Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1422: Or "Kung Fu"

69 , fastest update Hunting Hollywood!

In 1998, the end of the year of North America, Halloween from Simon people in Asia has begun.

The soul movie universe is a new "Anna Bel 2" released on October 30th, the first part of Halloween in 1996, this series of derivatives has risen from 15 million US dollars to $ 25 million, and Xuanfeng is also 25 million, the number of open screens is 3103.

In the case of 7.6, the comprehensive media score has reached 7.6, "Anna Bell 2" seized $ 37.62 million in the first week, which is not as 47.36 million US dollars in the first week. However, Danieli, including Simon, is still satisfied.

It is mainly that the competition competition in Halloween this year is more fierce.

In addition to "Anna Bel 2", there are still three movies that are hoped by each house, including Warner's simply launched a cost of 60 million heavy bombs, and the three competitors' box office is not bad.

Inner volume, no way.

In any case, 37.62 million in the first week, the museum is broken, according to the trend of the ticket office of the weekend, "Anna Bel 2" is more than 100 million. Even if it is definitely less than the first $ 153 million, the native box office is expected to break the billion, no matter how it is impossible to call it.

Warner cost 60 million to draw Tang Johnson, Si'an Pan Men's jailbreak theme movement, 32.26 million in the first week, refer to the subsequent trend, and it is expected that the local box office is only only 70 million US dollars.

To put it in 1998, I opened the year until now, Danieli entertainment completely monopolizes the Hollywood billion box office club.

Other packages, even the most promising summer files, whether Warner's "deadly weapon 4" or Fox's "X Archive Movie Edition", or completely crush Sony "2013 ultimate God", all of them It is still a hundred million box office movies.

Hollywood is a big casino, movie investment is gambling.

This is a common awareness of many movie people.

However, Dannieli entertainment has changed thoroughly. This company not only has a boss who can look through the bottom card, but it has also formed an absolutely rolling against other competitors, so that there is an unstopable to eat posture. It is desperate.

Hollywood is a very real place.

Simon arrived in the top of the Sunset Tower, the "Tiandi Big Colicure" premiere is the first place, and the exclusive level of this is far from other similar parties.

Of course, it is not because Simon will attend, the degree of confidentiality of Simon's personal schedule is not so low, the key is just because this is a party related to Danniel, attending such a party, capable of with Danieli, and Top movie people in touch with Danieli, maybe you can get a good opportunity if you don't care.

Moreover, if you can touch Simon Vistro, it is better.

Just like today.

When Simon appeared, although there were no chaos such as a rider, the disputes of the party were visible to the on-site. In fact, a little experienced guest, come and discover the security measures when they come to the pair tonight, and they have already preded in advance.

"Although I haven't participated in the premiere with everyone, I have seen it, this is another masterpiece, Roland, congratulations to you."


"Sandy, I didn't expect you to come over. I am busy with recently ... Of course, I haven't forgotten, you and Cook, I was earliest, I came to Los Angeles. Several friends."


"I feel this movie, Roger ... Thank you, I hope you can be happy tonight."


"We need to make a little more clear, El, for literary film, box office sales is absolutely accidental, under normal circumstances, even a very good literary film, our box office is expected to be 50 million, with this Limited cost. For "genius Lepili",


"Baby, you are beautiful, this set of clothes is very suitable for you tonight ... very busy, and I have seen you in the big screen in advance ... Well, I certainly remember you, Scarleti , Playing, playing. "


"Yeah, Tang, I am still thinking about this time, this is a small elf, originally your Dakota ... Yes, small sweetheart, your name is really me!" This, you are willing to ... Ok, I will grow up in the future. When I am in love, the boy dares to bully you, you can tell him that Simon Visto is my godfather. "


"Mai Qi, how do you here ... well, I am wrong, you should welcome you, Mai Qi ... come to the trial" Chicago "... stop, your beauty is not used, come, Let's take a feet first, let me see ... haha, wait for me to take a look at your auditory sample, just come back from Asia, I haven't come to this project ... I said, I suddenly discovered that you sing dancing No problem, hope is very big ... this is certainly not the final decision, the problem is obvious, this is a double female main movie, it is necessary to cooperate with the two heroine, the problem is, everyone can know, you are too difficult, very It's hard to partner. If I have a tens of millions of items, I will can't help you ... 1.8 trillion is also a million million earned, the capitalist also wants to settle. "


So for more than half an hour, Simon went to the bar in the bar.

Stephen Zhouzheng, who has arrived in advance, accompanied by Danny Morres, president of the new world shadow, and saw the West, and several people got up.

Simple and cold, everyone seizures, although there is translation, Simon is still changing Chinese, but it is probably the Western environment time is long, or the consciousness asked a west issue: "Week, how do you feel?"

Stephen I didn't expect Simon to use Chinese, slightly, still followed, completely different from the release of the screen, with a few slow raps: "The movie just seen made me very shocking, I am looking forward to One day can also participate in such a movie. "

Side of Danny Morres saw two people using Chinese dialogue, can only understand the content by the translation next to it.

"As the best movie people in Asia, this opportunity will definitely."


Simon laughed, knowing that this is not a person who is good at cold, there is no continuation, transfer directly to the topic: "I have seen your memo," Kung Fu ", great idea, since this We directly set it directly, but I have some own ideas on the details. "

Kung Fu, or just Kung Fu.

Simon I thought about the star, the beginning of the beginning, I didn't want to introduce the Hollywood's Asian filmmaker. However, the reality is that I want to be able to get into Hollywood, and I will be undoubtedly the best knocking.

In this case, Simon is not intended to go against the situation.

In addition, this invitation is obviously surprising to Stephen Week, which is obviously attached to, so I have an idea of ​​my best axis.

The Star is a kung fan, the idol is Li Xiaolong, which is well known.

Once history, "Kung Fu" was produced in 2004, but the time that the relevant ideas be generated earlier, similar to every martial arts fan has a kung fu dream.

Now that since it is advanced, there is nothing wrong with it.

Simon saw the idea, there is still a black bureau, still have a heroic man, still have a hundred years of experience in Wuqi Talent, a general idea, just in the details. For example, the role of the bag and the bag is not appeared, and the time setting is a modern Hong Kong, not the slums of the Republic of China, such as this.

In the subsequent time, Simon and Stephen Zhou 's discussion is mainly to reverse.

Set the time setting, the character setting as much as possible to the familiar direction, including the slightly evil-evil-evil-evil-made gods, Simon also mentioned it, and also painted some samples on the spot. The main one is a bag rental. The classic picture of the male protagonist.

Both parties discussed for more than half an hour, and things are basically underground.

In order to essence, Simon has issued a $ 25 million production fee, which is more than 20 million that has been compressed by Colombia. However, in the current Hollywood is still in the hot state of Kung Fu, as long as it can reach the once level, plus Daniel's declaration, the global box office will only be higher than once.

In addition, Stephen Week's paid is $ 2.5 million, including director and starring two expenses.

Stephen has been a director in many of his own movies, and the film is not a problem. There are still some hesitation, or Simon active, mainly Simon also can't think of which director in Hong Kong is suitable for the applause, just let the Stars come.

Of course, 2.5 million US dollars for returning the contract of 20 million HK $ 2.5 million will not talk about it.

To put it, the salary of Jet Lee in Hollywood is also $ 2.5 million, but the difference is that Jet Lee is the "Herk" sold after the "black man" seller, and the Star has not proved himself in the United States. The box office is called 2.5 million, Simon is quite thick.

There is also a photographer.

Pig Cage City Village must be built in Suzhou Jinshu Film and Television City, and the movie is fire, and it is a fine-time card attraction.

Finally, about the effects, Simon plans to make Suzhou's special effects.

It is mainly due to cost consideration.

Moreover, Jin Book special effects have software and technology authorization from Danieli special effects, but also has been more than a year through the " " and the outsourmests given by Hollywood, and control "Kung Fu" this. Project, the problem will not be too big.

It's really not, Hollywood can also give the necessary technical support.