Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 231 Ultimatum

Los Angeles.

With the sudden departure of producer Ron McMillan of Daenerys Entertainment, Hollywood, which was not calm in January, became more lively.

Knowing that he was fired for something trivial, Ron McMillan almost immediately contacted Simon to make the decision for himself. He felt that this was Amy and Janet's indiscriminate claims.

Confirming that this matter was Simon's acquiescence, the angry Ron McMillan also tore his face completely, and asked for $50 million in compensation for leaving.Daenerys Entertainment will naturally not pay this money, and has no fear of Ron McMillan's threat to the Court.

Ron McMillan’s embezzlement of the film project’s funds is completely conclusive. Although the number is not large, it is enough for Daenerys to reasonably dismiss the other party.

It's really noisy, no matter how this matter is viewed inside Hollywood, in the eyes of the media and the public, Ron McMillan will only end up with the infamous ending of David Bergman.

So, after a week of confrontation, Ron McMillan signed the resignation agreement without any compensation.

In exchange for another non-disclosure agreement to discuss the incident in a confidential manner, Ron McMillan also received a follow-up share of a total of $260,000 that he deserved in several films in cooperation with Daenerys Entertainment. At this point, the two sides do not owe each other.

Within Daenerys Entertainment, as the financial audit overseen by Janet continued, the company fired a batch of employees with unclean hands.

Although it inevitably caused some criticism, the entire Daenerys Entertainment Group also realized that their company could never be as confusing as traditional Hollywood film companies.Of course, because Daenerys Entertainment's salary standard is significantly higher than its peers, not many people choose to leave because the company's financial system is too strict.

As for Ron McMillan, although he signed a confidentiality agreement, he quickly complained in the circle that he had attacked Simon and Daenerys on a number of party occasions.

However, because he did not publicly express these views in the media, Daenerys Entertainment could not seriously consider it.

Now that he can associate his name with the top ten big-selling works of the three annual lists of "Rola Run", "Death Is Coming" and "Scream", although it is known that the leading players behind the three films are all It was Simon Westero, and immediately after Ron McMillen left, he caused a fight over Hollywood.

After several quotations, Universal Pictures finally signed a three-part contract with Ron McMillan for a generous contract of US$30 million in base salary plus 1o% of the project's net profit share.

In addition, Universal also specially provided Ron McMillan with the company's vice president level of private jets, personal entertainment, administrative assistants and other additional subsidies, and at the Universal Studios in Burbank specifically for Ron McMillan just established The Macmillan production company opened an office.

Prior to this, there were only a few such as Spielberg's Aberdeen Pictures that were able to have offices in Universal Studios.

Daenerys Entertainment did not deliberately cover up the reason for Ron McMillan's departure, and the circle knew it well.Universal Studios also gave such a generous treatment on the basis of Ron McMillan's compensation contract, obviously with a bit of targeted meaning.

In fact, Da Ni Li Si entertainment is facing more than this one.

"Rocket Expert" and "Firebird Strike", which are in the hot state of preparation, will not say anything, realizing that "Sex, Lies and Video Tape" may be a dark box office. The main investor of the film is mca/co1umbia The two parent companies of Family Entertainment added together, and Columbia Pictures finally got the rights to "Sex, Lies and Videotapes".

Near the Sundance Film Festival, Colombia has also set up a special publicity team to start a warm-up promotion for the film.

After the box office received $12.96 million in the fourth week, it was released in the fifth week.

Moreover, for five consecutive weeks, it is very likely that the six-week consecutive single box office will exceed US$10 million. This kind of box office stamina has obviously surpassed all other movies produced by Daenerys Entertainment last year.

Daenerys Entertainment's best-selling "Scream" outside the box office "Rainman" at the end of last year, the weekly box office was only four weeks with more than 10 million dollars.Even the "Pulp Fiction", which was temporarily crowned in 1988, only lasted five weeks at the box office of 10 million per week.

As a big hit in the awards season, with the announcement of the Oscar nomination at the end of January and the awards of various union awards and Oscars in February and March, the box office potential of "Rainman" has clearly appeared in "Pulp Fiction."

Seeing the popular box office of "Rainman", he gave up the script of the film and took a "Hobbit". Later, he sold the omnichannel exercise in North America for $50 million, and he couldn't sit still. Too.

Year crown.

Even if the total cost of the project reaches 40 million US dollars, the box office potential shown in "Rainman" is only the combined box office revenue from local and overseas, and the profit may still exceed 100 million, not to mention the follow-up video and television broadcast income.

This is simply a'gold mine'.

It was so deceived by Simon Westero.

So he clamored to sue and claim, and actually hired a law firm to start studying possible loopholes in several contracts between MGM and Daenerys.

Finally, let's count Fox, Warner, and Disney, who have always had a good relationship. In this lively January, the Hollywood Big Seven are almost all related to Daenerys Entertainment.

If it's just that these involvements are nothing, even MGM who wants to file a lawsuit is just seeing it.

Hollywood's big-selling movies will almost always lead to various disputes of interest. Even in the original "Laura Run", the media once rumored that Simon and Janet turned against each other because of uneven distribution of interests.

The most frustrating thing is that any project that Daenerys Entertainment is currently looking at will become the focus of Hollywood.

Although Simon hoarded a large number of copyrights with foresight, he could not meet the demand of Daenerys Entertainment, and the company could not put all the copyrights that were expected to be sold on the agenda with one brain, which required other items to fill the content. shortage.

"Al, I know what you are thinking. Since "Driving for Miss Daisy" has been favored by Daenerys Entertainment, with the current trend of Hollywood, other film companies will definitely compete for higher prices. But you can Are you sure they can do it well? In case of a mess, you will get nothing but a slightly higher copyright fee. However, to Daenerys Entertainment, once successful, you can not only be in this movie With fame and fortune, you will become the top screenwriter in Hollywood. All your future scripts will become the objects that Hollywood is chasing. This is the most important thing."

In a cafe on Broadway, New York.

Ella Doichman talked to the middle-aged 50-year-old man with some baldness on the opposite side. After that, he took out a business card and handed it over, saying, "The contact information for my hotel is above. Al, if you are willing to give us the script, call me tonight. After today, I can only say sorry."

The middle-aged man across from Ella Doichman is called Alfred Uri. He is a screenwriter, but he mainly creates stage plays on Broadway.Wuli created a stage play "Driving for Miss Daisy" two years ago, which received unanimous praise on Broadway, and won the Pulitzer Drama Award last year.

Playing with the business card in his hand, Alfred Uri looked at Doichman who had already got up, but did not get up together, with a certain temptation in his tone, "Ira, if I don't fight this Phone, will you really give up "Driving for Miss Daisy"? I think it is likely to become another "Magnolia Flower"."

Ella Doichman just smiled and said, "Uri, you are the third screenwriter I met today. I have seven other people to meet. You may all think that the script in your hands is the next. "Steel Magnolia", but unfortunately, "Steel Magnolia" is only one."

"Okay, Ella," Alfred Uri relaxed, and said, "Why not sit down and talk again? Since you want "Driving for Miss Daisy", you have to introduce me to you How do you plan to adapt this movie? And, with a $10 million offer, don’t you feel too sincere about the right to adapt a stage play that won the Pulitzer Theatre Award?"

Ella Doichman did not sit down and explained: "Al, I just said that $10 million is only a prepayment. In the next three years, if Daenerys Entertainment casts this movie, it will pay you again. For $20 million, you will also have the right to sign your script and sign up for the later part of the "Basic Agreement." After three years, if Daenerys Entertainment fails to cast the film, you can choose to redeem the copyright."

Alfred Uri still did not give up exploring more information, saying: "So, you do not intend to cast this film in a short time, so I need to think carefully."

Ella Doichman said nothing more, and reached out directly to Alfred Uri, saying: "If you are willing to sign, Al, we can spend a day talking carefully about everything."

Finally, shaking hands with Alfred Uri, Ella Deichman left the cafe without any attachment.

In these days, in order to cope with the containment of Hollywood, Daenerys Entertainment began to use this ultimatum strategy that does not give copyright owners too much time to consider in the script negotiation, and once gave up, they will firmly stop looking back. There will be no bidding war with the Seventh Congress.

In addition, the frequency of Daenerys Entertainment's shots is very frequent, which makes competitors unable to see the situation clearly, but it also largely resolves the company's congestion.

Of course, this strategy also has obvious disadvantages. For those screenwriters who have become famous, this trick does not have much effect.Those who are willing to compromise are basically those screenwriters who haven't made the first move, and the company's recent goals are mainly these people.

Speaking of which, Ella Deichman did not know what is special about "Driving for Miss Daisy", and it is not clear that this film was the best film of the 62nd Oscar in 199o in the original space-time.

After the stage show "Steel Magnolia" was sold at the box office at the end of the year, Hollywood began to turn more attention to the Broadway stage play. After communicating with Simon, Ella Doichman and Simon, they used their own budget. A sum of money was drawn out specifically to buy the right to adapt the arts and dramas suitable for Gaomen Film to stage drama.

"Driving for Miss Daisy", as the winner of the Pulitzer Drama Awards last year, naturally became the target of Ella Deichman's attention.

Simon, who was far away in Melbourne, saw the name "Driving for Miss Daisy" from the list enumerated by Doicman, but did not give Ella Doicman a special hint.

Simon is also aware of the current situation of Daenerys Entertainment.

The company's response strategy is very effective, he does not intend to make an exception in this movie.

The history of Hollywood has changed a lot. "Driving for Miss Daisy" is in the hands of others. It may be possible to achieve the same success as the original time and space.Moreover, as long as the copyright holder has a little foresight, he knows that it is in his interests to cooperate with Daenerys Entertainment.If you are short-sighted, you don’t have to cooperate.

After meeting with Alfred Uri, Ella Doichman hurried to another meeting.

After a busy day, Ella Deichman returned to her hotel in Midtown in the evening, and the lobby manager had reminded him of several calls.Of the five screenwriters I have met with today, three called the phone and agreed to sell the copyright, including Alfred Uri of "Driving for Miss Daisy".

Back in the room, after several phone calls from several screenwriters, Ella Deichman called the Irish on the other side of the ocean and routinely asked about the progress of the filming of "My Left Foot".

This is the result of Deichman’s last flight to the UK.

"My Left Foot" is a biographical film starring Daniel Day Lewis, which tells the story of a disabled person who has a total body palsy due to polio by relying on his only active left foot to become an artist.

In the original time and space, "My Left Foot" is another turnaround of Miramax outside of "Sex, Lies and Videotapes", and was nominated for the best film at the Oscar in 199o.

Now, these two works are not related to Miramax.

Although I was not able to get "Sex, Lies and Videotapes" because of the cooperation with Daniel Day Lewis in "The Room with a View" when I was running the new film company, Ella Deichman's last UK The trip was fairly smooth to get this movie.

However, at the time of this movie, the director of "My Left Foot" Jim Sheridan has completed the preliminary preparations, and the film is about to start shooting.

Because Simon was very fond of this project, Ella Doichman shared $180,000 and bought out the copyrights of the original three investors.This price is already very high, because the production cost of "My Left Foot" is only 60,000 pounds, which is less than 10 million dollars.

The original three investors also thought about selling at a price, and Ella Doichman resolutely used the ultimatum to successfully compromise the three companies.

The news in the UK is that there is no Hollywood knowledge. This is a film that is hardly liked by everyone, and it has not yet officially started shooting.The backhand can make double the profit, and several independent filmmakers did not insist too much.

It was in "My Left Foot" that I saw the effect of the "ultimatum", and Daenerys Entertainment will only adopt this strategy in the near future.

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