Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 2088: The Death of the Freya Family! (4 requests for monthly tickets)

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'cjm1206’, 'Q Yongjiang Yijie Q’, ‘Fixing Can't Sleep’, ‘God I Guess’, ‘O0 Tear Damage 0O’!

“Buzz ————! ”

The incoming beam of light, under the trembling sound of the air, rubbed the ground irresistibly, ripped the earth apart, separated the atmosphere, swept past the space, leaving a huge ditch on the steep slope, while also exposing it to the Freya family, who came in a breaking formation.

The light emitted on it not only illuminates the space, but also the faces of the Freya family adventurers, illuminating everyone's frightened expression clearly.

At this moment, the heart of every Freya family member creates a sharp sense of crisis as if it were tinnitus.

In the face of death, the sense of crisis clearly tells every member of the Freya family how terrifying the flash is in front of them at an alarming rate.

Under these circumstances, the adventurers of the Freya clan could not even move and were all frozen there.

The deadly crisis approached the Freya family adventurer step by step.

At this moment, four small figures passed over the large army of the Freya family, like a rock, falling in front of everyone.

Heron, the Griffin brothers.

With unprecedented momentum, the first adventurers of the four small people stood at the forefront of the large army of the Freya family, facing the terrible beam of light that had been emitted, all with a heavy tower shield in their hands.

“Bang --! ”

The four heavy tower shields were heavily smashed to the ground by the first adventurers of the four small tribes, leaning tightly against each other and forming a shield wall to protect the entire Freya family.

The flash of a comet falling from the sky fell on the shield wall.

“Boom --! ”

A thunderous roar sounded.

The beam of light with terrible power struck hard over that thick shield wall, instantly turning the power into the strong light of platinum, burning the eyes of all.

“Mm-hmm. Goo?! ”

Under that incredible and terrible shock, the Grievous brothers all roared bitterly, holding shields in their hands until the blues burst, dying against the tower shield in their hands.

The four-sided tower shield is not only thick, but also incredibly hard in its own right.

The materials used are the most indestructible steel, with even the hardest metal required to forge an indestructible property, with frightening defenses and toughness, and not even a single blow from the floor owner in the deep area.

Estimated in terms of rank, all four tower shields are first-tier armed, and each tower shield costs more than 100 million Wallis.

With such a tower shield, combined with the ability to exceed even Lv.6's "Flaming Gold Four Warriors", this defense can be broken and has not yet emerged.

Today, such a presence has finally emerged.

Though in order not to flatten the entire mountain, causing Freya, Orpheus and Lilith in the mountain flower fields to become involved, Noah almost held back the power of the kamikaze, which was still a blow to the kamikaze.

Even a star can cut off the light of salvation. Even if it holds most of its power back, Noah doesn't offer much divine power, but how many shields can it defend?

So, the next second, the noise is loud and clear on the surface of the four-sided tower shield.


The clarity of the tortoise kept the Griffin brothers' eyes wide open.

“Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft --! ”

Immediately thereafter, the crack in one path appeared on the surface of the four-sided tower shield with the crack, and it spread in a flash.

The faces of the four Griffith brothers rose red as a result of the force, screaming in spite of the tower shield, which was gradually torn apart by the flash of platinum.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. ”

The warriors of the small people leaned on a deterrent atmosphere, did not retreat, held up against the tower shield and collided directly with each other.

“Boom boom -! ”

The glow of salvation immediately exploded as if it had been detonated, blasting into flames and shocks.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. ”

In the fire, the Gulliver brothers, with less than half of the tower shield left in their hand, rushed out, growling and erecting different weapons.

Four different weapons, swords, hammers, guns and axes, all of a sudden appeared in the hands of the four Gulliver brothers, and were moved by four small warriors, like four meat grinders, rushing in the direction of Noah.

“A little bit. ”

Noah said this in surprise and admiration, and the sword and the knife in his hand were raised slightly.

But when Noah was planning to take on the Griffin brothers, behind the broken tower shield erected by the Griffin brothers, two figures flashed, like two remnants, from left to right, in the direction of Noah.

“Die! ”

Alan, a young cat, proudly scud, almost turned his figure into a phantom. In the blink of an eye, he ran to Noah's left, and his silver gun burst out like a snake.

“And me! ”

The Black Elf Hercules rushed to Noah's right just one step slower than Aaron, not knowing when a sword in pitch-black color had been turned into a black light and slammed straight into Noah's throat.

The Lv.6 strong, proud of the Freya family, has finally made its move!

Besides, the first hand was Lei Ting Wanjun's sharp killing move, no mercy at all!

Meanwhile, the four Gulliver brothers also stormed into front of Noah, appearing in shape from behind the shattered tower shield, with their swords, hammers, guns and axes all swinging in their hands, carrying a thundering wind and bursting out at Noah in front of them.

Suddenly, with the exception of the upper and the rear, several deadly kills all swept from all sides, surrounding Noah tightly.

“Unfortunately, I can't find any advantage in group warfare! ”

When the voice dropped, Noah's sword and knife blossomed.

“Swordsmanship! Type 3 - Moon Dance! ”

The moonlight slap was released.

The highest-ranking Pokémon costume called Demon_Slayer instantly turns into a chilling sword, waving with Noah's spin, making a circular cut around.

“Psst! ”

In a series of crisp interactions, the weapons that made up half of the encircled network were easily ejected by the moonlight, sparking a sparkling Mars.

“What --?! ”

Alan, Hegooney and the Griffith brothers were all shocked.

Turns out, in exchange for a laughing voice.

“Is this a time of surprise? ”

After all, Noah's Pokémon costume is not just Demon_Slayer.

When Alan, Hegoni and the Grifford brothers were in shock, the elf costume called Heavenly_Sword had similarly become a moonlight, spreading like a shockwave from a cycle of oscillations.

That slap allowed Allen, Hegoni and the Griffin brothers to spread their pores all over their bodies instantly to the limit.

Until the Freya family's Ace.

“Shh...! ”

The tower-like strong man jumped halfway up into the sky, holding a backup knife in his hand, like a meteorite, while falling in the direction of Noah, releasing a massive blow from the top down.

“Boo-hoo! ”

The powerful knife, enhanced by the high speed drop, was cut with great precision into a round of moonlight platinum, and in the loud collision sound of ringing the bell, in the splattering of Mars, smoothly blocked the deadly blow to Allen and others.

Otta, the warrior who reached LV.7, entered and landed directly in the middle of the bombarded brothers Allen, Hegooni and Grifford, facing Noah.

However, while Ota blocked Noah's attack, a drinking noise suddenly rang from behind.

“Get out of the way! ”

Rumor has it that Otta, Allen, Hegoni and the Grifford brothers all retreated, instantly dismantling the siege and re-exposing Noah's figure.

“Sex, sex, sex --! ”

And almost at the same time, the thunderbolt of a road flashed, dividing straight into space and falling into Noah's position.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom --! ”

The explosion sounded again.

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