Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1942: Leswim's Next Goal

(Many thanks to ‘Pokémon’, 'Not feeling well for a day’, 'Windflower * disarmed’, ‘Sadana Dai', ‘KSAIR’, ‘True. The Dragon Tiger King's reward!

Meeting of the Gods.

Sounds high-end and sophisticated, but in fact, it's nothing like a human meeting.

How can you say that?

The reason is simple.

Since the beginning of the meeting, basically all deities have spoken of foaming and emotional agitation, but are simply repeating current intelligence and subsequent harm.

“The fact that the heavens and the underworld were attacked at the same time, and almost fell, proves that the opponent has the ability to defeat a mythical force that we have to prevent. ”


“If it's just an ordinary attack, there's nothing to be afraid of. After all, so many of our forces are united today, afraid of being cut off from contact again, alone and defeated by each other, then it's over. ”


“It is now imperative to devise a way for us to survive the immediate crisis. ”


“If we can find the stronghold of the troubled group, we can take the initiative and attack them directly and destroy them. ”


“The enemy relies only on evil dragons. Whether it is the legendary evil dragons that are resurrected by the Holy Grail or the mass-produced evil dragons that are modified by the Holy Grail, the enemy is the main force of the enemy. If the danger of evil dragons can be solved, the enemy will have nothing to fear. ”

Still bullshit!

Thousands of mythical powers gathered together to speak so enthusiastically, and as a result, the content of the topic was all bullshit!

These things, they were all known beforehand, so the gods needed to come together, have this meeting, come up with a solution, didn't they?

As a result, at the end of the day, the solution does not propose a solution, but simply repeats what information is currently known, so what can be discussed at the end of the day?

Consequently, Suzex, Achuca, Selafur, Farubium and Assasher, including Noah, did not speak, nor did the gods Odin, Zeus, Shiva and the Emperor of Liberation participate, but listened to the repeated bullshit of the gods and remained silent.

The so-called "crowd size" refers to this situation.

Even God, once there is more number, and each one has his own ideas, there is no unifying caliber at all, it can only be like this, repeating bullshit.

Certainly, some wise Lord God understood very clearly what the subject of this meeting was, did not participate in this nonsense, sat quietly there and said nothing.

It is conceivable that these gods, who are silent at this moment, are the wise men who can truly make a difference at the Conference.

Until a certain moment, the emperor released the genius's impatient voice, interrupting the constant bullshit.

“Well, demons, it's time for you to make a difference.” The emperor turned his head and looked at the four demon kings headed by Sazechs.

“As victims, I'm sure you know best where the troubles are, and in order to keep the same thing from happening, you must be ready to confront them? ”

As soon as Emperor Release Day came out, the scene just became quiet.

Everyone turned their attention to the four demonic kings of Suzex, Achuca, Selafur and Farubihum, who shook the spirit of the four demonic kings and looked at each other.

“We do have an analysis of how to block communications and are developing new means of communication.” Suzex has finally spoken.

“So the danger of isolation and destruction should be considerably reduced. ”

“Good.” Odin laughed.

“Finally, useful information was heard. ”

“However, the means of the enemy cannot be underestimated.” Assasher made a statement.

“Not to mention the three-headed dragon Az-Dahaka, which has a thousand magics, is rumored to guard Golden Apple's protective dragon, La Dong, is in the enemy's camp. That dragon's boundaries and protections are very difficult, isolating our forces directly from each other with boundaries and possibly destroying each other. ”

“In other words, besides dealing with magic, is there a need to prepare for the means of dealing with boundaries?” Shiva turned her eyes to Zeus.

“The Greek Lord, Rattan is the evil dragon in your mythology. If it were you, would you have the means to deal with Rattan? ”

“If it's just a means of dealing with boundaries, that's a lot. The question is, can it just work on the boundaries of Rattan?” Zeus grinned.

“Although we are not prepared for that, if we have defeated the great hero Hercules of La Donne, we can invite him out, and no one knows better than him how to deal with La Dong. ”

“Oh?” The gods sounded surprised from time to time.

In Greek mythology, Hercules, the great hero, was entrusted with twelve impossible tasks, which were eventually accomplished in full and rose to the story of God, which is well known.

And of Hercules' twelve missions, one was to acquire the Golden Apple under the guardianship of the Evil Dragon Rattan.

Ultimately, Hercules succeeded in killing the dragon Rattan and gaining the gold apple.

So Hercules should know best what to do with Radon.

However, when the gods were surprised, Achuca was the point.

“It is not difficult to deal with evil dragons. In fact, although evil dragons are a threat, all gods here have almost the ability to kill. The real problem is that even if evil dragons are killed, evil dragons can continue to be revived. It is not difficult to deal with evil dragons. It is crucial to deal with the Holy Grail. ”

One word awakens the dreamer.

That's right.

The real problem is the Holy Grail, not the Evil Dragon.

If you don't want to deal with the Holy Grail first, even if you deal with evil dragons, it just doesn't help.

“The Holy Grail is in the hands of that demon king's child, isn't it?” Odin said thoughtfully.

“Is it true that the son of the demon king is the real threat? ”

“Can you find out where Rezevim is?” Shiva strongly said.

“Isn't there anyone who knows the son of the former demon king better than demons, angels and fallen angels? ”

“We wouldn't be so passive if we could find Liesewim.” Suzex's expression rose in earnest.

“Long after the vampire unrest, we began to look for Liesewim, unfortunately, until now without a clue. ”

“By the way, isn't the Grail still with two fallen angels?” The Emperor released a glance at Assasher.

“Governor of the Fallen Angel, can't you think of something? ”

“Simple.” Assassin couldn't help but say something.

“If there was enough time, perhaps some results could be achieved. The question is, by then, would it be too late? ”

The gods all frowned and fell into difficulty.

The crux of the problem lies in Rezevim and the Holy Grail.

But how do we find Rezevim and the Holy Grail?

When the heavens and the underworld were attacked, Liesewim didn't show up at all. He must be hiding somewhere safe, watching the disaster steal joy, right?

That guy, he's an asshole.

At the same time, Asashel looked at Noah and asked.

“How come you never talk? Don't forget you're the star! ”

Assasher's words, let all the eyes of the Shura Buddha gather on Noah at the site.

In the eyes of all the gods, Noah opened her eyes and spoke indifferently.

“I was just wondering if there was a shortcut to that end if I were Liesewim, without having to consider any consequences, and if I wanted to destroy all mythical forces. ”

Noah's words stunned all the gods in the place.

“Assassin.” Noah ignored the glare of the gods, but suddenly asked.

“If, as you say, Rezewim is really an asshole and an evil man, then it shouldn't be strange for him to strike at all the mysterious roots in order to destroy all mythical forces? ”

“The root of all mystery?” Assassin sighed, then seemed to realize something and took a sip of cool air.

“You... you mean...”

“That's what I think.” Noah squinted her eyes.

“Liesewim will soon be on the move. ”

With this phrase, Noah stood up and looked around at all the gods in the place.

“If I'm not mistaken, Liesewim's next goal is not which mythical force, but humanity! ”

“He will destroy mankind! ”

Almost instantly, all the gods in the place understood what Noah meant and all showed horrific expressions.