Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1128 has 1 song called "Human Club"

Simon arrived in Beijing on April 25, the first is the non-public official schedule for two days, and it has passed the various projects related to the West Luoli system in Beijing, and also hosted a session of the club, finally arrived. It is already April 30.

Then I fly directly to Suzhou.

Once again, Jiangnan in the spring rain.

It has been rushing for a month, and there is no longer arranged too official working schedule. I plan to rest for a week, by the way, watch the lively.

Immediately entered May, and the moment of international financial speculators headed by quantum funds to Southeast Asia, Simon deliberate and Soros passed the phone, half joke, since he came to Asia, 'Vistelo effect' should also appear. Soros also replied half joke, of course, will appear.

So in this seemingly joke, Asian financial turmoil first saw the Ni.

Once history, many people remember a day on July 2, 1997, Thailand officially waited from the Thai Return Exchange Rate System, and the Asian Financial Crisis broke out. In fact, as some encounters of China in the New Year, things have already produced a lotus.

Thai baht abandonment, not what happened within a day, but behind the international speculators latten after two months.

In other words, things really broke in May.

In the past few days, Simon people, the real estate company named Finance One was re-opened because of the powerful debt, after the bank was taken over and reorganized, on Friday, May 2, and the stock price plunged on the same day. 70%, making the market completely lost confidence in Thailand's real estate industry.

Before again, Thailand's stock market has experienced a decline in last half of the year, and the accumulated decline exceeds 45%.

In the weekend of May 3, the stock market was suspended, but the Western media headed by the Wall Street Daily, began to make public opinion, rendering the serious counseling of large number of enterprises in Thailand, and the Thai government is exhausted while paying public opinion. There is still no alert.

So until May 5, public opinion pressure caused a new Thai stock market after the new week, the international speculation suddenly attacked, and the international financial market was selling empty baht in the international financial market, making the Thai baba exchange rate in one day in one day. 9 percentage point.

The Thai government reacted and quickly mobilized $ 5 billion foreign exchange reserves to undertake the baht on the international market. The first attack and defense of both parties officially begins.


On the other hand, the plummete of the Thai stock market, as well as the international speculatory attack on Thai currency, inevitably affect the entire Asian region.

Directly or indirectly, once again triggered 'Vistro Effect'.

The Simon people received a phone with a trial play in Suzhou. After all, his goal is too big, in addition to not in the official show, these days, there is no concealing too much.

For this test, Simon's reply is also intriguing.

China should be happy.

China does have to be happy.

In 1997, the Asian financial turmoil is actually a very important transition for the Chinese economy.

Why is this?

Because in 1997, Asian four small dragons and Asian four tigers were the main raw materials and product foundry bases in the West. After 1997, Southeast Asian national economy was collapsed, and a large number of manufacturing orders began to transfer, follow-up. There is also a capital of China's mainland, which directly contributed to the rapid prosperity of the Chinese economy after the new century.

Therefore, it can be said that the Asian financial turmore in 1997, the Western model headed by Soros,

China earned, but the national transport.


The man arrived in China on the first day, and Ren Jingzhen has already been known, so quietly from these days of work in the madness, take the initiative to take care of the drifting, and wait for someone's call.

The result didn't wait for several days.

The project in your hand can't stop, so I re-put into work.

The loss of the heart is also inevitable.

It should be that it is not enough to resent it.

I have been in the morning of this morning to shoot "Red Man Dream" construction, in order to more intuitively design some plots, then bring it back to the trick.

It is inevitable that some are somewhat.

Back from the United States, Ren Jingzhen chose some courses next to North Ying, and the way to dig your own class, the reason is not more familiar with some of the dramas, the reason is also simple, I wish Mo Mo, there is Mo Waling .

However, you want to choose excellent actors for your TV drama, and the Drama in North Ying is definitely not in the past.

So today, come over and see.

Holding a greeting beforehand, but also let Jinshu Media help contact, Ren Jingzhen's understanding of the management of students, this thought is not very good, did not expect, here, directly sent a vice president Reception.

I didn't think of it, I wish Mo Mo actually actively appeared.

I also took a look of still behind her face.

Compared to cold and cold, Mo Wauling, I wish Mo Mo seems to have something happening, and she has traveled her arm, accompanied by several other schools to enter a small auditorium.

The four grades of the whole school is in school, and there is a geographic. After the selection of Ren Shui, it is basically reached.

I wish Mo Mo to sit down together, watch the vice president of busy, go to Zhang Luo, smile and smile and let go of the ear: "Relie, why do you know why they are so enthusiastic?"

What can I still?

It is definitely someone to say hello.

I wish Mo Mo's expression, nodded, and said: "In fact, it is still not there, he quietly came here, and finally set a communication project."

Ren Jing Wei curious: "Well?"

"It is, China's play and North Shadow, you can choose 30 students to travel to Hollywood, for a year, and for a good member, Danieli will also fund the other party to make film and television projects, if this is Ok, it is a very dazzling political achievement for China-Drama North Shadow. "

Ren Jingzhen understands this.

Think about the domestic situation, Hollywood, is indeed the peak of the world's film and television industry. Moreover, Hollywood can easily attract the top movie and television talents in the world, theoretically do not need this communication, so this is basically equal to the benefits given on the one hand.

I wish Mo Mo to see the stage to see the stage, and said: "Don't include the performance department, this time is the behind-the-scenes, director, screenwriter and photography, etc., and is limited to three or fourth grades and graduate students. Oh, The guys in the last year of the first year are hot, I don't know if there will be this opportunity in the future, that is, Hollywood. "

Sitting in another side, Mo Wuuling, I wish Mo Mo's door, I don't know, I have some big, glance over: "The small voice, what is proud, one class is notified to criticize, think not you?"

I wish Mo Mo to spit your tongue.

Seeing Jing Wei once again doubtful, I wish Mo Mo smash you don't mind "self-exposure of home ugly ', originally, the next day, the whole 96 class is criticized by the school overall due to the whole school year. Although she is just a compilation, the treatment is actually better than the official life, but it is undoubtedly the one in the class.

Ren Jing nodded, in fact, she will feel it from the past short days ago.

Although I don't know how other classes, 96 classes where girls are located, they don't have to pay.

In this case, the middle-aged vice president once again made it attentively, said that it is ready, Ren Jinghe politely expressed their gratitude, and the audition can begin.

This auditory target includes a few pairs of major men and women that have been developed by "Guide".

Ren Jing, of course, remember the man's arrogance, and must not choose a new person, followed by some famous actors, including the actors on the side of Hong Kong, but if the appearance is suitable, of course, it is still preferred.

At the beginning of the test mirror, Mo Waling was originally wanted to have a wish to leave. After all, they stay here is not something, let alone, she is not able to eliminate it.

Helpless, I wish Mo Mo is very enthusiastic about this, resolutely not go, Mo Waun is angry, simply leave, and return to the four-nest of the hat alley.

After all, it is not far away.

It doesn't have to open the car, and I will go back to the Siheyuan, and I will come to the back garden in the back garden.

Sitting in a familiar location, can't think of a few days ago, a man is here.

The female is not ashamed, and her little sister will continue to help the sister, it is simply tired.

Moreover, when Ren Jing is left, even if it is still angry, these days, Mo Waling is not known to consider something.

I can't always do this. Mo Mo's assistant.

Perhaps, there should be some own career.

There have even people have already generated.

Since Ren Jing, you can make movies and televisions, confess, she is, but also near the water.

Therefore, these days are leisurely reading books, Mo Waing's reading type is also quietly turned to some professional books such as some film and television guidance from the collection of books.

Just ... well, these minds, she is inexplicably, I don't know how to continue, even sorry and I wish Mo Mo.

Will definitely be used as a class that is close to Ren Jing.

How can it be!

She will not be more energetic with a woman who is greeted.


I think of the girl, this, can't say sincerity.

Still ... all blame a disgusting man.

Think about these days, in the four-in-courts here, Yan Yan Yan, full garden spring, eat it?


I wish those girls who raise them all red apricots.

I think so, I suddenly feel that I shouldn't be so vicious. After all ... still Mo Mo, the outer girl is also a fresh red apricot.

On the other side, time has been continued until afternoon.

The casting of the drama is here, there are several good candidates, of course, they are all.

In the evening, this intended to leave the Ren Shui in the nearby courtyard of Mo Mo, and all the female students in the 96th class, gain a dinner together, joking, let Ren Shui helped to open a back door.

Whether it is North Shadow or a medium play, the students' eye-catching is not low, and the general TV drama project is really not necessarily. However, entering these two universities, it is also half of the foot to enter a circle, and it can notice too many things.

This "returning Pearl", seems to be inconspicuous, but only to see the school to deal with this project, you know that there is a big head after the scene.

Therefore, such a project, as long as it can roll a role, do not figure out what money, maybe you can have a unknown person.

Hot and lively to the middle of the night, the first time I was invited to invite the dinner to leave, Ren Jing, was I wish Mo Mo to pull down.

So half-pushed half.

After all, here is his industry, she is his woman, nothing is embarrassed.

It's just that the evening can't think of a guy.

I have come to China, but I have never seen her. It seems that I just as he was originally, she was just a can have a vase.

In the morning of the next morning, I was going to work after getting up, and things came again.

Or, finally remembered, let her go to Suzhou to see him.

So started.

I wish Mo Mo really want to follow, but considering that the mother is over there, it is to send it, or only to hold back.

Take a private plane that has been arranged until Suzhou, and turn it out again. It is about 11 o'clock to come to the south of Suzhou, and rid of a speedboat rushed to the lake, boarded a large antique Three-layer wooden cruise ship.

At first glance, accompany some music, this is a woman incense.

There must be many women here.

Therefore, it will not be empty and self-pity.

Following a waitress to go to the top of the cruise, seeing the eyes, sure.

The top hily is in the center of the hood. There is a three girls in dancing, the demon, the left and right right, on both sides of the soft garde, is dressed in ancient instruments.

The width of the hood is on the front of the hood, is a man.

Left is right.

In addition to a guy, the big soft collapse is still squeezed to the five women.

Hold it?

A small belly, but he saw him hinding from himself, behind him was also gently pushed, and then walked over.

It's fascinating, the model is very vague, the shoes are taken off by a waitress, and I will rely on him.

The man holds a wine glass, it seems to be a bit drunning, and the body is also a touch of wine, and she holds her, whispered: "It's just a happiness, just have a new song, listen together."

The man just said, the girl dancing under the stage quietly opened, and the silk bamboo tuning in the boys also started to change.

And the man is arbitrarily explained.

"Originally, the song name can be called" people are not worth it ", but the value is not worth it, who knows, then change," Human Club ", this person takes a game, how good."

Ren Jingzhen was stuffed with a man, but also stuffed a glass of wine.

However, with the tune of the chamber, she thinks a moment. Her attention is also re-concentrated, began to listen carefully. After all, it is a Chinese professional graduation. The more people with cultural literacy, the more you can listen to the hearing of a song.

Unconsciously, the wine is not in the mouth, and she feels some drunk.

Only this song echoed in the cabin.


Bamboo horse to find Zhu Ma Qingmei Yi Xi

The Bird's Buffalin is broken, the night is just a huge source.

I'm sinking, I will have a new joy.

The little couple just met the magpie did not come to work.

Changshengyi can rely on pity

Old disease, thanksgate, Yan Yan, with 20 years

Small, stealing, demon, but instead
