Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1950: A Very Deformed Group…

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward of Ma Shuming! And rewards for 'Magic Blood Meteorology’, 'Flaming Demon Lord 5’, ‘Book of Universe Truth’, 'Dark Night', ‘Night Star Rain Cold’, ‘Silver Flash 7’!

It's a beautiful day, with clear skies and no clouds.

Overlooking the ocean, the waves are stacked on top of each other. Though not very intense, they also make a wave of the same path, which is heartwarming and refreshing.

Seagulls roar in the middle of the air.

The waves rose in the ocean.

Plus the beautiful weather without clouds, the sea and sky, if possible, I'm sure there will be a lot of people who want to take a holiday on a cruise ship, right?

At some point, however, such beauty was ruthlessly destroyed.

“Psst! ”

A vast array of magic flashes above the sea, sparkling bright lights.

That's a transfer magic array.

And it's also a very massive transfer magic array.

A black tide emerged in the light that was characteristic of the magic array.

No, no, no.

It's not the black tide.

It was a tide of beasts made up of a dark dragon.

Dragons with unidentified and evil breaths all over their heads flew out of the Transfer Magic Array. Like a wave, the bulging fish poured out, instantly surrounding the area.

From a distance, it's like a giant black cloud.

And in front of the dark clouds, there is a dragon with a head completely different from the rest of the thousand.

But there were two people in front of that dragon, which was clearly different from the dragon herd.

Two people with shiny silver hair in the sun.

“Here we are." Euclid had to look around and make a faint noise.

“Lord Liesewim, we are in the human world. ”

“Not bad, not bad.” Liesewim gave a very unpleasant smile.

“We'll apply for a reward after work. ”

“Unfortunately, my job is already unpaid.” Euclid said with no expression.

“Don't worry, Lord Liesewim. ”

“Oops. Oops.” Liesewim was utterly unconscious and utterly uncomfortable.

“That's a shame. ”

Glendale was already making a little impatient noise when Liesewim peeled.

“Cut the crap! Start attacking me! I can't wait to start fighting the good guys! ”

“Yeah, yeah!” Nedhoag similarly shouted.

“I can't wait to eat something good! ”

Radon, Apophis and Az-Dahaka, while not saying anything, are equally extremely impatient.

Watching this scene, Rezewim's face with a mean smile smoked slightly and his heart cursed.

For some time now, Liesewim has been really pissed off by these evil dragons.

Every time you lift your bars, you don't have control. If it weren't for Rezevim's control of the Grail, you could stop the Grail at any time and let these evil dragon dust return to dust. Believe me, one or two of these evil dragons would have run away already?

Of course, Liesewim really wanted all these dragons dead.

As the son of the Demon King, Rezevim can't remember how many teenagers he's never been so angry with.

The last time you got so upset, it was when Sazechs and Achuca drove the Old Demon King's pie to the border of the underworld, so that you could only run away?

Today, more than once, Liesewim has been subjected to this gas here in a group of extremely uncontrolled evil dragons.

How can it be tolerated with the heartfelt nature of Lezewim?

Without the need for these legendary dragons as a force of war, Liesewim really wanted to use the power of the Holy Grail to turn all these evil dragons into caterpillars.

(When the dust settles on everything, I'll make sure you know what happens to children who don't listen.

In the dark of his heart, Lizewim only had a smile on his face.

“Glendale, Nedhoag, Raton, Apophis, Az-Dahaka, everybody, take it easy. Funny things are behind us. ”

Liesewim tried to calm these dragons.

There is no way, Liesewim did not at all tell the dragons that this operation was primarily aimed at annihilating mankind.

If the evil dragons were told that the purpose of this operation was to destroy an individual mythical force by attacking an irresistible human being, those evil dragons would certainly not do so.

What the dragons want is a battle that can bring their own blood to a boil, not a massacre of irresistible humans.

They can slaughter humans to provoke their opponents, or they can go wild to lure them, but they will never play small tricks to indirectly annihilate them.

If they knew the purpose of this operation, the dragons would definitely turn their faces in the first place.

Therefore, Liesewim merely told the dragons that this attack on humanity was primarily aimed at being the godfearing of mankind.

In other words, Liesewim is telling the dragons that this time the opponent is not the mythological forces, but the God-killer.

Knowing that Liesewim was ready to fight the gods' ideas, the eyes of these evil dragons were brightened and promised without saying a word.

Liesewim can only laugh while his heart darkly despises these dragons.

(One or two are all idiots. There are obviously a lot of things the world can enjoy. You prefer to fight the most boring things. Evil dragons are a bunch of idiots.

This vulgar and despicable guy, he has no idea, he is even worse than the evil dragon.

The evil dragon is insane, but he has his own obsession.

Liesewim doesn't have that kind of thing.

In the eyes of others, evil dragons are a bunch of lunatics.

But in the eyes of others, Rezevim is a vile villain.

By comparison, there is absolutely no doubt that the level of obsessed lunatics is higher than that of the unbounded villains.

It was Euclid who ignored it and followed Liesewim directly and wholeheartedly.

Because the Euclidean family should have assisted Lucifer as the Demon King.

Euclid had to think of it as his own conviction, no matter how despicable Liesewim was, as long as he had Lucifer's blood on him, he would follow.

There is no doubt that this is blind.

Together with that modified head, there is no rational dragon army, and today the troublemaker group is simply a deformed group.

A group of lowly, blind and insane deformities.

And in this deformed group, Liesewim is the leader.

“Gentlemen, our purpose this time is to kiss the god slayer, and the rest of the mythological forces will be cleaned up later.” Rezevim picked his eyebrows at Az-Dahaka and Radon.

“So, in order not to let the gods, the Buddha, the Magic disturb our pleasure, please ask Az-Dahaka and Radong to use the technique of blocking contact with the boundary between blocking transmission? ”

“But my boundaries are not strong enough to cover the world.” Rattan lowered the opening of the soothing voice.

“Is there any way His Royal Highness can make my boundaries cover the whole world? ”

“Don't worry.” Liesewim said proudly.

“I have chosen hundreds of evil dragons to transform them into the same type as La Dong, who will then be assisted by them. Even if they cannot cover the world, they will not be able to bring those mythological forces into the human world. ”

“Really?” Rattan nodded.

“Then there's no problem. ”

“There is no way for Az-Dahaka to do this?” Liesewim helplessly stalled the stall.

“Magic and magic are the equivalent of knowledge. It is almost impossible for a group of unwise evil dragons to use magic and magic at all, to construct art and rituals, and to create a type of evil dragon like Az-Dahakarun. ”

“I don't need no fake dragon.” Az-Dahaka hummed softly.

“It's just a way of blocking contact, I'll be fine alone! ”

“Enough! ”

“Enough! Enough! ”

Az-Dahaka's other two skulls, which look a little funny, are just as creepy.

“Good!” Lezewim smiled with joy.

“So let's start attacking the lovely humans! ”

However, that sentence had just fallen, and the vision had taken place.

“Psst! ”

With a bright flash of light, a huge array of transfer magic suddenly shaped in the sea and in the middle of the air, instantly surrounded by the entire army of evil dragons.

The smile on Liesewim's face was directly frozen.

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