Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 2117: The Cursed Son's Growth Limit

(Thanks a lot for the 'SoapGreen' 10000 reward! And the reward of 'Hallucination Puppeteer', ‘Tetrafluoride Pad’!

Later, Noah accompanied Tina through almost the entire commercial street.

In the past, when Noah first met Tina, she also took Tina on a street trip with her.

For the first time in her life, Tina must have felt the warmth of a human being.

However, on that occasion, Yanju and Natsuki also went, as if a brother was taking three sisters out on the street.

And this time, only Noah and Tina seemed to make Tina happier than last time.

As a result, Tina today has been completely transformed into an age-appropriate little girl who has been running east with Noah.

When she meets a stall selling cold drinks, the little girl comes forward and orders an ice cream and eats it with Noah.

When you meet a clothing store with a beautiful dress, this little girl goes in and tries one dress after another, letting the clerk look at Tina's eyes with love and wonder how cute it is.

When she met the amusement park, the little girl would drag Noah's hand, rush inside, play one game after another, and end up on a Ferris wheel. On the Ferris wheel, while Noah was not paying attention, her tiny lips came together and gave her a wave of benefits.

And even when she meets a lost child, this little girl walks over, gently comforts each other, and then turns to Noah, who can't help but cry and run away again to find the child's mother.

As a result, Tina's energy seemed to have finally run out until almost evening, when she followed Noah back to the Holy House.

“I'm really happy today. ”

Walking down the hallway of the Holy House, Tina held a doll from Noah in her hand, a satisfied smile.

“It's been a long time since I've had so much fun, thanks to my brother. ”

“I wish you were happy.” Noah smiled slightly.

“But I had no idea, Tina, that you'd become so playful. ”

In Noah's memory, the impression of Tina remained three years ago.

At that time, Tina, although the owl factor in her body made her feel completely different during the day than at night, in general, Tina had always been a nice and quiet little girl in front of Noah.

But the fun of the day, Tina was completely transformed into an age-appropriate, playful girl who really made Noah fall into glasses.

Tina also seemed a little embarrassed about this.

“Because my brother is bound to get busy next time, I have to satisfy him at this time. ”

“But are you okay with this?” Noah asked.

“Though you've said in the past that even with owl factor, you can adjust jet lag, move around during the day, but you lived all night last night, and today there's no rest at all, okay? ”

“It's okay.” Tina gave Noah a spiritual smile, just like she was trying to prove something.

“Since I reached the Realm, the colon virus activity in my body has improved a lot, and the owl factor I have is also active, even if it doesn't rest at all during the day, it will automatically adjust to its optimal state at night, although the next day will be more tiring. ”

Automatically adjust to optimal state?

It's like the night version of the Goddess Murderer.

“But when it comes to 'domain', what exactly is it?” Noah raised such a question.

“Although some of the super-high-ranking initiators of the civilian police of our peers have previously heard of this so-called 'realm', when I was still in office, we didn't have a child in the Guild who reached the 'realm'. ”

After all, Fairy_Tail was just a civil society organization in Tokyo.

Even if we networked most of the best civilian police in Tokyo and most of the best cursed sons, even so, there was never an IP pair in the Guild that went into the top 100 until Tina joined.

Naturally, in Fairy_Tail at that time, the initiators of the Realm would not appear.

So Tina was Noah's first starter to reach The Realm.

So, Noah can only be a half-aware of the realm.

“It's not hard to understand.” Tina said so.

“Apart from the so-called 'domain', which is a state reached after breaking the growth limit, there is no other unknown. ”

“Breaking Growth Limits?” Noah said thoughtfully.

“Like a man breaking his limits? ”

“It's a bit similar, but the specific aspects are different.” Tina organized her own language, explaining that.

“Just as humans all have their own limits, so does the cursed son, but this limit depends on the protozoan virus in the body, which, from a human point of view, is the potential of the cursed son himself. ”

“Like Miss Yanju, she practically didn't train herself much in the past, she just kept using her abilities, and it would grow faster and faster.” Tina looked at Noah.

“I used to be the same, and as long as I kept using my abilities, by the next night, I would have found my eyesight increased, my sniping accuracy improved, and my condition was getting better and stronger every night than the previous night. ”

“That's really against the rules.” Noah couldn't help but shush.

“But that's the limit, isn't it? ”

“Yes.” Tina nodded.

“After constant growth, one day we will find that no matter how much we use our abilities or even exercise ourselves, we will not be able to improve our strengths, we will have to move on to sharpening our skills. ”

In the past, Yanju suddenly failed to improve her speed and came to Noah, but Noah had no choice but to teach her Yanju fighting skills, sharpen her fighting skills, improve her "skills" and improve her strength.

That's when Noah got to know about the Realm.

“Whatever the cursed son, after the ability develops to a certain degree, he will enter a period of stagnation, and from now on he will no longer be able to grow in ability. I and Miss Yanju have encountered this problem, in the words of the room doctor, which is to encounter bottlenecks.” Tina said to Noah.

“However, just as humans are born not to ride bicycles, but on them, one day they will suddenly ride, and when the initiators do not satisfy their strengths and engage in rigorous self-discipline and practice, some of them will eventually break their limits of growth and enter a state of regained growth, which is' domain '. ”

Once in this state, not only can we regain growth, but we will also grow much faster than before.

Therefore, those who reach the Realm and those who do not reach the Realm have an insurmountable divide in strength.

That is why it is absolutely impossible for non-arrivals to defeat arrivals.

“I met the growth limit, which was already before I met my brother, probably earlier than Miss Yanju.” Tina said so.

“Until two years ago, on a mission abroad, I met my sister, who used to work with Professor Ann. ”

“Sister?” Noah stood still and reacted.

“Are you referring to the cursed son of Ann Rand, who was transformed into a mechanical soldier just like you? ”

“Exactly.” Tina said in a bit of a nostalgia.

“IP ranks 100, Asalie Springer * * *, nicknamed" Giant Dragon ". ”

“IP ranks 98, Tina Sprunt, nicknamed Black Wind. ”

“IP ranks 95, Irene Spencer, nicknamed Meteorite Fall. ”

“IP ranks 88, Phi Karen Miller, nicknamed" The Black Giant Belly. "”

“IP ranks 70, Lois Serrazny, nicknamed" Demon King. "”

“IP ranks 21, Rita Sosbury, nicknamed Pluto. ”

“These six men, Professor Ann-Lander, were born with the ability to buy registration from the black market under a variety of different names and perform mechanized surgery, thus creating a cursed son and a mechanical soldier.” Tina's voice got a little heavy.

“And after Professor Ann's death, all my sisters lost their jobs and their places of shelter. ”