Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 1985 Conflict? Sleeping with the night watchman? (Moon ticket)

Thank you very much. Dragon Tiger King, Windless Heaven, Divine Jingfei, The End of the World song reward!

Built in an 18-story town on a cliff over 200 metres high.

It's a rudimentary town built along the terrain, using crystals and rock walls.

As soon as you walk into town, Noah walks in and sees the scenes of tents, wooden huts and many storefronts like stalls.

And only adventurers will come here.

And almost all of them are LV.2 adventurers.

Without this level of strength, it would not have been possible to reach this safe floor through the middle floors of 13-17 floors.

As a result, there is only a sparse and sparse group of people on the streets, all heavily armed, filling the air with an atmosphere of killing.

Feeling the atmosphere in the air, Bell, Lv.1's newcomer adventurer, almost subconsciously lowered his head, almost pressed the eight words "I'm a rookie, don't beat me" on his head, and awed to shrink really like a frightened rabbit.

Lily, on the other hand, is in a money exchange in town, with a crisp voice, bargaining with the owner.

Unfortunately, the owner was always digging his ears and his left ear went into the arrogance of his right ear, making Lily blush.

In such a situation, Noah looked at Aise next to her as she laughed.

“What are you going to do next? ”

“Stay here.” Ace answered honestly.

“This is where we'll be staying the next week. ”

In a word, the intentions of the Loki girls were clear.

They intend to use the 18th floor as a stronghold to penetrate the underground city and collect money in the deep areas.

“We have camping gear.” Tiona spoke vibrantly.

“So we'll find a place to camp, and if we live here, we'll be slaughtered alone. ”

“Food is also prepared to gather fruits and vegetables to cook in the underground city.” Additional note by Tiogne.

“After all, we are here to make money and cannot be slaughtered in this town. ”

“You're obviously first-level adventurers, how can you be so miserable?” Noah turned a white eye, but also understood.

“The adventurers are probably used to living like this, right? ”

Besides, staying in a town can't be any better than camping.

After all, hotels are made of wood, let alone rain, or wind.

Such a hotel is uncomfortable to stay in and has to be painfully slaughtered. No one wants to live in it.

So in the wild camping, that's absolutely necessary.

“And what did Mr. Noah plan?” Lefia asked politely.

“Are you going to camp outside, too? ”

“I was going to go back the same day.” Noah touched his chin, watched his head shrink behind him, but couldn't help but look at Bell, who was bargaining with the owner of the money exchange, Lily, giving up her stall.

“But it's almost dark now, and when we get back to the ground, it's probably dawn, so let's take a night off. ”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Tiona said with joy.

“I have so much to ask you! ”

“This may be a good opportunity to dig up all of my little brother's secrets, so let's have a chat tonight!” Tiogne also looked straight at Noah and revealed a beautiful smile.

“If you say yes, there will be four more beautiful women to sleep with you at night? ”

Noah almost threw up blood.

“Sleep with…?” Lefía blushed directly and even made a noise out of her.

“Should I be included? ”

“Isn't that obvious?” Tiognier's voice.

“We only have one tent, don't we? ”

“Little brother doesn't seem to have a tent, can we sleep together at night?” Tiona was holding Iss' hand.

“Isn't Ace happy, too? ”

“No... no...” Ace glanced at Noah secretly, and her pretty face turned slightly red, wary and frightened.

“I didn't think so...”

Unfortunately, that shy look is not convincing enough.

As for Bell, that morning a blush was exploding.

“Big... sleep with everyone... sleep with Miss Valenstein...”

Bell almost didn't catch his breath. A face was as red as a monkey's ass, almost hiccups.

“No, no, no! Absolutely not!" Lefia resisted violently, shaking Tiona and Tionet's hands with mercy.

“I can't. If I sleep with a man, I'll die! ”

“Rafia, why are you so mean?” Tiona complained.

“It's not like I'm gonna lose a piece of meat. ”

“Yeah.” Tiogne nodded agreeably.

“Don't you hate Noah too? Why don't you take this moment to improve your feelings? ”

“I don't hate sleeping with you. It's totally different!” Lefia was about to cry, and she glanced at Bell with tears.

“Besides, Mr. Noah is not the only man here! ”

“Right.” Tiona seemed to think of this, looking at Belle.

“The younger brothers are here too. ”

“There's no other way.” Tiogne sighed, saying this to Belle when Lefia thought she was finally going to give up.

“Belle, why don't you just watch the night? ”

“Night watch?” Bell opened his mouth and a tear filled his heart.

It is also a man, the leader of the group is fought by others to sleep with him, and he is assigned to guard the night. There is a gap between people.

Even in an underground city, if you want to meet, you have to have the strength.

Bell's mind began to pinch this seemingly correct, but biased toward the idea of the grandmother's house.

Just as Noah had to be a sleeping companion tonight, and Bell was going to be a night watchman, there was a sudden uproar ahead.

Noah's walker suddenly turned his head slightly and looked forward.

Only, not far ahead, a group of people were surrounded, as if watching something lively, chirping.

“What's the matter?” Tionette was confused.

“What happened? ”

Tiona simply grabbed the next adventurer and asked him directly.

“Nah, what happened up ahead? ”

“No... I don't know.” The adventurer seemed a little angry that he had been caught suddenly, and when he saw that he was the first adventurer of the Loki clan, his mouth twitched and he answered honestly.

“Heard… there seems to be a clash between two families. ”

“In other words, is there a fight up ahead?” Tiona was curious.

“Let's go and see! ”

After that, Tiona grabbed Tiona and Lefia's hand and rushed forward.

“Captain?” Bell hesitated to ask.

“What do we do? ”

Instead of answering, Noah glanced at each other with an ace beside her, nodding her head and walking forward.

And by this time, Tiona had come behind the crowd with Tiogne and Lefia.

“Let's go! ”

When Tiona was about to rush in, the crowd suddenly heard more disturbances.

“So... isn't that the first adventurer of the Rockies? ”

“Get out of the way! ”

The crowd suddenly broke apart, allowing Tiona, Tiogne and Lefia to easily walk on separate paths.

Noah, Ace and Bell followed, came to the center of the riot and finally saw two groups confronted.

Those are two distinct groups of people that are very easy to identify.

The reason why is simple is simply because there are men on one side and women on the other.

Men are a group of heavily armed adventurers.

Women are a group of very exposed Amazons.

That's almost as good as not hanging a finger. It's a bold costume that makes people go wild. It directly makes innocent Rafia and pure Belle blush, shaming their hands and feet.

Only Tiona and Tionet, looking at the two confronted groups, were surprised.

“Isn't that Freya and Ista? ”

“The two families? ”

“The Ista clan?” Ace and Lefia had a slight glimpse.

“The Freya family?” Noah frowned and his eyes squinted slightly.

I never thought I'd meet a Freya family member in a place like this.

By chance? Or was it the trick of the goddess who loved the hair?

“However, since the Ista family is also present, that is more likely to be the former. ”

After all, this Ista family is a rival to the Freya family's death...

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