Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 232 ABC's rebound

A'private' airport in southern Chicago.

After the Falcon business jet under Daenerys Entertainment landed, Robert Iger and Ella Doichman sent the husband and wife off the plane very enthusiastically. The company is assisting John Hughes to shoot here The team also specially sent a car to pick up people, which seemed meticulous.

When the husband and wife left, Iger and Deichman re-boarded the plane, and the Falcon continued to fly east after taking off.

In the cabin, after the plane entered a stable state, Ella Doichman pulled out a thick list of Oscar judges from the briefcase, opened it and found a name, and wrote a few comments in the back.

Today is already January 23, Monday.

The previous weekend, Deichman not only talked about the right to adapt six stage dramas, but also hosted a reception for the public relations of awards for three consecutive days starting from Friday.

The husband who just got off the plane was the husband of the Oscar photography judges. The woman said at the reception on Saturday that she would return to Chicago today, and Ella Deichman invited them very easily to take the company’s private plane. .

This kind of Xiao En Xiaohui doesn't need much cost, but it can leave a very deep impression on the husband and wife.

This year's Oscar nomination has not yet been announced, but the public relations offensive for Daenerys Entertainment has already begun.

Robert Rem is busy expanding the overseas channels of Daenerys Entertainment. The high "door" of the film industry's business "sex" is destined to survive on the basis of major film awards. West "Mongolian" took the company's several films last year. The award PR task'handed over' was given to Deichman.

Fighting for the defeat, Ella Deutschman realized that his original strategy of buying as much as possible as a single line would not be so smooth. While adjusting the plan, the public relations results of this award season became his one-year trial period The key to whether he can be recognized by West Mongolia.

During the last trip to the UK and this business trip to New York, Ella Deichman never stopped working to visit the award-related contacts accumulated over the years, while also working in a professional PR company hired by the remote control company. Operating with the awards marketing team is a multi-pronged effort.

As the Oscar vane, the Golden Globe Awards will be held on Saturday, and the corresponding public relations work has also ended. His next focus will be Oscars.

Speaking of its prestige, under normal circumstances, this movie is destined to be the big winner of the award season.

However, the director Barry Levinson and the leading actor Dustin Hoffman won the award, but they also want to ensure the best film and also hope to get the best director award. The biggest difficulty of public relations.

Both Iger and Doichman very much agree with the cooperative mechanism proposed by West'Mongolian', and they also do it for themselves, so they get along very well. The three-day reception on the weekend is held at the Iger's house.

The two chatted along the way. After more than two hours, the Falcon business jet landed again. This time it was still not Los Angeles, but Salt Lake City, Utah.

The 5th Sundance Film Festival opened last Friday, although knowing that the company is currently looking at any film that may be scrambled by other studios, Deichman still intends to see if this film festival is out. 'Sex' films or new filmmakers who are worth attracting.

Moreover, there should also be no shortage of Oscar judges who can contact each other in person at the festival.

West's "Mongolia" gave Doicman's "interpretation" is to step by step.

There are more than three thousand Oscar judges, one by one, one by one public relations, one by one to establish contact, one day will be able to fully understand.

The reason why the Weinstein brothers were so popular on the Oscars is not that the brothers have invested a lot of "precision" in public relations every year. The most important thing is the strong and deep-rooted connections and deep influence that have been accumulated for a few years. force.

The Falcon business jet finally arrived at Santa Monica Airport in Los Angeles at around 11:30.

Iger beat two followers to Burbank and went to Daenerys Entertainment Headquarters himself.

After simply saying hello, Vanessa said: "Please come with me, Mr. Iger, Pascal's'female' is attending a meeting. She said that you can go directly to the meeting room after you come over."

Iger was somewhat unclear, so she followed Vanessa to a small meeting room in the company's office building.

Pushing the'door' in, Nancy, who was seeing Iger in front of the slide, stopped temporarily to explain, saying hello: "Good morning, Bob."

"Good morning," Aige nodded to Nancy, shook hands with Amy who got up, and sat down next to her, saying to Nancy: "I'm sorry to interrupt you, Nancy, please continue."

Vanessa handed a piece of information to Iger, and Nancy continued: "Two years ago, Blockbuster won the game leasing lawsuit with Nintendo and obtained the right to sell and rent game cassettes. After the opening, We can also use Blockbuster's channels to distribute goods, and we can take the initiative in both North American channels and marketing."

Iger listened to Nancy's introduction and quickly read through the information that Vanessa had handed over.

It turned out that this is a video game development program for the Nintendo fc gaming platform.Seeing this, Iger couldn't help thinking of the Atari crash a few years ago.

Atari was originally a game console and software company owned by Warner Bros. The Atari 26oo game console launched by Atari in 1977 quickly became popular in the United States. At its peak, it even had one Atari game for every three American families. The popularity of the machine.

However, after the success of Atari 26oo, Warner began frantically squeezing profits from this game platform and unrestrainedly allowed various types of game manufacturers to open a large number of inferior games.Numerous inferior games flood the market and continue to consume users' patience.

In the end, the video game that Warner spent six weeks in 1982 to complete has become a fuse that caused a crash.

The original reputation of users who continue to be ruined by various inferior games and the games produced by Warner's official brand must have quality assurance. As a result, the quality is so low that people can even point out that even many of the most inferior games will not appear. bug.

As a result, Warner sold only 150,000 copies of the 4oo million cassettes prepared, and all the rest were sent to the dump for direct destruction.

But this is not the worst.

After that incident, users completely abandoned Atari.

The sales of Atari game consoles and software fell sharply in the following years. The game market size of more than US$300 million in the early 1980s shrank to US$100 million in the coldest period of 1985.

Some analysts believe that the North American video game market will take at least 2 years to recover.

However, after the short market "glacial period", Nintendo, who learned the lessons of the Atari crash, gradually filled the vacancy in the North American market after the collapse of Atari through a series of restrictive measures that strictly controlled the quality of the game through the royalty system.

In recent years, the North American video game market has begun to recover.Of course, this field has unfortunately become the world of Japanese companies.

Nancy in front of the stage finished the introduction, discussed a few words with Amy, and humbly asked Eger's opinion.

With a total budget of only US$20 million but a 28-page planning plan, Iger thought about it and asked, "Nancy, the purchase of the purchased video game requires US$20,000, but you only I plan to make this game with a budget of 50 million US dollars, can the quality be guaranteed?"

Of the total budget of US$20 million, US$20 million is used for the opening of purchased video games, US$50 million is used for production, US$30 million is used to maintain the company's daily operations, and the final US$10 million is for production and marketing after the game is completed. .

Nancy nodded conscientiously and said, "The main expense of video game development is labor, because for the first time it involves the field of video game development, I only planned to set up a studio with about 1o people in the early stage. A budget of 50 million dollars is enough."

Iger asked again: "Marvel's rank heroes are also very suitable for adaptation into games, and they are all famous, why should they choose?"

Nancy shook her head: "I tried to talk to West'Mongolian', he said no."

Iger doubted: "Huh?"

Nancy was helpless: "West'Meng' seemed to be very fond of Marvel, and gave me no room to discuss at all. I also talked to him and was rejected, and he had already packaged and sold the surrounding copyright. As it happens, the company has recently set up a live-action movie, and after I researched it, its corner'color' setting is very suitable to be adapted into a horizontal version of the fighting game. After contacting the Mirage Studio, they have not yet sold the right to open the game. , I bought it."

Iger is unfamiliar with the field of video games, and since Nancy has thought about all the issues he can think of in a short time, he has not made any hasty comments.

Everyone chatted a few more words, and it was already noon, so they rushed to the nearby restaurant to eat together.

Just recently completed the shareholding in BesTV, Nancy quickly came up with another plan, which again brought a lot of pressure to Amy.

Involved in the development of video games, Amy actually considered, but did not have time to promote.

Now that Nancy has come up with this plan, the game studio after its establishment will also be anchored in the'door' of the consumer products department, rather than the direct door of the company such as Daenerys special effects and Pixar animation.If it succeeds, Nancy’s credit must be the biggest.Even if it fails, the loss of $20 million is really irrelevant to Daenerys Entertainment.

Therefore, at lunch, although he tried not to show himself, Amy inevitably got closer to Iger.

This "sexual" gentle Aige is far from Nancy's "exquisite" power and aggressive temperament.

Obviously, Amy can't know what West'Mongolian' expects of Iger.

Nancy manages the "gate" of the consumer goods department, and its revenue scale is far from comparable to that of the TV department.Moreover, the consumer goods department's "gate" is in Los Angeles, destined to be subject to the parent company's jurisdiction at all times, far away on the east coast, the TV department's "gate" alone is completely "Fengjiang big officials" level of existence.

After chatting and chatting for a while, I was still talking about work even though I was eating.

The production of TV series under Daenerys Entertainment is mainly on the West Coast. With the advent of the TV "Spring" season, Iger will start to fly to Los Angeles every week.This time, in addition to the preparation of several TV series, there are more important things.

"About, Tom talked about it in detail when he invited me to dinner at noon yesterday. He said that if we are not willing to make a concession, abc can only reduce the number of episodes in the second season and adjust the screening period," Iger finished, noting Nancy's suspicious look explained, "Chairman ABC, Tom Murphy."

Nancy nodded and did not answer.

Amy asked, "What are the conditions?"

Ai Gedao: "The quotation of each issue is halved, and abc also needs to participate in the revenue share of the advertisement placement in the program."

Amy frowned immediately, and said, "Here, Xi Meng should not agree."

Nancy looked around and couldn't help but ask Iger: "Bob, what's our profit on it?"

As the person in charge of the'gate' of the Consumer Goods Department, Nancy is well aware of the revenue data of peripheral products.However, the company's annual financial audit is not over yet, and she does not know the total revenue scale of this phenomenal hot'door' reality show.

In the face of Nancy's inquiry, Iger did not conceal, saying: "According to last year's financial data, it was about 180 million US dollars. If the entire first quarter is calculated, it is about 250 million US dollars."

Nancy's eyes could not help but widen slightly, her red'lips' slightly opened.

She thought she might have heard it wrong, or Iger explained it wrong, so she asked, "Total revenue?"

Iger shook his head: "Net profit."

Nancy had always felt that she would not be surprised by anything, but this time she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

She exhaled slowly, and she still didn't believe it, staring at Iger intently: "250 million dollars, how is this possible?"

It is still very satisfying to let a beautiful'female' Lu's expression appear to be a man's vanity. Igle's cheek smiles a little, explaining patiently: "Compared to the TV series with only 13 episodes or 26 episodes per season There are 69 issues in one season, and the price for each period is $20 million. In the first quarter, according to the settlement rules negotiated by us and abc, after the winter break, abc has paid us the first quarter of $830 million in purchase fees Counting the extra 15 issues of $30 million before the last quarter, this part of the revenue will reach $110 million. In addition, the total revenue of in-program advertising placement is $560 million, and syndicated distribution and overseas licensing revenue is about $270 million."

Nancy gathered in a'fine' way and listened attentively, and quickly reported the final statistics: "Total income totaled 196 million US dollars, and net profit of 180 million is indeed very reasonable. God, no wonder our little boss was so splurged, Danny Liz Entertainment's financial situation has been very healthy, it is really too profitable."

Moreover, as the thinking went deeper, Nancy immediately had problems.

As far as she knows, the best operating nbc television network among the four major television networks.

The fiscal year cycle of the four major TV networks is basically calculated from the last quarter of each year.

According to GE’s public financial data, affected by the screenwriter’s strike last year, the nbc television network’s total revenue for the 1987-1988 fiscal year was $3.3 billion, but its net profit was only $310 million, compared with 3.8 the previous year. One billion dollars fell sharply, with a profit margin of less than 1o%.

After careful consideration, a season can bring Daenerys Entertainment a net profit of 250 million US dollars, but there is no problem.

The television network operates seven days a week, and the total number of prime time programs is about 20 or 30.

However, just like the films produced by Hollywood Films every year, these TV shows are definitely a small part of profit or loss, and most of them basically maintain a break-even.Coupled with the huge basic operating expenses of a nationwide'sex' television network, combined, it is already very rare to be able to make $310 million a year like nbc.

Look again, this show occupies the most golden three days at eight o'clock in seven days a week, and is an hour-long program.Because of phenomenal ratings data, the scale of its advertising revenue is exactly the same as that of the studio’s most lucrative box office breaking billions of dollars each year.

Compared with the comprehensive investment of abc operating a nationwide'sex' television network, as a producer, Daenerys Entertainment only needs to bear a total of only $2oo million in production costs and a small amount of marketing expenses in the early stage.

Taken together, the revenue scale is about 1o% of the total revenue of the TV network, but like a big low-cost high-box movie, the profit margin of this program is over 9o%.

Therefore, by occupying the highest quality resources and taking the most lucrative profits without sharing the huge operating expenses and loss-making project costs of the abc TV network, Daenerys Entertainment is naturally profitable.

Thinking of this, Nancy immediately asked Iger again: "Bob, how much can abc make in this project?"

Iger thought about it and said, "If you only count this show, it's probably $80 million."

Nancy heard the words, gazing around between Amy and Aige, tearing the corner of her mouth and making a weird grimace.

Amy and Iger were speechless.

Daenerys Entertainment earns 250 million. As the platform owner, ABC, which should be in a strong position, only has a profit space of 80 million US dollars, which is less than one-third of Daenerys Entertainment. Anyone who wants to change it must turn his face. .

Tom Murphy was able to negotiate with Daenerys in patience, mainly because abc is really inseparable.

Although the average viewing data of a single program is firmly suppressed, it is 3 episodes per week compared to 13 episodes per season.

Relying on the high ratings data, the TV network's overall ratings share, in the four major TV networks, was only slightly stronger than the emerging fox TV series vaguely showing an anti-posture.

In such a good situation, abc will never dare to abandon it.

But at the same time, if Daenerys Entertainment is unwilling to make compromises and the distribution of interests is severely unbalanced, as long as the abc management has a little foresight, this TV network will definitely get rid of its dependence as much as possible at all costs.

After everyone was silent for a while, Amy finally said: "This matter still has to be decided by Simon'Mongo, Bob, you talk to abc again, and then write a report to Melbourne."

Iger nodded, it mattered a lot, and it could only be so now.

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