Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 68 Event Movies

Coolidge City, Arizona.

When "Laura Run" was first released, in the face of a great praise in the media, most of the crew still just thought that Simon was a slightly talented young man.

However, with the release of the box office data of the film, in the past few days, everyone's eyes on Simon have been significantly different, even Catherine.

The box office in the first week was 6.97 million USD

Such data, after 20 years, may not be as good as the box office of a super blockbuster in the first week.But in the 1980s, especially when the number of screens on the film was only 207, it was enough to surprise many people.

You know, in the past 1986, of the 451 movies that were released in theaters in North America, there were less than 90 movies with a total box office of more than $6.97 million.That is to say, in this era, Hollywood has more than 80% of the movies every year, and the total box office in North America has not been "Lola Run" for more than a week.

Moreover, for "Rola Run", the box office of the first week is obviously just the beginning.

Judging from the film's current word-of-mouth and media popularity, "Laura Run" has been successfully promoted as a standard "event movie", which is the general name for Hollywood films that have achieved far more unexpected social reactions and box office data.

Before "Laura Run", the only movies that could be called an event movie were "The Exorcist", "Star Wars", "Great White Shark", "Alien ET", etc., but only "Star Wars" etc. The film is still a Hollywood standard commercial.

Although Hollywood also has successful movies with the same low cost as "Crazy Max", the "Mad Max" at that time, the total box office in North America was only more than 8 million US dollars, which is regarded as dazzling, but it is far behind. In the first week of "Lola Run", the box office has exceeded the miracle of 10 times the production cost.

Now, "Rola Run" is equivalent to creating a precedent similar to the low-cost high-box office movies such as "Witch Blair" and "Ghost Record".

In addition, what makes some people feel terrified is that some media predict the box office prospects of "Rola Run".

150 million to 200 million US dollars.

It is still the box office figure that will not appear too special after 20 years.

However, throughout North America, even if it is just the "field platoon" that is expected to break 100 million but actually has not broken 100 million, only five movies in Hollywood achieved 100 million at the North American box office throughout 1986.

Among them, Tom Cruise promoted to world-class superstar "Zhuang Zhi Ling Yun", the North American box office eventually only 176 million US dollars.

Well, then watch "Rola Run".

The total box office forecast of 150 million to 200 million U.S. dollars in North America means that if the Hollywood movies to be released next year are slightly less competitive, the 1987 North American box office champion will most likely be produced by a film with a cost of only 650,000 U.S. dollars Take the film alone.

18 years old.

650,000 US dollars.

The first movie in life.

North American box office champion.

Many people seem to watch a legend is born.

The hotel where the crew of "Blood Corpse Night" stayed.

The time is Saturday, February 21.

In the screening room, which was simply remodeled, the film's main creators were watching the sample shots taken this week.

As a director assistant with a fixed weekly salary, Simon originally did not need and was not qualified to appear on this occasion.

However, last week, Catherine personally took him to watch the sample.However, Simon did not have a say at the time, basically just watching.

This week, it was producer Edward Feldman who personally spoke at noon, hoping that Simon could participate in the job, and also actively mentioned that he might be able to change his director assistant position to associate director, just like Catherine in "Laura Run" The positions held are the same.

Simon naturally does not mind helping, but he also understands that Edward Feldman wants to use his name in the future film release process. Although he agreed to watch the samples to participate in the discussion, he did not accept the other party to sign the contract again. Suggest.

In the screening room, after a video of Kalebo kneeling in front of May and sucking her blood, Catherine pressed to pause, and subconsciously looked at Simon sitting on the other side of the film machine.

"The lighting is still a little problem, but it can be adjusted later," Simon said, but said: "It's just that I feel that the emotions of the two people in this scene have changed too frequently, and it is difficult for the audience to appreciate you. What kind of emotion do you want to show?"

Catherine finished listening and said, "This is a progressive and sublimating relationship between Kalebo and May."

Simon thought about it for a moment and said, "Then, it is even more necessary to convey a strong emotion to the audience here. Perhaps it may be possible to add an intimate scene."

Catherine listened to the Nth'maybe like this' after Simon entered the group, and felt some inexplicable emotions in her heart, but said: "I'm afraid this won't work. There is no clause about the intimate drama in the contract between Adrian and Jenny."

Catherine said, and also looked at producer Edward Feldman.

Edward Feldman also shook his head with regret, saying: "Simon, the crew's funds are very tight. It must be added to modify the contract, and they should not easily agree."

Simon said with a smile: "I don't mean the kind that needs to be undressed, just behind, kissing, embracing, feeling the burning sun in the rising sun, just like the couple who are about to die, they will not hide themselves until the last moment. dark."

With that said, Simon also picked up the pen and simply drew a sketch on the notebook.

Catherine and Edward Feldman listened attentively, and soon agreed to Simon's plan, deciding to make a new film.

This discussion continued until the evening, when the door of the projection room was suddenly knocked, and then Janet's figure appeared at the door.

Simon was a little surprised. Janet hadn't said that she was coming before, and got up quickly to meet the past.Catherine and Edward Feldman also stood up.

Simon and Janet hugged and asked with a smile: "How come you suddenly want to come here?"

Janet blinked and looked at Simon: "Don't you know?"

Simon was also puzzled: "What do I know?"

Janet stared at Simon for a moment, confirming that he really did not know why, and then with some flashes of cunning, he changed the subject and said: "I am not alone, and Mr. Peter Sanders of Fox has also come."

With that said, Jenny gestured behind her, let go of Simon, and went to say hello to Catherine.

Simon's arrival at Fox Vice President Peter Sanders was not as unexpected as Jenny's, and the intention of the other party to come was easy to guess, so he just stepped forward and smiled and shook hands with the other party.