Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 994 - Hurricane Rescue

Chapter 58.

Latest chapter!

Los Angeles, Malibu Danielle Studios.

Jett Lee and his agent, Jeremy, arrived at the One Office Building in the Studios' administrative area, where two other Hollywood filmmakers, Doug Liman and Tony Gilroy, had already arrived and were waiting in the lounge outside Simon's office.

It was Thursday afternoon, July 25.

Several people on the scene will have 30 minutes to meet with Simon Westeros in the next 5 o'clock.

Five o'clock in the afternoon was already the end of the day, but Simon Westeros was able to fit his work in at that hour, so naturally the others had no problem with it.

Seeing the arrival of Jet Li, several people greeted him warmly, seeing that there were still a few minutes before the meeting time, so they discussed a recent project under negotiation, a young tycoon himself proposed the idea, the name of which had been decided in advance, the English name is simply called, "Taken".

If translated into a name that Simon later remembered, it could be called, "Hurricane Rescue".

Simon was very unhappy with several of the ideas that the New World Pictures team had provided around Jet Lee a while back and decided to take the reins himself once again, but now of course he didn't have time to write the script himself and still only provided a general idea, just as the Vivendi-controlled Disney announced a couple of heavy hitters of its own in those days, including The Fifth Element with Luc Besson, which reminded Simon of how once Liam Neeson stars in that big-selling Luc Besson scripted action film, "Hurricane Rescue.

Luc Besson, known as the French 'Spielberg', has two classical tendencies in his works, directing films with a lot of ideas, such as "Blue Sky", "The Fifth Element", "The Killer's Not Too Cold" and so on. The Express and Hurricane Rescue and the like.

Of course, occasionally the two sides overlap, with successes and failures all over the place, such as Superbody and Anna.

Among them, "Hurricane Rescue" is definitely one of the most successful series in the Fat Pine assembly line, and since it comes to mind, it's brought along with it, after all, it's an assembly line, and it's not at all unconventional to change it slightly and apply it to Jett Lee.

By the way, Luc Besson still had a collaboration with Kit Lee, the one called "Kiss of the Dragon". It was just a very mediocre commercial performer, so it wasn't on Simon's radar.

In the lounge, there was some communication from the early arrivals, New World Pictures President Danny Morris stepped in at the right time, and the A-girl came over to inform that everyone was coming to Simon's office.

Returning from Ukraine on Tuesday, Simon immediately dove into the never-ending work of the Westeros system as long as he wanted to.

Just finished a conference call with AOL to discuss the results of a $3 billion corporate bond discovery by AOL the other day.

The financing went very well.

Chapter 30.

This is the result of major investment bank underwriters competing to give the biggest discount possible to secure the Westeros system as a major client.

After all, apart from a couple of large bond issues that have been finalized in the second half of the year and the Verizon IPO operation, there are numerous small-scale financing operations of all kinds throughout the Westeros system. No investment bank would fail to pull in such large potential clients, be it Wall Street in the US or the City of Finance in London.

Ultimately, it's the current new tech wave market that's just too hot.

A while back Ygritte's market cap topped 400 billion.

With history having changed so drastically, even Simon is now completely unable to tell how high the Nasdaq can eventually go.

When he saw Kit Lee and a few others enter, Simon got up and shook hands with everyone before sitting down in the meeting area.

Simon himself finalized the three new "Hurricane Rescue" creators, and in addition to Jett Lee, the other two, Doug Liman and Tony Gilroy, are well known to Hollywood fans in the original space and time, both as creators of the "Spy" series, one as the director of the first film and also directed "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," and the other as the writer of the "Spy" series.

However, all three of them are now only up-and-coming in Hollywood, so they can be screwed together by Simon.

Simon provided the idea and authorized the three to work on the script, with Tony Gilroy, of course, as the main character, Doug Liman as the in house director, and Kit Lee as the lead actor and action director.

Since the creator was replaced, the plot naturally couldn't be the same as the original, in fact the changes were very significant.

And, inevitably, to compensate for Kit Lee's Asian popularity flaws, the story naturally converts to a buddy movie format, similar to Detective Beverly, Lethal Weapon, and Jack Sing and Chris Tucker's collaboration, Peaky Blinders.

The three even initially discussed a three-protagonist model.

The meeting area, without much ado, got straight to the point.

Simon told the trio on the couch next to him, "I've read the script outline and some drafts, and your three-protagonist idea is great because it involves three races, and the baggage about race is wonderful, but if we go with this story framework, we'll just end up with another trio of Peaky Blinders, and I don't know if audiences will buy it, and I sure as hell won't,'' Also, it deviates from the core of why I gave the idea. I needed an R-rated action movie that was a clean one-hit wonder, and three main characters would definitely slow down the story. In fact, even with a double male lead, I needed to focus on Jett's kung fu. For the rest of the full screenplay, I want you to take what I just said as a guide, any questions?"

After Simon said this, the three Jett-Lee looked at each other and nodded slightly.

However, Jett Lee didn't object during the discussion of the script, after all, he didn't have enough confidence in his Hollywood debut, so it was inevitable that he would seek stability.

Simon, who generally understood Kit Lee's thinking but disagreed, saw the three nodding and said, "So, let's brainstorm and you can tell us what you think too."

The black character story line was removed, there was some discussion, and the framework for a brand new script quickly took shape.

In the early years, Zhao Qiang, who immigrated to the United States and got married and had children and incidentally opened a Chinese restaurant, welcomed his sister Zhao Min, who came to the United States to study and pursue another American dream, and as a result, the girl was abducted and sold by human traffickers shortly after arriving in the United States, and the sister's disappearance made Zhao Qiang, who had been practicing Chinese kung fu since childhood, apparently go on a rampage and chase after her all the way from the United States to France, killing all four sides.

In addition, Zhao Min was abducted because one of Zhao Qiang's white American best friends, Jack, took the girl to a nightclub, out of guilt, Jack followed Zhao Qiang all the way to find Zhao Min, and then was stunned by Zhao Qiang's violent behavior.

The story eventually ends happily.

It also leaves a hint of a possible sequel.

Something about Zhao Qiang's happy family of three, and if the film is successful and a sequel is developed, it could also have Zhao Qiang's daughter kidnapped one more time.


Capitalists are so bottomless.

Simon fixes the story framework directly, and Jet-Lee discusses the action style and filming techniques, and 30 minutes pass quickly.

After leaving Simon's office and parting with Danny Morris, Doug Liman was the first to speak up, inviting the other two to a gathering of the circle tonight.

It's interesting to note that the three creators, Tony Gilroy, is a client under CAA, Kit Lee is signed under WMA, and Doug Liman is under ICM.

Noting this, it's sometimes hard to even speculate if this is someone's way of balancing things out.

Simon has always been big on the balance between the three major Hollywood agencies, including the second-tier agencies that don't get cold feet, and this one is a complete coincidence, mostly because all three count as Simon's special interest and are a good fit for the Hurricane Rescue project, just like Doug Liman, who has only completed one Full Frontal Prodigal Son, but the filmmaker is actually a fan of kung fu movies, just like Quentin. Very much into Hong Kong movies.

Tony Gilroy, on the other hand, was Simon's preparation for the Spy Kids series.

Doug Liman invited the other two, really to bring in close friends from his own circle to join Hurricane Rescue, after all, Simon Westeros himself provided the idea for the project, even if it was only a supporting role, which was enough for eager out-of-the-box Hollywood stars to steal the show. Doug Liman wanted to suggest his buddy Jon Few or Sam Rockwell for the lead role this time around.

Just those two names, put later and expanded, are a whole lot. For example, at this time also addicted to drugs and Robert Downey Jr. in the ICM flag, has been acquainted with Jon Favreau these people, and Downey as a famous Hollywood star second generation, and the same star second generation of Jodie Foster and other people can be called best friends, Jodie Foster around there is Mel Gibson such best friends, later Gibson was killed, Jodie Foster has been trying to help each other, while Downey addicted to drugs When they can't help themselves, it's the same buddies who force each other to go to rehab.

Hollywood is a circle.

Of course, for the Hurricane Rescue project, both the CAA and the WMA are likewise keeping a close eye on it.

Simon doesn't really care about these private Hollywood networking operations, he just needs to get the right actors, send off the Hurricane Rescue team, and keep busy until seven o'clock, which is when he gets home from work.

Janet had been a little depressed lately.

It was just as well that her own man had run off and fooled around for a week or so, and the other Jennifer had accompanied the Raybould family to Atlanta to watch the Olympics, and had only just returned this afternoon.

Good to be back at last.

If she hadn't, she would have had to simply leave a couple of the little annoyances in the house and just run away, and such things as babysitting were a horror on earth.

When Simon got home, he was greeted by his assistant, who had returned straight to her home life, and Janet, who had finally relaxed and plopped down on the couch by the glass wall to watch the sunset, and Jennifer, who was holding little Snow, and came to the wall, where Janet immediately looked like she wanted a hug.

Simon reached out to pick up the woman and was pulled down on the couch by Janet, a soft woman and soft cries beneath her, kissed Janet on the lips and said, "Well, isn't that Jenny back?"

Janet poked her head in and bit Simon's lip and ground her teeth a few times, and then reached out and hugged Simon to keep him from getting up, feeling the heavy pressure of the man and humming comfortably, saying, "Daddy wants me to have two more kids, I don't want any, kids are horrible."

Simon tried to turn sideways so that all the total would not land on Janet, but the woman stopped him and had to keep her posture and smile, "Then don't have any, don't listen to the old man."

Janet mmm'd a few times, opened her eyes again to stare at Simon, and said, "But I know Janet actually wants kids, she only has little Nicky."

"Are you misremembering something?"



"Uh-huh what the hell, Ciel's so smart, of course he said I had it."

"Well," Janet bobbed her head in triumph, then said, "I mean, we'll go on holiday to Australia in a few days, you and Jenny, you can try to have another oh."

"I actually think it's a pain in the ass to have more kids,"

Janet pouted with a scornful look on her face, "You don't even care, what's the trouble?"

There was a reason for the woman's complaint.

In fact, with so many servants in the house, Janet didn't have to do anything at all for the past few days if she didn't want to tire herself out. The woman was complaining, but in reality, she was very devoted to the children in the absence of her assistant, or she wouldn't be so thunderous.

Instead, it was Simon.

That's the standard shirker.

Completely unable to argue, Simon just smiled.

Janet gave him a quizzical look and added, "Actually, I know you just lied, oh."


"You want more kids too," Janet said, and added, "It's not like you're going to have to raise them anyway."

"I'm innocent."

"How can a guy who espouses the theory of genetic instincts not want his genes spread to the maximum extent possible," Janet said, also holding Simon's face in her hands and looking at him four ways, "Am I right, little bastard?"

Simon made a show of opening his mouth to bite Janet's little hand, but Janet was undeterred and held Simon's head firmly in place to keep him from changing the subject.

The question, of course, could not be answered at all.

After a small standoff for a moment, Janet suddenly smiled evilly, "You can do that, little bastard, if you want, oh."