Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 2131 Lighting Firewires Around the World

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Little Lai’, ‘YYYu’ and ‘Dragon Pity Sunny Snow’!

With the departure of Qi Wu Zongxuan, the entire lounge was once again restored to silence.

Mugang and Lotus had been watching Qi Wuzongxuan's departure until the other side disappeared into their own sight. When the door was also heavily closed, the two people retracted their gaze and looked at each other.

Li Taro spoke beforehand.

“This guy, he's still as annoying as ever. ”

For Qi Wu Zongxuan, Liantaro was not stranger.

Because, in the past, in the Tianjin family, Tianjin Daisy was cultivated with Lotus as a politician.

For this reason, Lotus has been to various occasions and naturally also met Qi Wu Zongxuan.

However, it is precisely because I met Qi Wuzongxuan that Liantaro said such a sentence.

Ambitious guy like Qi Wuzongxuan, believe that most people won't have any good senses?

“Although I have also seen Qi Wu Zongxuan, that was before he left Tianbu's house.” The wood lifts up its arms and brings out the full upper circumference perfectly.

“I haven't seen this president since, and it's so good to think about it now. ”

It seems that Mu is also more aligned with Wu Zongxuan without any good senses.

If Noah didn't come back, he would be confronted by Qi Wuzongxuan as his acting chairman. Mu felt very disgusted.

“Ambitious guys like that are probably the least likely to see the fairy country exist, right?” Wood makes this more clear.

“The people who started the conflict directly with us at this meeting should all be like Qi Wu Zongxuan. ”

Delegates to this international conference, although all directed at Fairy_Tail, have exactly the same purpose, but the starting point is different.

Some representatives sought to restore the power of the Cursed Son to their country.

Some delegates wanted to get out of situations that might later be confined to fairy lands.

Some delegates wanted to take advantage to diminish the influence of fairy lands on the world.

Others, like Qi Wuzongxuan, took the hegemony of the world as their ultimate goal. They could not see the threat of fairy land and tried to suppress it or even erase it.

In other words, the representatives of these countries, while coming at Fairy_Tail, may be for the country, may be for the right, may be for the good, or may be for their ambitions.

Among them, like Qi Wuzongxuan, "Fairy_Tail" is a huge threat, staring at the national representative of what he sees, undoubtedly the one most hostile to "Fairy_Tail".

“That's the kind of person we need to be most aware of, right?” Lotus scratched her hair and got a little irritated.

“Really, just because you can't see the right terrorist forces, you have to deal with these ambitious guys. Think about it. ”

“But if Fairy_Tail wants to save all the cursed sons, and even the whole world, sooner or later, he's going to have to face them.” The wood is much more visible.

“We will definitely have to deal with these people in the future. See you later, you better be prepared. ”

“I'm not good with these guys.” Lotus shook his head hastily.

“Miss Mugen, if you want me to be your escort, then I can't say anything. If you want me to have sex with these guys, forget it. ”

“That's why it's really useless to see you in there.” Mu was even more dissatisfied, he said.

“Fortunately, I still have Xia Shi to help me come up with an idea, otherwise I don't even know how to get here in the last three years. ”

“Okay, I'm useless.” Lotus' stall is over.

And Noah didn't hear Mugano's conversation with Lotus at all and fell into her own mind.

It wasn't until later that Noah looked up and looked at Mugen.

“Mugang, can you get someone to keep an eye on Qi Wu Zongxuan? ”

“Find someone to keep an eye on Qi Wu Zongxuan?” The tree got stuck and reacted.

“What's wrong with Qi Wu Zongxuan? ”

“It's a lot of questions, and it's already a problem for us, just because he's ambitious.” Noah shrugged.

“However, his obsession with world hegemony raised some doubts. ”

“Doubt?” Lotus doubted the sound.

“Doubt what? ”

Noah whispered a name that made Ki and Lotus open their eyes slightly.

“Are you sure?” Wood sounded a little more surprised.

“Are you sure Qi Wu Zongxuan has something to do with that? ”

“Certainly not.” Noah laughed.

“If you're sure, I won't let you keep an eye on him, it's just my suspicion. ”

“Doubtful?” Lotus thought about it.

“In your words, I don't think it's possible. ”

“Although ambitious guys are everywhere, Qi Wu Zongxuan's desire for world hegemony is indeed stronger than anyone else's.” The trees turned their eyes to the door, as if they could see Qi Wu Zongxuan's back, suddenly smiling.

“In that case, let the guy go. ”

“The guy?” Lian Taro was stunned first, then seemed to know who Mu was talking about, suddenly enlightened opening.

“Are you going to let him keep an eye on Qi Wu Zongxuan? ”

“After all, that guy has seen the face of Qi Wuzong Xuan many times, and Qi Wuzong Xuan is much more familiar with it than others.” Wood laughed even more.

“Let him keep an eye on Qi Wu Zongxuan. ”

Hearing this, Noah pressed her intolerable curiosity and asked for a voice.

“Who's that guy? ”

“Used to take care of our people.” Trees are more mysterious, "he said.

“When we left Tokyo and moved to live in Fairy Country, he didn't go with us, but nominally, he was our guardian, and he kept in touch with us. A year ago, after the revelation of Fairy Country's existence, we were more connected than ever. Sometimes I would ask him to do something, and now is the time for him to help. ”

So, Mu took his phone out of his arms and walked aside to make a phone call.

Looking at the wood like this, Lotus made a bit of a nostalgic mumble.

“I haven't talked to him in a long time. ”

Lotus' mumbling didn't get into Noah's ear.

Because Noah was frowning and whispering.

“A year ago? ”

Looks like a lot of things have changed since the fairy land was exposed a year ago.

Not only has Fairy_Tail been pushed to the edge of the wind, but Tokyo has also become an ally of Fairy Township, and the relationship between all kinds of characters has become clearer.

For example, Tina's sisters joined Fairy_Tail.

For example, threatening to resurrect Zhuoren, the leeches came back out, and all stood opposite Fairy_Tail.

Noah, Mugang and Lotus seem to be divided into two parts, either as friends or enemies.

If we continue to develop like this, the world will definitely be brightened by the existence of Fairy_Tail, right?

“It's just that I've never had the patience to wait for things to slow down.” Noah mumbled.

“Just let me light a fire and let the fuse wires burn all over the world, but it won't even spark an explosion. ”

At a time when Noah was talking to herself like that, Mugang had already made the call.

“Okay.” Ki came closer, so to speak.

“The matter has been told, and he has promised to do so. Unless Qi Wuzongxuan leaves Tokyo directly, he will be under surveillance for 24 hours. ”

Noah nodded and said nothing more.

After all, Qi Wu Zongxuan is just one of those people who needs attention.

Noah's opponent is not a Qi Wu Zongxuan, but a representative of all the nations of the world.

Over the next period, as Noah said earlier, a wide variety of people came to the door and tried to find out something.

Of course, when I met a man like Noah, all these people had to do was walk away with a stomach full of gray.

That's it, time flies by.

Unconsciously, at noon, it arrived quietly.