Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 2139: A Thousand Opportunities

(Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Long Xiao Qingxue' and ‘Q Yongjiang Yijie Q'!

“Boo-hoo! ”

In a dim battle room, iron fists made of pure super metal fell on the wall, smashing the solid wall directly into pieces in a loud explosion.

“Shit! Shit! ”

Threatening Zhuo in a black robe, he punched and smashed the wall in front of him over and over again.

Rubble and rubble splashes, even raising large amounts of dust, all over the battle room.

There is no doubt that what you do to threaten Zhuoren is simply not smart.

As an assassin who can only hide in the dark, threatening Zhuoren is an outrageous act that can only attract the attention of others, but has no other advantage.

However, several others present did not stop threatening Zhuo people at all.

Little Pinay the Leech still sits in the corner, holding his own knife, as if he were in a dream, and he can't hold on to anything.

The leech leaned against the wall on the other side, lowered his head and could not see his face at all because of the mask.

The rest, known as Your Excellency's black robe, is still sitting in front of a surveillance image in the battle room, covered in black robes and naturally invisible.

However, it can be seen from your slightly tightly held hands that there is no peace in the minds of the top cadres of the Wuxiang Club.

The voice of His Excellency "Noah Dollar…” was overshadowed.

“I still underestimate you...”

Just three minutes ago, you, Leech Shadow and Threatened Zhuo all received reliable information about the process and outcome of the international conference under way at the Embassy.

But the news shocked the three of them at the same time.

After the shock, it was a shock.

“Soon all the cursed sons of the world will be part of the fairy country.” The tighter your fist is.

“Forget it, the most important thing is the artificial artifact, which is the nightmare of the Wuxiang Club. ”

As a mysterious organization whose ultimate goal is the hegemony of the world, Your Excellency knows exactly what it is to rely on the Wuxiang Club to which it belongs.

One is a mechanized soldier.

However, the robotic soldier's abilities are strong, and the cost of each transformation is high. Even in the Wuxiang Club, the number of starters has not reached the top 10 IP rankings, and they are not at all opponents of the 648 starters in Fairy Country who have reached the "Realm".

One is a primary intestine.

In order to regain the hegemony of the world, in fact, colon animals have been cultivated for a long time within the Wuxiang Club.

This primary intestinal animal has been injected with the drug since before birth, or during the viral period, until it is cultured to achieve the driving effect.

And, in order to accomplish this, one of the requirements when it comes to cultivating colon animals that eventually wipe out all rebellious countries is to immunize them against the effects of .

A short time ago, the longneck dragon used by the Wuxiang terrorists to attack Mugang was one of them.

Noah didn't know that the Long Neck Dragon was able to ignore , not because it had a high regeneration level, but because it was an experiment cultivated for one of the purposes of immunization.

In order to achieve this result, you know exactly how much effort your Wuxiang Club has put into it.

However, all of this, in front of Noah's artificial artifact, will be wiped out.

Because, even without the metal, artificial artifacts are capable of releasing positions that offset the regenerative capacity of progenitors, making it possible for anyone to destroy progenitors.

“It's like fate.” The leech's shadow laughed in ridicule.

“That man is the ultimate threat to our greatest enemy. ”

“So, didn't I say?!” Threatened to turn around angrily, shouting out loud.

“Yesterday when that guy was wandering the streets, we should have killed him, then we wouldn't have done so much! ”

The more he shouted, the more angry he threatened Zhuoren.

“Did all the preparation before become a joke?! ”

Yesterday, the preparation to which you referred was actually the colon prepared by the Wuxiang Club.

During these days, you rely on your own channels to smuggle a number of colon animals that are immune to into Tokyo, ready to strike the Fairy_Tail indelibly during another operation.

To that end, you have planned a number of things.

But the centers of these programs revolve around these colonic animals that can be immunized.

Noah now strangles everything you plan to do alive with an artificial artifact.

It is precisely for this reason that the threat to Zhuoren is so angry that Your Excellency and the Leech Shadow will react so much to this news.

Thinking back on all your past efforts, your anger is still in your heart when Noah simply dissolves it.

However, it is obvious that you are not brainless to sit at the top of the cadre of the Wuxiang Club, as opposed to the incompetent threat of superiority.

“Nowadays, we wouldn't have any advantage over Fairy_Tail. ”

Your Excellency took a deep breath and eventually made such a decision in a very unhappy voice.

“Abandon the plan, we have a long plan. ”

“What... what?!” The threat was shocking and distorted.

Abandon the plan?

So you're not ready for Noah?

“Are you kidding me?” Threaten Zhuoren to shout.

“Let me see that guy do what he wants? Absolutely not! ”

In addition to hating Noah, there is infinite jealousy that threatens Zhuo people.

In the beginning, he threatened Zhuoren Tiger to stare at the Holy Son, in addition to the beauty of the Holy Son, he wanted to become the ruler of the Tokyo region, one step to ascend to heaven.

But not only was it destroyed by Noah, but it was also easy for the other party to get what the Zhuo people had always wanted.

Like the Holy Son.

Threatening Zhuoren had long known what special feelings the Holy Son had for Noah.

As a guardian, Zhuo repeatedly threatened to see the Holy Son staring back at Noah.

That's why Zhuo threatened Zhuo, at the instigation of the Emperor of Chrysanthemum, to go to the "Fairy_Tail" site, where numerous bombs were planted.

How can Noah not be jealous today, even with a Monster Guild that threatened the most despicable of all, to influence the world pattern and compete for the hegemony of the world?

Driven by the negative feelings of hatred and jealousy, the threat to Zhuoren was unimaginable and he continued to look at Noah Yao Wuwei himself.

For Noah, there is only one idea that threatens Zhuoren.

That's killing.

“Sir, we can't give up!” To threaten hatred.

“That bastard is the owner of Fairy Country. If we don't get rid of him, it will be a lot harder if we want the hegemony of the world! ”

“Do I need you to remind me of this?” Your Excellency glanced coldly at the threat to Zhuo, and the tone of his voice was also accompanied by a little irritability.

“With that artificial artifact, and the cursed sons of the world flowing into the fairy land, it's not hard for Noah Dollar to get the hegemony of the world. How can I not understand that this man is our greatest enemy? ”

“But that's exactly why we had to give up the plan, right?” The leech shadows the leech whisper.

“With artifacts like that, coupled with the many initiators in the fairy countryside, we have no chance of winning a positive attack. ”

“Exactly.” Your Excellency laughed coldly.

“If we attack head-on, we have no chance. ”

Your Excellency's cold words let the leech shadow frown.

“So that's it.” The leeches smiled joyfully.

“Are you trying to turn a bright attack into a covert assassination? ”

“That's it.” Your Excellency nodded his head, raised his hand and held a phone in his hand, smiling deeply.

“It just so happens that there's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity right in front of me. ”

“Your Excellency." Threatened Zhuoren to speak hastily.

“What about us? ”

“You're on standby.” Your Excellency waved.

“In addition, let all the mechanical soldiers concentrated in Tokyo come and listen to me at all times. ”

It is said that the leeches nodded their heads with carelessness or unwillingness to threaten Zhuo or Zhuo.