Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 109 - Cancelling the Sea 1 Laughter

East Hampton, Long Island.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I think I'm going to be able to do it," he said.

Three girls, how can they compare to a hundred ah!

There were more than 100 to be exact.

In addition to the 100 dancers, there were an additional 24 female musicians some time ago, 24 girls who were proficient in various Chinese folk instruments, according to Li Youhuo's introduction, with flower names sorted according to the twelve hairpins of the Dream of the Red Chamber, from the main book 'Dai Yu' and 'Bao Nobile' It went all the way up to 'Shannon' and 'Ping'er' in the secondary register.

Because this side was already full, 24 female musicians were living in another manor nearby.

Of course, they didn't come here for nothing, but naturally because of someone's call.

Arriving in the afternoon, and spending a few hours with the three girls on this side who were equally secretive about them, no one was notified until dusk fell, so they drove away from the resident manor with some of the girls named, arriving at another manor in northeast East Hampton just a few minutes later.

It wasn't waterfront, but compared to the National Wind Art Ensemble's residency, which was just the feeling of vehicles driving through the long private tunnels of the estate covered in shade at night, the estate at hand was clearly larger, perhaps even hundreds of acres. Even if it wasn't as prime as the waterfront, it was the Hamptons after all, and apparently it wasn't just anyone who could carve out such a private fiefdom.

Unexpectedly also receiving an invitation, Mr. Yu was the first time to come over to East Hampton.

From afternoon to evening, continuously from the National Wind Art Group's waterfront residency to this northeastern estate, even if she hadn't yet met a certain man, the luxury and extravagance represented by the surname Westeros still gave her a strong shock.

Also, the more she realized that she really was part of the vast service team of the Westeros family.

Just ...... wondered if the man knew himself.

Since she was a child, she has been the proud daughter of numerous suitors, Miss Yu thought of this, even inevitably a little apprehensive and a certain odd expectation.

Several cars stopped in the parking lot in front of the main villa, and two waitresses greeted them.

Under the clear East Hampton summer night sky, the surrounding area was vast and deep, and the lawn on the back side of the main villa, illuminated by a temporary light stand, was very lively at this time.

The lawn was covered with a large mat, the same color as the lawn, but the obvious color difference under the light also makes it easy to distinguish this is a mat rather than natural green grass.

Then, all of them were women in gorgeous old Chinese costumes.

And the figure of a certain man sitting on the mat, embracing the right and the left and leaning on the greenery.

And then there were the women with Chinese instruments in their hands and around them, as if they were preparing for a performance, but usually the performance was on the stage, and they were surrounded by a man.

As she watched the scene in front of her, Mr. Yu instinctively felt some resistance and dread.

This ......

Some man, even knowing how much power and wealth he has in high places, in front of him, it seems a little too ridiculous, wait in case it is going to happen, then do you run, or ...... can you run away?

However, before any decision could be made, the dozen or so girls who had come with her took off their shoes under the guidance of the maids and stepped onto the oversized mats that were hundreds of square feet in front of them.

In the end, Mr. Yu did not run away from the crowd to take off his shoes, followed by stepping on the mat.

I thought the grass on this lawn-like mat would be a hard plastic, but it was very soft when I stepped on it, and I didn't know what kind of material it was made of.

But one thing is for sure.


Teacher Yu's mind was in turmoil, wishing Momo had run to Simon Westeros first, obviously a bit of a fight for favor, jumping into the man's arms to hug and hug, and even throwing someone who was sitting down on the ground, but also without a trace to squeeze some of the surrounding women.

When Ms. Yu approached a man, the pattern around him had changed, with Zhu Momo on one side, and the other side occupied by a few from the Guofeng Art Group, the closest to the man being a girl named Wei Shenqian who had been introduced in the afternoon, and beyond that Li Youhuo and her roommate Chen Xingwei.

Then Simon Westeros also noticed her and smiled over.

Even though a certain man's picture could be easily seen in the surrounding media, up close and face to face, Miss Yu felt that bar, this handsome westerner's face with a gentle smile on it, well, it was still quite heartwarming.

If there weren't so many warblers around the other party.

Since they all came close, and the other party had looked at him, Teacher Yu could only take the initiative to greet him, "You, hello, Mr. Westeros."

Simon smiled and patted the Weiss counselor beside him, the girl would, though a little reluctantly, give up her seat, but also did not walk away, but simply moved behind someone's side, and then with the teacher would hear the man's greeting: "Come and sit."

Then, sit down.

So constrained to sit down next to the other side, very standard woman sitting posture, legs slightly curled up, slightly straight back, of course not daring to stick to him like just Wei Shenzhan, and even tried to keep himself from touching the other side.

Immediately, her own student beside her smiled and put a smile on her shoulder, seeming to find some sense of security and relaxing a bit more.

If ...... some unscrupulous student hadn't quietly nudged her towards the man.

"Lee is very pleased with Arbor Fox's progress over the past few months, you've taught him well."

Seems to be very familiar, no polite introduction pleasantries, the man directly said so, I must say, this voice, this tone, and then think about the other high status but can be so easy at this time, teacher Yu instinctively produced some good feelings, as well as some inexplicable panic that came with it: "Thank you, Mr. Westeros, this is what I should do. "

"Then, for the next few months, I also hope you can befriend Momo," the man added, also with a smile, "Momo is different from Arbor Fox, the mind is more wandering, um ...... According to you Chinese, as a teacher, if Momo is disobedient, don't be soft when it's time to hit or scold."

Before Teacher Yu opened her mouth, on the other side, Zhu MoMo was already shaking the man's body to protest, "Simon, which is not, I'm very good."

Between the shaking, Teacher Yu only felt the broad shoulders beside her bumping and banging against herself.

The mind was also continuously bumped and banged.

If it wasn't for the night covering up, it would have been easy to spot the face that was already getting red at this point.

A small thought arose within.

This man, it seems, is quite good.

After giving a small lesson to Zhumo on the other side, Simon only then looked at Teacher Yu again and said, "Actually, I knew you before I became Teacher Arbor Fox."


Yuu stared slightly, her mind spinning with the words again, curious as to how he knew himself.


Well, Simon Westeros, actually knew himself.

Simon said, "That film of King's, The Joy Luck Club, is the one that Daenerys Entertainment invested in, and all the films that Daenerys Entertainment invested in, I would watch it carefully at least once, great film, and you were beautiful in it."

Only then did she remember the movie she was in four years ago.

At that time she was already a senior in Northern Film, an American film was coming to China to be filmed, some actors were still needed, and because of her qualifications, she managed to secure a role from the many candidates, a very small, but a very special experience, and it was that participation that gave her the idea to come to the United States to study.

However, when she arrived in the US, she realized that the ideal and the reality were far from each other.

It wasn't until a few months ago, when I was already considering returning to my home country, that I was unexpectedly offered this job.

It's also finally understood that, probably, he was able to get this job because of the original chance, life is sometimes so wonderful.

Thinking this way, I heard him praise himself for his beauty at the end, and subconsciously learned the Western habit: "Thank you."

Simon smiled slightly, seeing Teacher Yu's constrained appearance, and took the initiative to Li Youhu on the other side: "Youhu, you and Yu switch places."

"Okay," Li Youxu promised, ignoring the small grudges of the Wei Senshang next to the man, and quickly switched places with Teacher Yu, but also deliberately learned from the Wei Senshang as softly attached to him, although only occasionally to see each other a few times, but for a variety of reasons, the girls of the National Wind Art Group, naturally have a kind of Intimacy, with an arm around Simon, Lee has Fox motioning around again, asking, "Simon, what's this about?"

"Watch the show, of course." Saying towards a goose-faced girl with a clear temperament on the other side, "Bao Nai, you can start now."

Bao Nobile ......

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to do it," he said.

The Twelve Golden Hairpin.

Well, this is the main book.

If the second booklet came over as well, it would probably be even more colorful.

As I was thinking about it, the women around me made preparations, and Teacher Yu felt her ears suddenly explode with the sounds of violins, flutes and pipa .......

A very familiar tune.

The pipa sound is clearly adapted from The Ten Ambushes, but it's distinctly different.

It's probably because I'm not quite brain-dead enough tonight, but I can't remember a very familiar feeling.

It's not just about the way you feel, it's also about the way you feel about the way you feel about yourself.


*♪ The laugh of the ocean, the tides on both sides of the river. ♪

*♪ The tide that sinks and floats with the waves.

*♪ The heavens laugh at the tides of the world. ♪

*♪ The heavens know who lost and who won. ♪

*♪ The rivers and mountains are laughing, and the rain is far away. ♪ The waves are pounding the earth.

*♪ The waves are pounding out the common world. ♪


It turned out that this was "A Smile from the Sea".

I had already learned from some news that Simon Westeros knew Chinese, but, at this time, seeing and hearing it with my own eyes, Mr. Yu still only felt shocked.

It was not shocked by this man's proficiency in Chinese.

Rather, that kind of heroic and silent feeling.

Listening to the heroic singing that all the instruments around him could not suppress, and quietly looking at the side of his face, Teacher Yu felt for a moment that this was a very, very special man.

Of course, Simon Westeros was special.

It was just that, that feeling, Miss Yu felt that he was again completely different from the super-rich man that she had seen at first glance or occasionally based on the various information around her.

The song was indeed heroic.

However, feeling the emotions that a certain man was clearly immersed in, there was a clear sense of loneliness and alienation in this boldness.

Lonely men are always more capable of attracting attention.

To be precise, always more able to attract a woman's attention. If the man was also very good, so good that he was admired or even desperate, then this attraction would unknowingly magnify countless times and even sink the woman.

Teacher Yu didn't sink.

It was just that the next morning, very early in the morning, suddenly waking up from a somewhat long winding dream, a strange manor, a strange villa, a strange bed, looking at what could only be described as a strange man beside her, and even, on the other side of the man's other side of his own student that he had been teaching for several months, and even, on the other side of his own student, there was the woman named Chen Xingwei, but Teacher Yu somehow felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

A man like Simon Westeros seemed to be doing nothing wrong.

I slipped a hand over and touched the man's shoulder, but my mind continued to spin, and I didn't feel any sense of loss or anything else, or any extravagant hopes for the future. The teacher Yu is a very independent and independent woman, with a clear attitude to life, not like a little girl to produce all kinds of unrealistic fantasy.

I can only think of this as a good memory.

The sky outside the window is still dark, only after the early hours of last night to rest, did not expect to wake up so early, so close your eyes again, quietly leaning towards the man, feeling a favorable arm seems to instinctively embrace over, and feel embarrassed, but also did not resist.

The man is no longer around.

The last night together Li Youhu and Chen Xingwei has also no longer big bed, own dressed downstairs, in the waiter to lead to the restaurant, the first thing you see is around all kinds of eyes.

Their own students are ridiculing.

In addition, Zhu Momo three, is some obvious displeasure.

Of course didn't care.

So sit down, ask the waiter for a breakfast, take the initiative to greet, and, feeling a few women around, even if they have been getting along with the students for a few months, they do not take the initiative to mention someone's whereabouts, Teacher Yu also does not take the initiative to mention.

After all, more than these girls around the experience, in terms of patience, she is still very much of the line.

As expected, Li Youhu didn't hold back, and took the initiative to say that Simon had already left a long time ago, and in addition, came over yesterday, originally to discuss about returning to China together, Simon has also promised that they can depart in the nearest few days, and Li Youhu was quite a little excited to say that the man had arranged a private jet for them.

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