Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 2001: The Goddess of Beauty is a virtue.

(Chapter 2,000 at last! Finally more than the last book! Flowers, flowers!

(Thank you very much for the 1000 reward of Fantasy Kaleidoscope! And the rewards of 'Flying Silence', 'If I Drum’, 'The Son Comes to Saphiros’, ‘Moe’, ‘Fate Butterfly Prayer’, ‘Great Love of Water’, ‘Precious Second Dimension’, ‘Meiqin Sister’, ‘Tian Xuan Yi’, ‘Dream Book Fairy’, ‘Dragon Pity Sunny Snow’!

In fact, Noah had noticed the proximity of Ista's family before they were discovered around them.

Noah's gaze turned toward Ista's family, looking at the demonic goddess embraced in it by a group of combat whores, and the dark eyes swept through an invisible light.

As for the rest, one by one stopped the noise, leaving the entire scene, as lively as a festival, completely silent the previous second.

For all those present, male or female, human or divine, have lost their ability to speak at this moment, and their expressions and eyes have been replaced by dementia.

And these people who are in dementia, they have only one woman in their eyes.

That's Ista being embraced by a bunch of combat whores.

It's obviously not so powerful, but it's full of unspeakable charm.

Without any strange power, it captured the hearts and minds of all as it should have been.

It is not a woman, but "beauty" itself that is embraced in the centre by the war whores.

The goddess in charge of beauty moved so slightly, following the elegant but glorious footsteps, under the patronage of a group of battle whores, she crossed the crowd and came to Noah.

“ ………… ”

Unspeakable silence pervades the surroundings.

Everyone looked at the Goddess obsessively and fell into an intoxication that could not be pulled out.

However, the goddess was no one to look around at all, her eyes stared closely at Noah, and a smile slowly unfolded on exotic sophisticated and beautiful faces.

As that smile emerged from each other's faces, an unusual sweetness began to diffuse in the air.


Everyone here couldn't help but make a crisp sound, as if they had seen the most incredible miracle in the world, completely captured by the smile of the goddess, and their skin began to turn red and burn.

The same is true of the war whores who embrace Ista.

And everyone's eyes are even more amazingly similar.





In the presence of the god of beauty, both men and women, have been deprived of their hearts.

As if there was only one goddess left in heaven and earth, a fragile heart was drawn to the past.

As a result, hundreds of people and gods throughout the field, no one has ever spoken out at this moment, and they are all caught up in the immersion and obsession with "beauty", unable to pull themselves out.

Except for one person.

Looking at the goddess with a smile on her face like a glorious rose, Noah said this with pride, as if she didn't see anything.

“Are you next? ”

No intoxication.

No obsession.

No fainting.

No love.

Not even attention.

Noah, like a very ordinary challenger, uttered in the most careless tone the phrase that seemed extremely abrupt in a silent scene of death.

At this moment, Ista's face had this incredibly beautiful smile that was so stiff.

“ ———— ”

Around, the men and women who had been captured were equally fierce in their retreat, as if they had just had a good dream, with a flavor on their faces and confusion.

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Just now, Ista used the enchanting power of the only god of beauty to instantly take away all men and the god's heart.

Only one person ignored Ista's enchantment.

That's Noah.

After Freya, the enchantment of the second god was also completely ignored by Noah.

Understood the middle cause, and the eyes of those who knew looked at Noah changed.

Especially Ista, that beautiful smile on her face is hidden in an embarrassment that can no longer be sustained, making the atmosphere weird the moment before and yet extremely obscure.

In response, Noah simply cast a dazzling glance at Ista, and her breath was like a laugh at a naughty little kid's prank, stalling her.

“By the way, the gods of beauty are all a virtue. One or both of them used that so-called charm on the man they first met. Without that thing, you wouldn't have the confidence to attract men's hearts? ”

It was said that Ista's smile had finally stopped.

Noah was not mesmerized by Freya, and even rejected Freya's courtship from the god of beauty, which had spread throughout Aurally.

So Ista naturally knows about it.

But Ista still uses charm against Noah.

The reasons are also simple.

“Didn't that bitch prove I was prettier than she was when she couldn't seduce that man? ”

If that were the case, no one would ever say Ista was worse than Freya again.

It was based on this idea that Ista was impulsive to use enchantment.

However, it turns out that Ista and Freya are the same gods.

At the very least, that captures the inner allure of all life, which for Noah is nothing short of a small means.

“I'm here today to have fun, not to see you cheat.” Noah glanced at Ista with no respect for the goddess.

“If you want to challenge me, I'm always welcome, but if you want to conquer me with a smile, I'm sorry, you still owe me a lot of fire. ”

Without mercy, it makes Ista's expression look a little hard to see, but it also makes everyone around her talk.

“This' tyrant ', the last time he refused the courtship of the Freya goddess without mercy, this time intending to remove the Ista goddess without mercy? ”

“Those are two gods...”

“How could he do such a thing? ”

“Is he really a tyrant in the heart of the Iron Stone? ”

“That's how you don't come to Pleasure Street for fun, you idiot. ”

“That's true...”

Around, the discussion fell into Ista's ear, which was worse than anything.

It wasn't until this moment that Ista got a little angry.

“How dare you refuse me? ”

As a goddess of beauty, Ista has never tried to feel rejected.

Now Ista finally has this feeling.

But unlike Freya, who was once rejected but was happier, Ista had only anger in her heart.

Perhaps that's why Freya and Ista have a gap.

Driven by this emotion, Ista's gorgeous face pulled up a fake smile and said this.

“I have always heard of how great a child is in Hestia's family, and now I have seen it with my own eyes. It is certainly not disappointing. Unfortunately, there is no respect for God. It is punishable. It seems that Hestia has not taught you much about being human. ”

“Lord Goddess is such a joke, my master god often teaches me that others are good to me, then I have to be a hundred times better to others, if others are bad to me, don't be polite, just fall down.” Noah smiled.

“Besides, Goddess, are you sure you're not disappointed? Why do I think you look so upset? ”

Ista's face twitched.

The goddess really didn't think that the man in front of her was so unrelenting, the words were stabbing.

Besides, he's still a man.

A man who used to do whatever Ista wanted to do.

Nowadays, Ista feels really delicate, almost anything, given the irony of a man who used to be able to lay it out at will.

Just when Ista couldn't help but get angry, a laugh sounded like a toad.

“Knock, knock, knock! Has Lord Ista even been rejected?! I'm the most beautiful one! ”

With such an unusual laugh, a giant stepped forward one step at a time, making the ground tremble.

When the whole face of the giant was exposed to the eyes of the crowd, the eyes of everyone in the place were almost staring out, even if the whole face was blue.

Heran, it's Frini.