Holistic Fantasy

Chapter 2163: Aren't You Going Out?

(Thank you very much for the rewards of Dragon Pity Sunny Snow and David H. Smith!

“Boom boom -! ”

Another explosion sounded, completely trembling the entire underground institute, shaking like a mountain, very dangerous.

“What the hell is going on?! ”

“Did it collapse?! ”

“Why is that?! ”

In an earthquake-like underground research institute, all the researchers in white coats panicked, all of them screamed and screamed, their faces were full of terror, but they were still shaking violently, and they fell into the ground.

Not just that researcher, but even that heavily armed terrorist, panicked, panicked, and even turned into a rolling gourd, rolling all over the place.

The whole underground institute, it's a mess.

The only mechanical soldier who could barely hold his shape and not fall to the ground.

As for you, you are completely incapable of fighting. If it had not been for the protection of robotic soldiers such as Zhuoren, you would have fallen.

But at this moment, your travelers have lost sight of it.

Because their hearts are shaking harder than wolves.

“Somebody blow up the tunnel in front of the institute! ”

“That must be it! ”


“Attack! ”

A mechanical soldier is shocked and angry.

Naturally, this sudden change is astonishing.

Angry is the status quo.

“Someone's attacking? ”

The fact that robotic soldiers were "attacked" provoked anger in their hearts because they felt impatient hiding in the underground institute.

Only two people, equally astonished, were not angry, but felt that their body temperature was passing.

These two men, Your Excellency, and Leech Shadow Leech.

Because, in the first place, they both knew exactly who attacked this base.

At some point, the explosion suddenly disappeared.

“Boom boom...”

The entire underground institute, shaking as hard as an earthquake, gradually recovered.

“Stopped... stopped? ”

“Didn't the collapse spill over here? ”

“That's wonderful...”

A researcher and a terrorist climbed out of the ground with a palpitated face.

Only one mechanical soldier noticed something was wrong.

Of course, Your Excellency does not feel that it is over.

Looking at the door in front of the underground institute, your fist held up slowly, the bitter and dull opening.

“Coming? ”

Voice, drop.

“Boo-hoo! ”

Along with a loud explosion, the gates of the underground institute burst into flames and shocks.

The flames and shocks turned into raging waves of fire, filled with fragments of the gates, like flames, poured into the underground laboratories, allowing a strong shock to act directly on the entire laboratory, shaking the entire site.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

A researcher and a terrorist were blown to the ear by a powerful explosion, and their minds were blank, as if they had been attacked invisibly, an eye-catching Venus, falling with screams and screams.

Your travelers, however, have long been prepared and, with strength, have kept you behind and hastily retreated.

Fortunately, the explosion did not last long.

Soon after, the strong movement calmed down.

However, the entire underground institute has become a mess, sprinkled with scorched black debris from the gates and smoke in the air.

“Cough, cough...”

A researcher coughed up with a terrorist.

A mechanical soldier stared into his own eyes and looked incredibly at the direction of the gate.

“Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da! ”

With a cluttered footsteps, outside the gate, an adult and child with guns poured into the underground laboratory, dividing into two sides, neatly lined up, pointing all the guns in their hands at the front.

“What... what?! ”

“Civilian... civilian police?! ”

“Attacker?! ”

“How so?! ”

A researcher reacted, but panicked.

The terrorist was similarly shocked, almost immediately raising the gun in his hand, against the influx of civilian police.

“Your Excellency!”

“Your Excellency!”

And the mechanical soldier immediately pulled out the gun he was carrying, as well as facing forward to protect you behind him.

Even to threaten Zhuoren, he panicked and pulled out the gun. For the forward, the hidden is a little too sudden to prevent.

Only the leech shadow and the leech little Pinay, still standing calmly.

“Daddy!” Leech Pinay pulled out a pair of little machetes, his eyes turned red and his face killed him.

“No, not yet!” The leech shadow is somewhat casual standing there, but staring closely ahead.

The whole place, quietly.

On the one hand, it is clear that there is a well-trained pair of civilian police units.

On the other hand, there are underground groups of mechanical soldiers, terrorists and researchers.

Both sides occupy the front and rear of the underground institute, using the firearms in their hands as a deterrent to form a confrontation.

However, the performance of the two parties is completely different.

The former are all ruthless in appearance.

The latter, however, have surprises, panic, anger, fear, almost everything.

Who is the attacking party, who is the attacked party, at a glance.

His Excellency, who was guarded by a group of mechanical soldiers, lifted his eyes and looked at the civilian police unit, which occupied the door, holding his fist tight and whispering.

“This is it. Aren't you going to come out? ”

As soon as this is said, a voice is greeted with a response.

“I was just wondering if I should catch you alive or just give you a decent way to die. ”

With this phrase, a slow figure walked in through the door with the support of his peers.

Look at that man, threatening the super metal twisted like a muscle, with bitter hatred in his eyes, revealing the other person's name.

“Noah Dollar! ”

Who else but Noah?

Of course, it wasn't just Noah who came in through the door.

By Noah's side, Tina, Mugang, Natsuki, Yanju and Lotus were all close to Noah and walked in from the outside.

“Tina!” Little Pinay the leech opened his eyes and an astonishing murdering gust appeared in the pupils of the orangutan.

“Little Pinay the Leech...” Tina glanced at Little Pinay the Leech's killer gaze, and her sophisticated, puppet-like, childish face became indifferent at the moment of entering the state of battle.

As for the rest of you, it was the first time you looked at your Excellency in a black robe.

“Is that the top cadre of the Wuxiang Club?” Xia Shi's face is full of intelligence.

“How dare you hide in such a place.” Yanju is an export complaint.

“Supreme Cadre…” Wood looked more closely at Your Excellency, holding the knife with his hands a little tighter.

“Your Excellency…" Lotus had a complex face, a look that wanted to question something but gave up because she figured out something.

Your Excellency naturally noticed the gaze of Mugang and Lotus, but took a faint glance and turned to Noah.

In the eyes of His Excellency, Noah smiled.

“Finally, Your Excellency. ”

So Noah said with her eyes closed.

“No, it's just that we met again, isn't it? ”

“Again?” Everyone in the room was stunned.


In other words, has Noah actually met you?

But if that's the case, how could Noah let you go?

Everyone was confused.

Only Lotus knew why Noah said that. Keep your head down and shut up.

Your Excellency was similarly silent and did not speak suddenly until after a while.

“In fact, three years ago, when you first founded Fairy_Tail, our top executives gathered once to discuss the existence of Fairy_Tail. ”

“Oh, yeah?” Noah didn't think of it as a response.

“So what was the outcome of the negotiation? ”

“We believe that the Guild you founded has considerable development potential and will become the largest civilian police organization in Tokyo if it is successfully survived by resistance from others.” Your Excellency said so.

“To this end, Qi Wu Zongxuan even thinks he can absorb you, make your association our claw teeth and do things for us. ”

“It does sound a lot like what he would say.” Noah shrugged.

“Perhaps from that moment onwards, one thing is doomed. ”

“Either you die or I die! ”