Hollywood Hunter

Chapter Nine Hundred and Ninety-Five - Love Transfers

Chapter 58.

Latest chapter!

Simon heard Janet's 'offer' and was silent again for a while.

Waiting a moment, Janet blinked her big eyes, "Why don't you say something?"

"I was wondering ......" Simon was serious, "Have you finally reached the end of your patience and are quietly planning to kill me, now you're just short of an excuse."

Janet narrowed her eyes in amusement, hugged Simon's head and nibbled on his ear, leaning in smoothly, "So, little bastard, are you going to change?"

"No change."

"Awww ......" re-taking Simon's ear in her mouth like a mouse and meshing it for a moment, Janet's voice was suddenly soft again, "Little bastard, the fact that you could just say that means you still care about me, and that's all that matters. In fact, I knew what kind of guy you were from the beginning, and I didn't think you could change."


Janet turned fierce, "You're making me angry."


"I was able to see through you a long time ago, but you're still suspicious of me even now, you untrusting man of the heart who subconsciously believes that no wife could possibly tolerate her husband having another woman."

Simon doesn't speak.

Janet fished Simon's head over, and they ear-to-ear, and added, "Of course I want you to be mine alone, little bastard, but I also know that if I had asked for that, I wouldn't have been able to be your wife. And, from what you've just said, I'm once again certain that no woman will ever be able to take you away from me. As for the rest, I don't give a damn."

As said, Janet gave Simon a sideways kiss on the cheek and continued, "By the way, it hasn't even been a hundred years since human society has been fully monogamous, and it's not even all that widespread now, much less in thousands of years of human history further back. So, I really really don't care oh, my man is so wonderful, if there's only one woman, that's the disgraceful thing."

Simon quietly listened to Janet finish and nodded, "I see."

Janet looked like you talk about your feelings, "Huh?"

Simon pushed a little harder and their bodies flipped over into Janet lying on top of Simon, looking into the woman's pretty eyes, "You don't really love me that much, you just want to possess me."

Janet pretended to be angry and awwed and chewed on it again.

After a few moments of playfulness, they calmed down again, and Janet's head turned into a pillow on Simon's chest, being wrapped around her body by a pair of strong arms, creating a very restful feeling, and rubbing her small hands over Simon's body, she spoke again, "What are you thinking, little bastard?"

Simon emerged with a Chinese phrase: "The love is not long-lived."

The Chinese language was so overly profound that even though Janet's Chinese was now at a level where she could read the Red Room, she still didn't understand it, and wasn't even sure what the four characters were exactly: "This is, what does it mean?"

"Feelings that are too strongly attached don't last."

Janet paused to pinch Simon, "I'm not that strongly obsessed with you."

Simon patted Janet's waist soothingly, "So, this can only last for a long time, compared to emotions, a person's life is actually very long, while staying together and at the same time stumbling, unconsciously, many years will pass, and then you will find that the two people have become one person, you have me, I have you, inseparable, and maybe one day in the future. To die quietly together, that's probably the most romantic thing ever."

As Simon described it, Janet's newly raised little mood subsided again, as if she was still dreaming of a day long, long after, when she suddenly said, "You haven't sung to me in a long time, little bastard."

"Want to hear some Chinese music? I've actually always found Chinese to be beautiful."


Simon sat up, saw that Janet was still wrapped around him, picked him up in a smooth embrace, and together they went to the piano in the corner of the glass screen, placed Janet on the stool, sat down himself, and picked up a blank page of sheet music next to the piano, and

Janet's head rested on Simon's shoulder, eagerly jingling on the keys in front of her as the man traced out the notes.

After writing the score, Simon hesitated a little and started straight back to the lyrics.

Janet looked on, instantly humming, at first there were some quirky little ideas, but as the man continued, and then felt that he was too much, such a song, complete with the reality of the lyric of some guy just a few thoughts.

It was seven o'clock by the time Simon got home, though the summer days were long and the night was falling as the two men made a little busy at the piano by the curtain wall.

Ten minutes later, the corner of the shell villa, already surrounded by darkness, first sounded a few pleasant beginning notes, then a series of smooth tunes like pearls slipping down, a moment later, a male voice began to sing softly, in Chinese, not too loud, but the words are round.


*♪ How many windows I've wandered in, how many hotels I've stayed in, before I feel it's not a waste to be apart?

*I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do.

*I'm not sure how long I've been in trouble, and how long my eyes have been wet, but I know that sadness is a legacy of love.

* Strayed a few double beds, exchanged faith a few times, before the ring righteously exchanged.


Ready for dinner, Jennifer came over to call the two dining, heard the song from afar, not by entering.

Janet saw Jennifer, stood up and came over, pulling her down with her beside the men.

One left, one right.

Listening together.

The song came to an end before she knew it.


*It's the same for everyone, who has enjoyed the pleasure of being scared before refusing to be the lamb that love is waiting to sin.

*I'm not going to be able to get you out of the house, I'm going to be able to get you out of the house.

*The sunlight flows over the body, waiting for all the karmic obstacles to be forgiven.

*Love doesn't stop, how brave you need to be to drive to the end of the world.


* Don't you be disappointed, the sloshing is for, the most beautiful commonplace.


When the last note ended, the light had gone completely dark.

The Indian girl, Alia, who was standing not far away, wanted to come over and turn on the light, but hesitated a little or didn't bother, she didn't understand Chinese, but the singing, which was laced with an inexplicably infectious sound, immersed her unconsciously.

The music ended and the three of them snuggled together for a while before Simon spoke first, "How was it?"

Janet's head rested on Simon's shoulder, but her mouth was unforgiving, "I want to hit you so badly."

"Uh ......"

So turned to the female assistant for comfort.

Jennifer leaned on Simon too, but firmly on Janet's side, with a smile, "Me too."

Simon was aggravated and simply turned his attention to Alia, who was standing still not far away.

The Indian girl wouldn't dare join in the fun.

Her head was also quickly moved back by Janet, "Do it again, little bastard."

"How about dinner first?"


"As ordered."

This was repeated back and forth a few times and finally it was time to go to dinner.

After listening to it a few more times after dinner, Janet decided that the song would be released as Simon Westeros' latest single, to be sung by Simon himself, and also that the music video that was planned to be made was to once again be labeled 'for Jenny'.

See, this is his own man, and he can write Chinese songs like this.

Simon also had a few ideas.

Since there was 'Love Transfer', then 'Love Call Transfer' could be made along with it.

As it happens, Simon has been planning to reboot China's film market, which has hit rock bottom. In addition to making catalyst films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hero, an urban light comedy like Love Call Transfer won't cost too much, and the Chinese audience at this stage of the game hasn't seen it yet, so it's certainly fresh.

Not only that, but this operation could further help open up the Chinese entertainment industry for Daenerys Entertainment. On the music side, it could produce a cover singer, and in the movie field, it could use this movie project to sign up some filmmakers and start the process of entering the Chinese entertainment industry.

The next day was another Friday.

July 26.

Simon held a meeting for this purpose in the morning to account for things.

Meanwhile, the week that the Atlanta Olympics opened simultaneously, another box office cycle of box office figures for the North American film market arrived on Simon's desk early in the morning.

Last Friday, July 19, because of the Olympics, there was only one mass-opening movie in North American theaters, MGM's John Travolta-starring romantic comedy "Different Instincts.

The film tells the story of a kind car mechanic was struck by lightning, not only did not explode in place, but also accidentally acquired unforgettable abilities, whether it is advanced mathematics or a variety of foreign languages can learn every minute, and finally even developed to the degree of the mind to move objects, and then is to become a CEO to win a rich woman to the pinnacle of life's HappyEnding.

A very classic business film routine.

The production cost of the film is 30 million U.S. dollars, in the face of the impact of the Olympic Games, the film has good word of mouth in the absence of heavy bomb competition, but still achieved excellent results, the box office in the first week to reach 24.67 million U.S. dollars, and successfully topped the weekly box office number one position.

Following Different Instincts, the second place on this week's list went to Eddie Murphy's new film, The Fat Professor, which opened last week and dropped 46% to earn $21.16 million at the box office. In its two weeks of opening, the Fox-produced black comedy has accumulated $60.17 million at the box office.

The two-week $60 million, "The Fat Professor" North America's total box office will be able to break $100 million as it did in its original time, but also depends on the follow-up performance.

Hopes are actually high.

Because there are basically no other heavyweight films opening next, a number of old films that are still in theaters at the moment can easily harvest the long term box office. We're already in the late stages of release, as was the case with James Bond's Ghostbusters and Sleepy Hollow, which ranked third and fourth on the charts this past week.