Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 2060: What made you stronger?

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Q Yongjiang Yijie Q', 'Ghost of Ghosts', 'Long Xiao Qingxue’, ‘The End of the World Song’, ‘MAD-Z.G Minor’!


Perhaps he noticed the footsteps coming from behind him, and Ace awoke from her disorientation, turning her head and looking behind her back.

When she saw the full story of the visitor, Ace was forced to shrug her eyes and let go of the curtain. She did something wrong, but didn't dare to admit that she looked like a child.

Looking at Ace like this, Noah just moved slightly, also to the edge of the cliff, looking out over the distance, gently speaking, saying this.

“What are you thinking? ”

Rumor has it that Ace didn't answer anything, but he just lowered his head even harder and whispered after half a bang.


“… why apologize?” Noah smiled bitterly.

“Tiona, Tiogne and Lefia have all said that you have been apologizing before, which is that you think you have something to hide as a family companion they should not be, but although I joined the Rockies, I know you only for a few months, let alone temporarily, even if you have something to hide from me, it is natural, if you apologize to me some unnecessary? ”

However, when she heard this, Ace, who kept her head down, raised her eyes and looked at Noah, saying without any thought.

“It's not like that. ”

This time, it's Noah's turn to hold on and look at Ace.

Looking at Noah, Ace's expression remained unchanged, but her eyes were much brighter than just now.

And that's what Ace said.

“You are also an important companion. ”

Lack of emotional lines but a sense of insistence from the heart.

Noah's face gradually faded away and her expression became a little gentle.

“Really?” Noah reached out and, like before, touched Ace's head.

“Even so, you don't have to apologize to me. After all, everyone has secrets they don't want to be known. Like me, I am confident that I have more secrets than anyone else. ”

That's an extraordinarily convincing sentence.

Because that's something everyone knows.

How could Noah be so powerful without such amazing secrets? How could it be that special? How is it possible to conclude a contract with a fairy?

So, no one is better suited to say that than Noah.

Looking back at Noah's past that night in front of the crowd, Ace knew that those things were easy to say, but they must have hidden a lot of unknown perils and processes.

Thinking about it, Ace suddenly felt that what she was hiding was really worth mentioning compared to Noah's past.

When this kind of thought rose from Ace's heart, Ace had an impulse.

An impulse to speak to Noah.

Driven by this impulse, Ace was forced to speak voluntarily.

“I, indeed, am not fairy. ”

The hand touching Ace's head paused.

In this case, Ace raised her head and said to Noana, with dark dark eyes.

“But there was fairy blood in my body and mother's blood. ”


That's Ace's name for the owner of the blood that runs through his body.

Undoubtedly, it was a fairy.

And fairies have no way of giving birth to future generations.

But Ace still calls it Mom.

Just because Ace's body was bleeding from that fairy.

“Dad is a hero.” As if caught in the abyss of memories, Ace spoke softly.

“A real hero, even the kind that's documented in fairy tales. ”

So Ace turns her head, shoulders to shoulder with Noah, looking out into the distant woods, and says, as if she could dissipate in the wind at any moment.

“In the past, Daddy was very active as a hero, and Mommy was the pixie that assisted him. ”

In other words, Ace's father was coached and helped by fairies, just like the heroes and brave men of a time when the gods had not yet come.

In the process, they entered into deep friendships and joined forces in the Civil War, creating many glorious results.

In the meantime, they met equally highly instinctive friends.

During this time, the relationship between the two was sublimated.

So Ace was born.

Of course, fairies are a race that doesn't have children.

So, is Ace their biological daughter or not?

This problem, Noah, is not unconscious enough to dig.

Noah just needs to know one thing.

That is, Ace's father is a true hero, and her mother is a legendary fairy.

So Ace is not a fairy, but there is fairy blood in her body.

That was undoubtedly the result of the miraculous power of fairies as Mother Ace.

Although the details of the case are not detailed, as Esther said, there is a great deal of connection between Ace and the fairies.

It's just that Noah didn't realize that Ace's father was still a real hero.

“What about your parents?” Noah couldn't help but ask.

“Is it gone? ”

When she heard this, Ace lowered her head and whispered with a slightly dim expression.

“We were separated during the final showdown. ”

Every hero story ends.

This end often ends with a showdown.

The final confrontation between the hero in the story and the villain in the story is often the most indispensable part of the story.

As for whether a hero wins the final showdown, triumphs over evil, or is he Magic One, evil continues to be vicious, even if the hero finally sacrifices himself, saves the world, and is at the end of it with both sides of evil, it depends on the author's mood.

And Ace's father, obviously, didn't have a perfect ending.

“I, kind of hated myself then.” Ace said suddenly.

“If I hadn't been too weak at the time, I might have been able to save Mom and Dad. ”

“… is it?” Noah closed her eyes.

“Is that why you've been chasing power? ”

“… so I'm not a hero like my father.” Essence's emotionless face was overshadowed with sadness.

“I'm just getting stronger for my own personal grievances. ”

“But who says it's wrong not to be strong for others?” Noah smiled.

“And even if it's only right to be strong for the sake of others, you don't have any fault, because you're after strength for your parents, do you? ”

Ashton was silent.

After a while, Ace asked such a question.

“What about you? ”

Noarton stuck around.

Seeing, Ace looked straight at Noah and asked in a consistently pale tone.

“What made you stronger? ”

Ace's words let Noah's mind flash through that dream in the first place.

The dream I've been having since I was a kid and I was a kid.

In the dream, Noah stood in that pure white world.

It's surrounded by a piece of feather.

Feathers are either complete or missing.

And those missing feathers have been sending their feelings to Noah in their dreams.

What kind of feelings?

- Sadness.


In itself, they represent a world in which all they desire is to restore integrity.

That's right.

Just like a child, pure and simple.

Now in retrospect, that was Noah's initial impulse to become stronger.

Because Noah wants to respond to them.

Respond to that fragmented feather.

So Noah laughed and made this answer from the heart.

“Someone asked me for help, and I wanted to help them, so I had to be strong first. ”

A simple sentence explains perfectly the nature of Noah's quest for power.

And the answer, obviously, seems unexpected to Essex.

Ace looked at Noah in a dazed fashion until Noah finally laughed when she saw it again.

“Really?” Ace retracted her gaze and continued to look far away, leaving only one sentence that disappeared with the wind.

“You, really great. ”

“Wonderful?” Noah sighed indifferently, and with Ace, looking to the endless sea of trees, he said calmly as if he could not help himself.

“Maybe I'm just meddling, too? ”

With this phrase falling, Noah and Ace said nothing more.

They simply looked silently at the view of the tree sea in front of them, shouldering each other, allowing silence to spread between them.

However, the atmosphere is definitely not uncomfortable, but gives a very warm feeling.