Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 2049 Really Time Is Necessary...

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Winged Heritage’, ‘HJAkeno’, ‘Undersea Grass’, 'The End of the World', ‘The Phantom of the Ghost'!

From the 50th floor up to the 58th floor, it should only be about half a day now, right?

In just half a day, however, the danger is very clear.

Especially when firecracker dragons were hit on the 52nd floor.

Even if a member of the Loki family had one experience, it was an accident.

As Finn said, everyone is wrong.

Rafia should not relax during the resupply period.

A bunch of first-level adventurers should not lose sight of the menacing nature of monsters hiding in the shadows on the 52nd floor because of firecracker dragon sniping.

If it weren't for Noah's rescue of Rafia, then this age-old elf girl might actually have died in the monster's mouth.

With this in mind, the first adventurers were all caught in silence, leaving Lefia somewhat overwhelmed.

In such cases, it was Noah's intentional and unintentional reference.

“Although the production of monsters has now stopped on the 58th floor, it is still a nest of monsters, next we have to go to the 59th floor of the unreached area, don't waste time blaming yourself, if you want to reflect, hold a reflection congress after returning to the family. ”

So Noah also measured Finn's travelers.

“Besides, do you guys have to hurry up and replenish? ”

Watching Noah gauge Finn's men, Ace and Lefia discovered it.

Finn walkers are in very bad shape compared to his own.

Needless to say, Finn and Bert had a scorched black mark all over them, and Gareth's armor was fractured, and Tiona and Tionena even had blood-soaked wounds on their brown skin, making even Riveria's outfit look a little messy.

Obviously, Finn had a lot of struggle on his way to the 58th floor.

“Luckily you threw your backpack at me before you fell here.” Gareth laughed at his rare misery.

“If it weren't for the reply props inside, we wouldn't really be able to hold out here. ”

“Not only have we met the Feilongs, but we have also fought with new monsters.” That's what Riveria said.

“Though well prepared, without props to replenish it, there is a real danger. ”

“Thanks to this, we are what we are now.” Tiogne was helpless.

“Props were used up not long ago, and these are all accumulated. ”

“So give us some panacea.” Tiona spoke with impotence.

“Otherwise, we really have to hang up. ”

“That's it.” Bert whispered.

“Hurry up and get the props out and let's make some supplies. ”

“Got it... got it.” Rafia hurriedly opened the backpack and took a bottle of psychotropic medicine out of it and distributed it to everyone.

A few of the finest panaceas were poured down, and the wounds on a bunch of first-level adventurers gradually began to heal.

Then Rafia took out the high magic potion and handed it to Riveria.

Riveria must have consumed a lot of spiritual energy along the way.

Finn looks out at the entrance to the southern corridor as the crowd replenishes it, smiling like a child.

“Floor 59, we're almost there...”

Rumor has it that people are one smile after another, and the exhilarating mood has replaced self-reproach.

The arrival of the unreached area will prove that the Loki clan is one of the strongest and truly O'Larry clans.

After all, that floor, so far, has only been reached by the Zeus family that climbed to its peak.

Entering that floor meant that the Rockies had finally caught up in their quest for the underground city in the footsteps that had been given to the most powerful family.

This is undoubtedly an honor for the Loki family.

Noah, Ace and Lefia looked at each other.

“What's the matter?” Finn noticed the difference between the three of them and asked directly for a voice.

“Is there something wrong? ”

Noah and Ace did not speak, but turned their eyes to Rafia.

Lefía hesitated for a moment, then told Finn's pedestrians one by one of the weird things she had encountered waiting for her on this floor.

“What?!” Tiona and Tionet were surprised.

“Are all of those new monsters fortified enough to devour the Stone?! ”

“... are you kidding me?” Burt's eyes became fierce.

“An entire race is reinforcing things like this, which I've never heard of. ”

Riveria frowned just as tightly as Gareth.

“... my thumb was stinging and told me that this was definitely not a normal thing.” Finn squinted his eyes and looked toward Ace.

“And then what? Are all the new monsters on the 59th floor? ”

“Mm-hmm." Ace nodded, whispering.

“I wanted to, but Noah wouldn't let me. ”

“Of course you can't go.” Noah was not angry.

“Who knows what the 59th floor is like? And what if you just left Finn and they came? ”

“Exactly.” Finn agrees to speak up.

“We met with a 58-story firecracker dragon sniper on the 52nd floor, and the floor down there would certainly only be more dangerous, Ace, and even if you had killed Lv.6's floor owner alone, I wouldn't leave you alone. ”

Ashton drowned.

Of course, Ace didn't know that Noah was actually a little careful not to let her go.

That is to have Ace and Rafeia stay here, wait for Finn and others, and then go in on their own.

Unfortunately, this caution didn't make it, and Finn's crew arrived.

“However, we must be ready to engage the army of new monsters on the 59th floor.” Finn said so.

“I don't know if those new monsters will continue down and have gone to the 60th floor, but be careful not to make a big mistake. ”

Finn's words made Tiona and Tionet's face bitter.

“Do we have to fight those disgusting monsters again? ”

“Please, forgive me, those guys will spray corrosion liquid, and they will blow themselves up. Every time they kill, they have to hide from each other, and they still get splattered a few times. I don't have the magic of Ace to blow away the corrosion liquid with a wind bomb. ”

While Tiona and Tiogne were screaming bitterly, Bert was also whispering, and Riveria and Gareth were frowning deeper and deeper, apparently finding the situation increasingly difficult.

After all, in the last expedition, the pedestrians did not even step on the 52nd floor, and were dissolved by larvae monsters roaming on the 51st floor, before having to return.

Nowadays, the 59th floor is right in front of us, and the monster that caused everyone to fail on the last expedition is likely to be there, and no one will find it difficult.

“Nah, Noah.” Finn shrugged for a moment and asked.

“How many swords do you have left? ”

“Seven or eight, maybe?” Noah replied.

“You bought a total of 35 magic swords before, half of them in the camp for the family to use, the other half, some in the gift card, some in the backpack, look at you, all the magic swords in your backpack should be used, that's all that's left. ”

“Seven or eight?” Finn's eyebrows also wrinkled.

“The form is a bit harsh. ”

Finn and others fear not the fighting power of new monsters, but their corrosive fluids.

If it was just a spray, that would be fine, and most of all, if it was killed, those monsters would blow themselves up.

In this way, there are many more risks associated with the melee.

“No, let Riveria and Lefia use their magic against the new monster.” Gareth said so.

“And Riveria will use protective magic, and with protective magic, we can rest assured that we are bold. ”

“… that's the only way.” Finn sighed and looked straight at Noah, his expression getting serious.

“Do it when it's really necessary, and don't worry about us anymore. ”

Noah frowned.

Looks like Finn figured it out.

I don't know. So Bert doesn't want to talk.

“If that kind of little coffee helps, we don't have to run away from it a few times before. ”

“Shut up!” Tiona and Tiogne immediately covered Bert's mouth, causing Bert to struggle wildly.

The rest of us all looked to Noah.

Noah finally sighed in the eyes of the crowd.

“I see. ”

Everyone laughed.