noah spoke loudly.

“No wonder that Euclidean said goodbye in vampire territory, so the vampire side really joined forces with the troublemakers? ”

No one can speak.

Because now that the dragon is resurrected, it proves that the holy grail that fell into the Zepesh faction is indeed being used by the troubled group and cannot be challenged.

Besides, the Tsephes are already using the Holy Grail to improve their lives and to do things that, in the view of the Camillas, have tarnished their bloodlines, so they will not be proud of their bloodlines and will not come into contact with the troubled groups, as previously speculated?

In other words, even if the Tsephes did not join the troublemakers, they must have joined the troublemakers!

“This is a big problem.” Assassin's eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

“It appears that this trip to vampire territory will not only involve the Thépez and Camilla factions, but will also lead to conflict with the troubled groups. ”

“And our previous intentions were completely destroyed.” Lias got upset, too.

“If the Tsephes really join the troublemakers, then it is completely impossible to reach a peace agreement with the Tsephes vampires. ”

“Plus the Camilla negotiations have broken down…" Zhu made some worrying noises.

“Reconciliation with the vampire side seems really unlikely to be won. ”

The atmosphere began to get heavy.

However, Noah smiled softly, breaking the heavy atmosphere around her.

“No, it's better for us.” Noah looked to Assasher.

“If the Tsephes really join the troublemakers, then we have the right to intervene as criminals who harbour all forces wanted, right? Assassin? ”

“Ah, totally.” Assassin also had a bad laugh.

“As long as we are able to intervene and break the insistence that vampires have not been in contact with the outside world for many years, the values of the inhabitants of the vampire world will surely come under shock, and even if they do not want to, the vampires will have to sit down with us and talk. ”

With the opportunity to talk, the vampire side is bound to be at a disadvantage under the pressure of all the mythological forces in the world.

At that time, the terrorist hiding group will be told that, in order to avoid being considered an accomplice to the group by the rest of the forces, the vampire side can only surrender with its hands raised and sign and negotiate.

“Again, there is just a lack of evidence.” Noah hit a ringing finger.

“Assasher, the original plan remains unchanged. Tomorrow we will go to vampire territory, and if the troubled group appears there, the evidence is solid and beyond question. ”

“In that way, however, there is also a high likelihood of conflict with the troubled groups and the Tsephesh faction.” Assasher touched his chin, wondering what he had in mind, and smiled.

“Looks like I'm gonna have to find some reliable escorts to go with. ”

“Let's go together.” Lias pressed Gaspar's shoulder to reveal his firm color.

“I care about what power is hidden in Gaspar, and I have to figure it out. ”

“Me too...” Gaspar, though hesitant, was equally resolute.

“I... I don't want to be seen as something strange, if I really have any strange power in me, at least I have to figure it out. ”

“Really?” Noah nodded looking at Lias and Gaspar, looking at the rest of Gimonli's family.

“In that case, you will be my escorts, accompanied by me. ”

“Yes, sir!” The family of Gimonli answered with all their voices.

So, the plan to go to vampire territory is on the agenda.